You're Mad At Decisive For The Wrong Reason



  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,690

    Ask Tru3 for his thoughts on the perk in a stream, and let me know what he says in response, please ;3

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    What would you all suggest to prevent tunneling instead? I see that good players use it as 1min immunity but many of us are not on that level. I don't even run the perk, but I do enjoy having something to help protect me from such behavior. It's only a minute after a hook. If I'm getting farmed or am just having an off game, I don't want to go to a hook immediately after getting off.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    I'm glad I am not alone in this thinking. I JUST had a match where a guy I did not chase jumped in a locker (heard it, didn't see it) so I went around, DS, Head on and THEN he tried to firecracker me. At that point you're not playing to have fun, you are playing to be a douche. (which I guess is fun to some)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    60 seconds of pick-up immunity isn't really an anti tunnel protection.

    There should be some extra conditional factors that limit DS. No reason to penalize a killer's momentum all because of one perk safe-guarding everyone for 60 seconds.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    When people still complain at DS in 2019. I dont tunnel. And on rare occasions i get hit with DS. On those rare occasions, its usually cause there were two same looking survivors in the game or more. So its easy to mix people up.

    if you dont tunnel, you only get hit by DS once in a while. If you pay attention to the game, you wouldnt even know DS existed anymore.

    Get hit more then once in a single game, and you were defintely tunnelling that game.

    And for the people that complain about DS being active after you chased and hooked two people in between, i guess its nice in fairytale land. There is no way that even happens. And if you are that good in the game, you could easily suck the 4 seconds of extra time that Ds gets and down then again in 10 seconds.

    Most people complain it still being up after they hooked more people. The thruth is, they never went for anyone else. Most people that tunnel, do it but are ashamed to admit it and rather put themselves as fair killers in this forum.

    But if you still complain about a perk and get hit by it, you just didnt adept to the changes of this perk. You tunnel someone and took the risk they had ds. then suck it up.

    There is a reason almost all survivors run it nowadays. Cause majority of the killers still camp and tunnel. Its why BT and DS is meta right now. And if you want it to change, stop tunnelling. As long as killers keep tunnelling as a meta, survivors will run DS as a meta.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Tbh, you'd be surprised the amount of killers nowadays that blatantly facecamp. It's surprisingly high so I run this perk.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    Btw, dont get me wrong. if a survivor wants to be cocky with me, and walk in front of me although they have just been off the hook, i hit them too. Cause a dwoned survivor still is wasting time on the floor. But i just dont go hook them. I just pressure the gens or continue my chase i was in when that person walked in front of me. And let them be picked up.

    By that time, i usually have downed someone else already. And gave them a fair chance in the game.

    I also read in another thread that people go back to the hook cause they dont know where other survivors are...stupidest thing i ever heard. the only place where you will find survivors too are gens. So just patrol them and you will find a different survivor while making sure you dont get "genrushed". Going back to the hook instead of checking the gens and then complain about nuts.

  • gamer123
    gamer123 Member Posts: 10

    Here's a solution. Change DS back to its original form bc you're gonna cry no matter what, so what difference does it make.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited September 2019

    Agreed...Viable killers (in my opinion) against a strong competent SWF group are Nurse, Spirit, Hag, and Billy. Every other killer can EASILY get stomped. Even Hag and Billy’s viability goes down a little. Spirit and Nurse just don’t care what group they are against.

    Huntress is good, no doubt...but all maps are terrible for her and she has almost zero map control. Freddy is way better than he was before, still can’t compete with the top tier killers though. I love Plague and think she can do really well but I can get stomped by a good group with her.

    Also, I dunno why people complain about players using meta perks. If course they’re gonna use DS, Balanced Landing, Adrenaline, and Iron Will. Just the same as killers will use Ruin, BBQ, Enduring, and Spirit Fury (the basic ######### build). Both sides can do stupidly powerful things. A lot of players forget that Prayer Beads, Omega Blink, Iridescent Head, and Ebony Moris exist.

    In short...DS shouldn’t be an issue.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited September 2019

    Bbq and enduring/fury are overrated ruin however if you don't use it usually 2-3 gens will pop and you'll lose quick unless your using noed/blood warden and even then noed is getting nerfed in the form of inner strength when stranger things drops but ds is a problem where it gives any downed survivor in an obsession game free 60 seconds of pseudo immunity and an auto lose in egc

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited September 2019

    Agreed. I think all those killer addons you mentioned and insta saw Billy should either go or be nerfed. I think Prayer beads Spirit, multi blink Nurse or an Iri head Huntress is far more problematic than current DS. It's really not that big of a deal in my opinion. I face strong red ranks all the time with all 4 running DS and I hardly get hit by it, and even if I do it doesn't cost me the game or a kill unless it's endgame with gates opened. People just blow things out of proportion - and let's also talk about the fact that solo queue is awful.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Decisive should be 50 seconds long to counteract survivors using it to aggressively bum rush hooks or be a get out of jail free card at the EGC

    DS is incredibly healthy for the game as it's intended purpose as an anti-tunnel tool. But good grief 60 seconds of invulnerability from hooks

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157

    DS isn't the best perk. If anything Adrenaline is, the whole gen rush meta and no healing is mostly based around it for 4 man SWF at red ranks. It's literally a big leg the whole gen rush meta stands on. DS is a strong perk, one of the best but isn't broken. It just stops tunneling and you from getting absolutely stomped. But to each their own, I'm not gonna keep going back and forth over DS. It's not going anywhere so it's best to learn to play around it. No amount of threads or complaining will get it changed. Devs have much bigger things on their plate.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    There needs to be some anti-tunneling protection on this game. And as far as killers go, they can't all compete with the top tier. They're very strong and the devs have stated that they won't make killers that strong anymore, otherwise each killer would constantly have to be buffed to bring them up, making an endless cycle of increasingly stronger killers. Doing so would only hurt a vast portion of the playerbase who aren't at the top rank anyway. I mean skill-wise, not game wise. Even I get R1 survivor if I play enough before the reset.

  • Ersh
    Ersh Member Posts: 40

    I still don't see whats wrong with simply making it deactivate again once someone else has been hooked after you were unhooked. At that point its no longer an anti-tunneling perk and instead an immunity perk, meaning it's fixes the major issues being debated from both sides.

    Survivors: Being tunneled by killers after unhook as they're injured and closer to death hook

    Killers: Survivors use DS to become not just tunnel immune but completely pick up immune for a full minute even if they aren't being tunneled

    If I'm missing something, please let me know so I can develop my opinion on this matter further.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,114

    An anti-tunneling perk is needed. DS as an anti-tunneling perk is good. However, it shouldn't activate on grabs--if the killer grabs you off of a gen or an attempted hook save, or grabs you out of a locker, you're the one who did something wrong--and it should deactivate if another survivor has been hooked. If the survivor with DS is slugged at the time when someone else is hooked, then the timer countdown continues as normal, to prevent killers from trying to abuse the mechanic.

    That seems fair.

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2019

    When the reworked DS is just released, many people complain that the duration is too short, the timer needs to stop while survivors is downed etc.

    Now many people also complain that the duration is too long.

    What's wrong with you guys???

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    No one is salty about the anti-tunnel aspect of DS, but the fact if you down and hook another survivor and then still get hit by DS because you play to efficiently or the DS-user shoves himself into your face with no real options against it (besides Mori, that can be negated by lockers...).

    Especially frustrating if you down and hook another survivor and the DS-User got healed and you down him again...

    You target someone else, let him heal up and DS is still active...that's BS.

    That's why the majority don't like DS.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
    edited September 2019

    It’s quiet sad that surviours have to use ds in the first place, it shouldn’t be a perk we have to carry