You're Mad At Decisive For The Wrong Reason

I see so many people crying about DS being too OP still. Their only argument is that they see "every" survivor using it.

Let's think on that for a second...

DS is an anti-tunneling perk. Nothing else. So if "every" survivor is using it and you keep getting angry about that; it only means two things.

  1. You tend to tunnel quite often if you're hit with DS as much as you say.
  2. Most people tend to tunnel quite often if "every" survivor feels the need to run it.


  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    As other people said, it's not quite an anti-tunneling perk, it's a perk that also helps against tunneling.

    Because killer can be hit with it even if there was no tunneling, survivor is healed and doing some objective.

    Plus many survivors feel that if you don't get to hit with DS, it's a waste of a perk, so they put themselves in danger as much as possible in order for a perk to be useful, worst thing about that it actually doesn't involve any trade off / risk.

    So it's more of "immunity to being hooked for one minute" than anti-tunneling perk.

  • Sackboy123
    Sackboy123 Member Posts: 465

    I always save my Decisive for end game, it is more useful when you get a free escape after getting unhooked

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2019

    @Zixology the problem, is that the timer on it is ridiculous, 60 seconds is a massive amount of time, so much so that it either gives the survivor invisibility to do a generator for a minute and combine this with say deliverance is very OP, or you chase someone else and come across the survivor again and down them, just to be caught in the end seconds of DS. either that or survivors follow you and tank a hit for another survivor, knowing full well they can just get a free escape. even worse at end game.

    now, cause it is a meta perk, imagine multiple survivors running it. its still OP, it still needs changes.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    It's not though. Think about it.

    If you're on a hook(unable to play the game), finally get off the hook, only to be put back on in less than 60 seconds of being able to play, you're not going to want to play the game anymore.

    You didn't even get to play the game. You just showed up, got tunneled to death, and wasted your time.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,883

    If you've gone after the person who just got unhooked then stand in front of the locker and either wait a minute, or wait for them to jump out and slug them if you want to tunnel them that badly. If you just happen to accidentally run into the same person who just got saved within 60 seconds, again slug them and wait out the timer.

    You have options for those 60 seconds.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899
    edited September 2019

    Ah yes, the good ol' count 60 seconds each time someone gets unhooked.

    If a survivor plays stupid with DS and goes into a locker it should still be possible to pull them out without having DS activate. It isn't a counter to wait 60 seconds for the timer to run out and grab them.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Agreed, even having the option to immediately drop them after pulling from a locker would be preferable.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    well, you did get to play the game otherwise you wouldn't be on the hook in the first place. Its not fair that the killer isnt able to hit that survivor for a full minute, in 60 seconds you can get almost a full generator done. and if its saved until EGC like some people do, its a free escape.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    If you down and hook someone else it should deactivate for the survivor imo

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    It does suck though when you dont tunnel and do get hit because in 60 seconds you have downed someone else and found them. I mean it sucks cuz you get stunned, but your usually in a winning position at that point

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,883
    edited September 2019

    If a survivor plays stupid, emphasis on stupid, and jumps in a locker then leave them in the locker. They're not doing gens. If you really want them that badly then wait them out. No different than waiting for it to wear off if you slug them.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2019

    Not a good Nurse, but I have met a few and played against a few. A good Nurse will have not only the person that saves the survivor, and the survivor was unhooked downed within the 60 seconds. Closer to around 30 maybe 45 depending on how good they are, and under 30 if they are running make your choice. That extra time while waiting on DS to run out is more than enough for them the be healed.

    Similarly, while it is nowhere near THAT efficient, I run Make Your Choice on Huntress. Logic is that when the save happens, if I am in close proximity, return to the area where they were hooked, hatchet the one who was saved, and M1 the now exposed survivor who saved them. I can do that and hook the person I hit with M1 in the time it takes DS to run out.

    It isn't a matter of 'just don't tunnel', its something that should change about the perk.

    Personal opinion, make DS like it was before, but with a few new rules for it.

    1. DS will become available to use after first hook/unhook process. (Yes, people who get camped will be salty, but that allows teammates time to do 3 gens the entire time they are camping you.)

    2. If you have DS active and the killer dribbles/drops you when the skill check has begun, you will immediately escape the killers grasp with a momentary stun (stun length of enduring pre-nerf) and keep your DS.

    Alternative. Be granted 150% movement for 2 seconds with no stun.

    Alternative to this rule overall. Allow Enduring to change the stun time and keep the skill check upon being picked up. (This would not include locker or gen grabs. Being grabbed at a window will still allow you to use DS as you were actually attempting to escape)

    3. DS will become unavailable after the end game collapse has started. (The Entity wants blood, and it sees your plan Laurie)

    Basically, if you can go the whole game without getting hooked, you are a good player, take your win and don't try to be super altruistic with using DS as your crutch of "oh they can't stop me."

    These are my opinions to better balance the perk, constructive criticism is welcome. I honestly hate DS as it is now even as a killer main, just for the sheer fact all killers have to do is slug and just wait out the timer. They nerfed the perk way too hard. I honestly didn't even feel it needed a nerf to begin with.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    It's very different. Otherwise people wouldn't bother going into lockers.

    Slugged people 99% of the time need someone else to go help them.

    People in lockers just get out when you leave

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    No, that's a bad approach. Slugging lets you switch for a guaranteed amount of time while a slugged person is recovering. Waiting out doesn't let you an option to switch without letting a person in a locker to get back to the objective. If you want to punish person in a locker ALWAYS take a DS hit. It removes DS from them, so they can't use it later, and if you're lucky you can down them again quickly enungh (if they couldn't utilize that 5 secodn stun to make a distance).

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Oh. And just an overall statement about getting tunneled, unless the killer is facecamping/camping/right there when you get unhooked. Just get better at running lols. Break that bois ankles, look around on a hook to see the nearest pallet, nearest window. Just git gud at running killers

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    It is different though. By slugging someone, you immobilize them and prevent them from doing anything without help from another survivor (or perk). This forces other survivors to waste time going to pick up the slug which means they're not doing generators.

    With DS though, you can't immobilize them. Once you leave the vicinity they're free to go. No penalty for them or their teammates.

    The easiest fix for this would be that DS doesn't trigger on locker grabs or that if you pick a survivor from a locker you have enough time to drop them on the ground before DS has a chance to take effect.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Oh. Before I forget, another overall statement.

    Just bring an Ebony Mori, can't use DS if the second you get saved you die.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    Id jusy like to say that "tunneling" is a made up thing that killers consider the best option. So to even suggest that its a anit-tunneling perks is literally saying its an anti-best choice for the killer perk

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,883
    edited September 2019

    Then don't go after the person who just got hook saved. Even if they jump into a locker. You're asking for your cake and eating it, too. You have one of two choices, don't go after the person who just got saved, even if you just accidentally come cross them again, or if you want them that badly then suck it up and wait out the DS.

    End of the day its simply not picking up someone who just got unhooked for 60 seconds. Not unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination. Proof positive that the complaints against it show that even with a nerf some people can never be satisfied.

    I think some people just want every half way decent perk to get the MoM treatment where they are rendered utterly worthless.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Which isn't actually a bad thing. Altering rulesets makes every game different... well, until perks become mandatory. hex: ruin and hex: noed do the same for survivors, they force survivors do something aside from gens. Otherwise they wouldn't have a reason, unless feeling like risking time for extra BP.

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    Look at all these tunneling killers complaining about DS. If you don't want to be hit with it then sod off and chase someone else instead of the poor sap who just got saved. Go run make your choice and chase their rescuer if you love going straight back to hook to get an easy down.

    DS is awesome now. The way its causing all this whining means its doing its job right. The tunnelers are feeling the sting. You done good, devs. This is the kind of reaction you want.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    So which perk is required to leave a locker without the assistance of another Survivor?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,036

    As Killer I always never run into DS. I run into it, when I am in a very comfortable spot and 100% can take the DS.

    As Survivor, I am at the point where I dont play without DS. Usually before I prestige a Character, I use the bigger Bloodpoint Offerings. But with two characters, I simply did not care recently, because I had no DS. So I got tunneled and was not able to use DS, because I did not have it. So what happened? I got tunneled again after the next Unhook, because the Killer knew I dont have DS.

    So yeah, I feel its necessary, sadly.

    Also, funny thing: When DS expires, the Killer will not notice that he did not have any problems with DS, because it did not get triggered. But yeah, usually EVERY Survivor is running it and EVERYTIME it will activate, because apparently Survivors have more than 4 Perks and DS has infinite time./s

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If I'm hooking people really fast but the Survivors are unhooking really fast (ex: Hook trades in the basement) as well then it is plausible for all 4 Survivors to have DS active at once.

    Is going after literally anyone tunneling here?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    And simply hitting the same Survivor twice in a row is not necessarily tunneling.

    If I hook someone. Leave and then they get unhooked. If the next person I run into happens to be the unhooked Survivor then hitting them isn't tunneling, it's just normal play.

    Tunneling is actively going after the same Survivor to the exclusion of the others. So if someone was unhooked in my face then there are 2 Survivors and I can chose which one to face.

    Downing the unhooker or trying to down both is not tunneling.

    Downing the unhooked if the unhooker runs to a strong loop but the unhooked does not is not tunneling.

    Downing the Unhooked if he goes to a strong loop when the Unhooker does not is tunneling.

    Downing the Unhooked when they both run to equally strong loops is a gray area. But if done multiple times to the same Survivor it is tunneling.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,939

    I don't see any problem with decisive except the endgame if you hate decisive that bad then don't slug and just eat the stun

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    Good idea. All other grabs can be avoided by simply lunging, even a short lunge. If a survivor manages to bait a killer into grabbing them off a gen or vault or something that's fair play, but with a locker there is no options besides "put them on your shoulder" or "leave them there non-downed".

    Should be possible to just insta-drop someone, and the devs could see if there's any way to fix the old "invalidate flashlight saves by insta-dropping" thing that made them change it in the first place as that was pretty silly.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    First if like to point out something that's was ignored. Survivors do like to play super cocky when they have DS, because they need to use it or it's essentially a wasted perk slot. This guy was right^^.

    Also, I play trapper 99% of my Killer games so here's is something that is extremely annoying:

    A survivor gets unhooked. That survivor immediately, sometimes on purpose, hits a traps nearby after I chase the rescuer. Now, should I let my trap be wasted? ######### no if I'm not about to get the other guy down. Every Trapper main knows that the easier target is the one you go for in nearly all situations. I know it's not nice, but I'm trying to win as well. Instead of getting hit by DS, I usually just proxy the area. It gives them a chance and I don't get stabbed in the dick. But then again, if it's near the last gen, I might be less nice cause I've seen enough adrenaline plays. Now I'm just in a ######### position. Risk running to the last gen and it being completed (adren on downed guy) or wait the DS out and hook and risk a gen being completed and still have DS in play after a save or eat the DS and risk (adren) survivor being fullhealed with a speed boost. So yes, at times DS can be crippling.

    On a separate note, Survivor mains act like killers don't have to deal with bullshit too and say everything is tunneling. Though, it's a little unfair to generalize so broadly. I'm trying to win, and you or your team put me in a position where you are still the best bet to target, sorry.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i am only mad at this perk when one survivor gets rescued and then just deadhards past me to farm a second survivor off another hook and then both have DS.