Little help for solo survivors

If the survivor side cannot get a base Kindred, could survivors at least be able to see the auras of survivors within 32 meters of hooked survivors?
I dont think that was the issue..pretty sure it was the killer aura part..all in all..solos will get a massive buff sooner or later..devs are already planning it
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That seems a bit more balanced to me. This is just enough information but not exaggerating to having auras throughout the map.
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Just find players to play with, it's not that hard.
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@Ksoni That’s a double edged sword there. You’re asking for something way more powerful than base Kindred.
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If you dislike campers run kindred or bond, it's the exact same way if a killer dislikes items (Franklin's Demise) or when survivors escape (Iron grasp etc.). No side should be given any advantage simply because they're solo.