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General Discussions

Been on hiatus for a few months....

Get paired up with some tryhard red ranks SWF when I am just a lowly rank 15 that has come back.

I am pretty sure you could drop every pallet on the map without even looping it and all of the generators could have been done twice.

I forgot that this is a meme game and should never be taken seriously apparently because the game is still strongly survivor-sided because the maps are very easy to be abused, and I don't want to play the only killer that ignores all game mechanics.

P.S. Pls don't link me vids of people like zubat playing in the boosted NA region where survivors are as good as my 1-year old son at this game. Game is strongly survivor-sided if people do the gens. And I think I am going to just play survivor until they make killers other than the nurse viable. I have been playing solo survivor and this game is a cakewalk still on this side... when are they gonna make it actually challenging for them?

Imagine starcraft balanced their game around bronze league players, lol.

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  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2019

    So like that sucks and everything, but I think you seriously underestimate the NA region. I've seen Tru say this too, that EU is were like the best players are and I just don't buy it. Speaking in terms of pretty much every competitive game out there, NA usually has the best players in the world, followed by Japan (for fighters mostly) and then Latin America. EU and AUS are always trailing behind in most games. So I don't believe that suddenly NA has the worst players in this one game.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @thesuicidefox I have my personal opinion on which region has the better survivors but this aside, it also matters a lot at which time of the day you are playing. The later it gets, the more often you will face extremely good, coordinated teams.

    Watching a killer streamer play at 5 pm shows completely different gameplay from the opponent survivors than at 11 pm. I know a super good killer (not a Nurse) who recently said he is going to stop playing killer after 7 pm because it doesn't make sense anymore.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea this is true. I know for a fact in my region (NA east coast) on Xbox after 7 or 8pm you will get much MUCH better survivors because that's when they all get home from work and sign on to play (I know probably 50% of the red rank survivors/killers on Xbox, most of us know each other). It's worse on weekends because now those players get on at like 3pm. I prefer to play killer in the afternoon or early morning (like after 4am, I'm an insomniac) but sometimes if I'm feeling up for a good challenge I'll play during peak hours. Although usually I'm playing SWF at that time, so I guess I'm just contributing to the problem LOL, but that's when my friends get on to play so that's the only time I can play with them.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    No offense, but you might not be as good as you think. You haven’t played in three months so of course you won’t be doing that great.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @thesuicidefox Yup, exactly my experience (PS4 EU). Time of day is more relevant than the region.

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