Chapter: Diamond Is Unbreakable [JoJo x DBD]

Killer: Kira Yoshikage, Killer Queen / The Stand
Survivors: Josuke Higashikata
Map: Morioh
Biography, Kira:
Kira longs for a peaceful life, safe from any worry, and does not wish for it to be interrupted. Whenever that peaceful life seems assured, Kira adopts a jolly and confident demeanor. Although he is highly intelligent and possesses many talents, this yearning shows in his dislike of coming in first, and Jotaro theorizes from his many trophies that he even made it a point to never rank better than 3rd in any competition so as not to stand out. Since his youth, Kira has been avoiding standing out, living a healthy life and following a strict regimen. He becomes bothered when someone disrupts his habits and goes to extreme lengths to get it back. As his father pointed out, this will to stay in the background was so bad that if bullied or denied his favorite toy, Kira would bite his nails until they bled, being the only way he's found to express his frustration. However, beneath his façade of a simple, humble salaryman, Kira is very abnormal. The most abnormal characteristic of Kira is his frequent and periodic murderous impulses. Kira targets women, or, more specifically, women with beautiful hands. Kira possesses a hand fetish, which he discovered when he found himself aroused by the Mona Lisa's hands. However, his desire has never extended to the rest of the female person and he otherwise shuns their presence. This results in murdering random women, not caring in the least how they look like or behave, in order to acquire their (severed) hands as "girlfriends", acting as if the severed hands were actually sentient and conversing with them, even offering them various gifts. When one "girlfriend" begins to decay, he disposes of it and goes off in search of a replacement. Kira is an opportunistic killer, his modus operandi being spotting a potential victim, following her to her house, and murdering her when both are isolated.[14][15] His Stand erasing any proof, these murders are actually reported as missing persons. Moreover, Kira has expressed various other similarly violent impulses such as the desire to choke his victims to death[16] and has horribly scarred at least Reimi Sugimoto.
The Stand's Powers:
Terror Radius: 24 Metres
Speed: 110%
Weapon: Killer Queen Punch
Power: 『Killer Queen』
Power Description:
Press the power use button and hold for 3 seconds to bring out 『Killer Queen』. When 『Killer Queen』is out, Kira's body will stay at the location it is summoned and will control 『Killer Queen』. KQ can use 3 main abilities through the use of buttons:
『Heart Attack』: Send out a drone that will patrol an area for 1 minute. If a survivor comes near the drone, the drone will slowly follow them, taking a stealthy approach. If the drone comes into contact with a survivor, 『Heart Attack』will detonate and cause the Deep Wound status effect and lower 1 health state. Only 1 can be used at a time. Manual detonation allowed.
『Main Power』: Press the Main Power button to turn 1 object into a Bomb. If a survivor is using the object for more than 5 seconds while unaware of the slight ticking sound coming from it, they will be damaged and given the Broken effect. 1 at a time, manual detonation allowed.
『Bites The Dust』- Set on a 3 minute cooldown from the start of the match and can only be used once. When activated,『Bites The Dust』Will go into the nearest object, similar to the main power. Once a survivor is 70% complete with the object, a tremendously difficult skill check appears. Failing to complete that skill check will reset the object to 0 completion.
Passive: While in『Killer Queen』mode, attacks are more powerful the closer 『Killer Queen』is to Kira's body. Kira's body may be stunned and any stun done to Kira will be done to 『Killer Queen』.
The Stand Perks:
HEX: Look Over Here
Every time you use your Power and gain a score event, gain a token. Upon 3 tokens being reached, create a fake pallet nearby your location. Repeatable.
A Quiet Life:
For every 3 seconds a generator is being done in your terror radius, receive a token. Every token lowers your terror radius by 4 metres. Maxed at 5 tokens.
『Stray Cat』
Allows you to Damage / Destroy objects 30% faster.
Josuke Higashikata Bio:
Josuke is a savvy, confident and courageous teenager. Friendly and loyal, his amiable personality helps him make friends throughout the story.
Josuke's primary trait is his overall kindness, reflected in his Stand, Crazy Diamond, which repairs and heals. When he was a child, a random bystander helped save a feverish Josuke out of kindness, Josuke subconsciously reflected that kindness in him. Even upon the revelation that he was Joseph's bastard son, Josuke had thought first and foremost about the troubles he's caused to the Joestars and disregarded any claim for a heritage, only wanting to reassure his biological father that he was doing fine. Agreeable by nature, Josuke isn't as prone to violence as other JoJos and can even calmly tolerate bullying by upperclassmen or Shigechi's selfishness. Josuke is loyal to his friends and loved ones; risking his life after Koichi is hit by Keicho's Bow, and carrying Okuyasu's body while apparently dead throughout the first part of his battle with Yoshikage Kira. When his grandfather died, Josuke took it upon himself to become the protector of Morioh. Upon meeting someone in not particularly antagonistic circumstances, Josuke will generally be polite and friendly.
『Crazy Diamond』
When hit, gain a token. Each token increases the rate you heal others by 10%. Allows self-healing at 2 tokens.
Each time you successfully complete an action, heal 1 full health state.
Increases chance of becoming the Killer's obsession. If you are the obsession, allows you to punch the killer for a 70% chance of stunning them when you are within 2 metres.
I'm gonna keep working on more jojo chapters soon.
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...why not?
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I really like the concept, mainly because Kira is my favorite fictional character right now. Just because I like it doesn't mean there aren't problems with it.
The power is really cool, for one. Heart Attack shouldn't be able to be manually detonated, though. Also, it would be cool if Heart Attack moved at 90% speed, but it shouldn't be specifically stealthy, since in JoJo's Sheer Heart Attack is loud, and even sometimes talks. Primary Bomb (main power) should be called Primary Bomb, but otherwise it's great. Bites the Dust is amazing, and I love the way it was integrated into DBD, but it should probably be specified that Killer Queen cannot be used while it is active, since not everyone reading this knows how Bites The Dust works, I'm sure.
Hex: Look Over Here is amazing, really like it. I have no problems with it.
A Quiet Life is great, too. But it should be 10 seconds instead of 3. You're probably not giving Survivors enough credit on how ballsy they can be.
Stray Cat is also cool, but it's kinda boring. If it wasn't reworked, make it 15% instead of 30%. Anyways, if it were to be reworked, it could be something that decreased the charge times of powers by 10%, stun times decreased by 5%, and activation times decreased by 15%. Kind of like the original Tinkerer, but actually works on all powers (or at least most.)
Crazy Diamond works well, but it should be 5% per token instead of 10.
Hairstyled is really broken. It should probably gain 1 token for each action completed, and at 3 tokens heal 1 health state instantly after exiting a chase if injured.
DORARARA is just annoying. I'd find a completely different idea that could reference Crazy Diamond's ability to fix objects, like increasing repair speed of regressing generators by 15% for the time it was regressing.
Overall, good concept, decent execution for Kira, and alright execution for Josuke.