I cant believe how crazy good iron will is

Seriously , doesnt matter the killer..I've ghosted more killers with this perk than I have with any other except lithe , and vs spirit ? Oh my God XDD I just cant man..whew..
Only on levels > 13. We play in red and purple ranks here.
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I'd only find it useful on the really loud survivors like Jake, Jeff, Laurie, Jane, Ash etc. They badly need Iron Will. Since I main Dwighty boy, I don't really need it.
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Iron Will is Godlike with Spirit and Nurse since they heavily rely on sounds, Spirits are so easy to juke once you make no noises and can easily screw them over
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It's excellent in red ranks. I have no clue what you're talking about. Although I think you're saying that to make yourself feel superior?
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It can help, but anything other than a get away for free card.
However, I always run Iron Will.
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Really ? You sounds like a purple ranker personally..didn't realize rank 1 wasnt red ranks 0.0
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I dont think even he knows lol
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I'm also a fellow dwight and it may not seem like it but it helps massively
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Iron Will is criminally underrated. You can gain so much distance even at basic jungle gyms if the killer messes up a mind game because he can't hear you.
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Its insanity dude...
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Yep, plenty of good off meta perks. Another good combo imo is Lithe + Dance With Me.
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Dunno it's still really helpful man..makes me harder to track down
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That would indeed be quite good
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Yup, pretty much the only way you'll counter my headphones while injured.
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As an experienced spirit, I can tell you that Iron will is great. Unless the person is running while injured or by grass.
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Yeah it's sorta dependant on where the person is but in general, or atleast for me and I have great headphones - I can't hear people walking on the dirt. Now if they're on something metal or breathing loudly from running yeah.
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I don't know about Iron Will, I usually find that when i use the perk it never does much for me as I just run bond and look for teammates when i have the time. Its good against spirit, but I don't like running perks just to counter one killer. I also play on console so Nurse players are few and far between, and usually fall for some of the most basic jukes.
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He's probably trying to boost his ego XD
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Yeah we sniff them out from the footsteps and grass moving, but most Spirits are bad.
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Totally agree. I honestly feel incredibly "naked" without it.
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Ikr. I can't play without it because I'm always getting found after an unhook, but with it, I'm like a ninja.
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It is easily a top 3 survivor perk.
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To their credit spirit is hard without sound..scratch Mark's are buggy and delayed
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Good in low ranks and against Nurse or Spirit, anywhere else? nah.
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Let's agree to disagree
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The reason it's underated is most prefer to run the killer rather than try to escape them and can't fathom that stealth can be viable.
I always run iron will it's my one go to perk, it's amazing how many times corner juking works.
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It may be good if you're running a stealth build but I always take the Aggro so Iron Will is pointless to me when I make the Killer chase me. Sometimes they leave, sometimes they don't.
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It's good in any situation , hence why I praise the perk for it's simple but surprisingly diverse usage
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If you listen for the footsteps, it's actually easy. I main her so I'd know. Although after my break I've been left on low ranks. But I remember how easy it was even at rank 1 if the sounds worked and I sniffed them out from footstep noise.
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yup, iron will is a perk that is actually worth using, and it will always have a place in my builds. especially cuz half of my matches are spirit.
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Sure you can still do that..but it's not always reliable and also you still have to worry about pallets and windows
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It is always reliable unless the sounds are bugged as hell. The pallets and windows can be avoided easily while you listen out.
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Different surfaces have different sound levels , so technically no..and yes but that's the mind game with the pallets and windows