How many points can you get in one match?
With killer or survivor, saying with perks, offerings, add-ons and every other aspect, how many points is it possible to get in one game technically? I was wondering because I was having this discussion with my girlfriend and it seemed to be a pretty interesting topic. It's not to say anyone will ever score this many points in one match, but it was just an interesting thought of how many it was actually possible to get.
The most points you can score without any bonuses is 32,000 (not including some events that increased the cap, but were separate and hard to multiply)
The highest offering you can have is the Gateau from the anniversary - a bonus 103% bloodpoints. Multiply this by 5 players for +515%.
You can either use We're Gonna Live Forever or Barbecue and Chili for an extra 100%.
The total up to this point is 100% (base) + 515% (gateaus) + 100% (point perk) = 715%, or 228,800.
If you add double bloodpoint events, that's an extra 32,000 (+100%) for 260,800 bloodpoints. There was a triple bloodpoint event back in August 2017, which could make for a theoretical total of 292,800 points.