New-ish player, sell me on Ruin being fun as a killer.

Yes, I do mean as a killer, not going up against it as a survivor.

Fairly green player here - have had the game for a while on my account, but just recently got into it in earnest - and have picked a small selection of perks I've considered fun out of the shrine over the last few rotations. Iron Maiden, while niche, is a useful utility for my Huntress since it reloads her hatchets faster while on the side (very occasionally) provides useful information/makes Locker Dwights soil themselves. BBQ and Chili is... well, free blood points! Alongside pointing out options right when you're ready to hunt down another survivor, great to keep the ball rolling and squelch aimless wandering.

And in this rotation, one of the most recommended perks in the community no matter where I look is up for grabs. The big R. The hex totem. And, while I have the shards to grab it... I just can't find the motivation to do so. It just doesn't seem fun.

And I do mean fun. Not powerful. I've been told how necessary it is when you eventually get pushed up to higher ranks, and have felt the pressure that can mount without it already, but in my mind that means any functional killer at that point does not have four perks. Rather, they have three perk slots and a Ruin slot. And since Ruin is supposed to get found and destroyed as soon as the survivors can manage it, that means that a killer will functionally have three active perks for the majority of his gametime. I'd much rather have something which gives me a new constant or situationally activated capability than something which provides a blanket debuff I have no active hand in that goes away when someone kicks over some bones. And I'd be even willing to give it a shot if something amusing could be done with said bones -- something I could sink my teeth into and build around, like the aforementioned Huntress/Iron Maiden synergy -- but as far as I can tell despite being told to slap it on everyone the only killer who can play well off of totems is (fittingly enough) Hag. Her gimmick can turn totems into a tower defense minigame, but pretty much every other killer just has to accept that once they're chasing someone the fate of one fourth of their perks is completely out of their hands. Even Trapper, since he'd have to hoof it back in time once his defenses are disabled.

Some have even gone so far in conversations here to say that Ruin doesn't really work how it's supposed to against the best survivors, because they're so used to it by now that they can hit the harder skillchecks easily/know every possible totem spawn by heart. If true, I'd be giving up a perk slot to debilitate every opponent until the ones I intended it for, ultimately making the jump in efficiency I'd need there *even more* steep. That doesn't seem... well, fun. At all.

I know a lot of Survivors complain about Ruin, because of course it'd be annoying to them, but I'm not really seeing an appeal to it as a Killer either. It just seems like a begrudging thing sitting there which no one is particularly satisfied about, but still manage to put up with. Like Uncle Joe on Thanksgiving. Him and his ugly, ugly ties.


  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    It's fun not getting gen rushed as fast and being able to have a decent length game, at least the 15% of the time that they don't find it immediately. Not sure what this post is about really, trying to be convinced to open a perk? Why don't you just try it. Sounds more like you're a survivor main trolling ruin because you don't like it to me

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Its necessary for people who have yet to learn proper distribution of pressure between survivors, gens, map. You dont need Ruin at high ranks it's just recommended by a lot of killers who instead of learning how to play killer properly they insist ruin is needed and necessary in every killer.

    Though I still use it when I decide I would like a easy game for the match. It's highly effective at what it does unfortunately it also teaches you to ignore good time management and when to abandon chases.

    Also highly discourage the use of Bamboozle, No One Escapes Death, and Spirit Fury for the same reasons.

    Then again I'm a bit of a oddball who's willingly let the game be more difficult so I can play easier at the long game.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    It's not fun, but sadly necessary on most killers.

    Yes i know, you CAN do good without ruin, you COULD 4k many times without ruin, but it's very very stressfull and all the other times you just loose, no matter how good you do.

  • hitherefriend
    hitherefriend Member Posts: 18

    I am a ghost face/billy main billy is easy to get 4k but i really need to get ruin for ghost face thrilling tremors isn't enough to stop gen rushers

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited September 2019

    It is not fun to get your totem cleansed and going against good survivors hitting great skillchecks anyway.

    I use Thanatophobia instead, it slows down during all the match. Unlock it at Nurse's bloodweb, you don't have to play as her, just throw your points at her web...naughty ;-)

  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249

    Ruin doesn't really do anything interesting and when it gets cleansed, wether it's an early or a late cleanse, it's gonna be bad. The fun part is actually having enough time to catch decent survivors. Without Ruin, you have to constantly juggle pressure and can only commit to really good chases. With it, you can play a bit more carelessly without multiple generators being completed instantly.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    This isn't a Survivor main vs killer main post. It has nothing to do with it.

    Don't turn it into one.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    It's a solid perk that can do anything from completely shutting down survivors to doing absolutely nothing at all depending on the skill level of the survivors and if it gets found right away or not.

    If you don't feel like you need it or want to use it, then don't. It could be because you simply have an unusual build that works for you, it could be that your attitude towards the game and what you consider a good game is different to that of other people, a combination of them or something entirely different.

    Personally I use it, but not all the time. I recognize that even if it only lasts 30 seconds that might be the time I need to get someone down before 3 gens pop, but I have a pretty "casual" outlook on my performance so I prefer perks that can't be deleted from the match because it decided it wanted to chill next to a gen 1 wall away from a survivor spawn.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Hex: Ruin is a fun perk! - no killer ever.

    Seriously, no killer uses it because it's fun. And it's popular for completely different reason.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354
    edited September 2019

    "but in my mind that means any functional killer at that point does not have four perks. Rather, they have three perk slots and a Ruin slot. And since Ruin is supposed to get found and destroyed as soon as the survivors can manage it, that means that a killer will functionally have three active perks for the majority of his game time."

    Its not in your head, this is how the game is currently balanced. Unless you're playing Nurse one of your perk slots is ruin in higher ranks, period. If you consider playing Dead by Daylight to be fun, then you run Ruin so you can play it.

    "...say that Ruin doesn't really work how it's supposed to against the best survivors, because they're so used to it by now that they can hit the harder skillchecks easily/know every possible totem spawn by heart."

    You run Ruin to prevent survivors from getting bonus repairs on great skill checks at higher levels, and checking every possible totem spawn takes time. There are no 4 perks good enough at high ranks for you to not include Ruin.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    That's something a lot of people don't think about, even if survivor's run through a skill check, that's 2% of a gen that didn't get done because of ruin.

    2% adds up every single time a survivor succeeds. when you combine both the success and failures over time, the perk alone has bought you more time than any other perk in the game could possibly ever hope to do on its own.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Ruin slows down the game for the Killer to some degree. That in and of itself is not fun, but what it does is allow the Killer some more breathing room in experimenting with things that could be considered fun, as the potential gen rush can cause the game to go by in a blaze and prevent the Killer from doing anything other than setting their mind to winning as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Im not a fan of hex perks in general. Ive made that clear in other posts. Ruin for me is always a coin toss. I prefer killers like leatherface and doctor. Zero mobility basically. While i dont think doctor absolutely needs it, leatherface does. Not because its fun in and of itself. But if it takes a minute before they find and destroy it, that's a minute more time i have to play the game. The game is fun to me. Waiting 10 minutes for a game that lasts 5 sucks. Ruin can help prolong things.

    And in a game where add ons add 1/4 seconds to action speeds, literally every second delaying survivers from doing gens is a win.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well... it's not fun to have to rely on a perk, but the survivors at high ranks force you to. The question is: Can you get enough pressure while getting pressure on gens? If not, then put on Ruin. It'll buy you time to get going. It's the same thing for Corrupt Intervention.

  • UndergroundBubba
    UndergroundBubba Member Posts: 13

    I don’t know if I would call it “fun”. It’s just useful to put some stress on the survivors. You know... the handful of times it doesn’t get broken 30 seconds into a match.

    personally I’m kind of giving up on Hex perks because of that. Better to have 4 perks working for you than to be down a perk or two because RNGesus decided to place your totems in the most godawful places possible. The only one I ever bother with anymore is NOED and only on the killers I suck the most with to make doing a daily with them more bearable

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Deeming it fun as Killer?

    Well not really, it's just sitting there.

    You can't really put it to use as it's always being used.

    And then you can of course hear the noise sometimes that your Totem just got cleansed.

    With Perks like Devour Hope, Save The Best For Last, Spirit Fury+Enduring, etc. existing, in comparison, no, i would not say this Perk is fun at all.

    Getting results out of equipping might feel good, but fun? No.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    I dont think ruin is fun for killer or some survivors but some killers need to run it to try slow down gens. Simple as that, they need to slow down the gens.

    I'd say most killers dont want to run it and would rather run other perks but the way the game is they have no choice but to run it or they'll get easily beaten.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Its not a fun perk.

    Its a necessary one though unless you're using certain killers.

    I'd love to not run ruin i'd much rather use a perk that isn't just a passive but getting 5 gens done in 3-4 minutes is less fun than running ruin as killer.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited September 2019

    Definetly not a fun perk imo. You just slap it in your build and hope it does something, too passive for my taste.

    It's also good only against bad survivors and teaches killers bad habits (not applying pressure).