Killer Idea- The Brothers (constructive criticism appreciated)

TotesRider Member Posts: 21

For reference

Tim- Big Guy

Tom- Little Guy

The Brothers

Real names: Tim and Tom Gustav

Ages: 26

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Origin: New Jersey

Weapons: Fists (Tim), Scissors (Tom)

Bio: While Tim and Tom may be biologically twins, their appearance could say otherwise. Affected by some bizarre birth defects, Tim was afflicted with a form of gigantism while Tom had mild signs of dwarfism and by the time they reached adulthood, Tim was a full seven feet tall while Tom was stuck as a four foot tall height.

When their deformities became more pronounced, their parents became disgusted and sold them away to a traveling freak show.

Despite being tossed by their original family, the brothers soon found a new home and a new, more loving, family. The freaks accepted them as though they were blood and the two became the popular ‘Bizarro Twins!’ Tim dazzled the crowd with his feats of strength while Tom astonished with his amazing agility.

But one day, the freak show set up shop in a rather religious town, a town who was convinced that the freaks were agents of Satan. In the dead of night, a crowd gathered and began killing off the freaks. The brothers cowarded in a small outhouse, watching their beloved family being slaughtered.

Almost as if some force was whispering to them, the brothers took up arms and together killed off each and every one of their assailants. As the night wore on, they finally noticed the sound of police sirens making their way to the scene… and with that they began to march through the thick woods… soon finding themselves in a bizarre world. No matter what this place had in store, as long as Tim and Tom were together, NOTHING would stand in their way.


Sic ‘Em!: By default, the player will always control Tim. By pressing the power button, Tom will jump down from Tim’s shoulder and begin patrolling the area within a 32 meter radius. While Tom doesn’t have a terror radius, he does emit the Red Stain, also survivors can hear faint audible chuckles and taunts if Tom is nearby

When a survivor steps within the Red Stain, Tom will let out a shriek before chasing the survivor and jumping onto them, repeatedly cutting and stabbing them. During this time, the Survivor can attempt a series of skill checks to knock Tom off. If another survivor drops a pallet on a Survivor with Tom on them, Tom will automatically be knocked off.

When Tom is on a healthy survivor for fifteen seconds, the survivor will be put into the Injured state. If Tom is still on them for an additional twenty seconds, the survivor will be put into the dying state after which Tom will retreat back to Tim.

Any sort of noise (Pallets, Missed Skillchecks, etc) within Tom’s Search radius will immediately draw his attention.

When a Survivor is attacked by Tom, Tim will receive a notification and will gain a significant movement speed buff for thirty seconds.

When Tom returns to Tim, the power will go into a 30 second cooldown.

Add On ideas

Rusty Scissors: Survivors attacked by Tom will suffer from the mangled status effect.

Mountain Spirits: One of Tom’s favorite wines. Tom’s search radius will be slightly increased

Torn Flyer: An old flyer of the freakshow. When Tom is knocked off a survivor, the survivor’s aura will be revealed for 4/8/12 seconds

‘The Ol’ Switcharoo’ (Ultra Rare): A tattered piece of paper detailing one of the Brothers’ most popular acts. When Tom is sent out, Tim’s terror radius will be reduced to zero, however Tom will begin to emit his own terror radius.

Iridescent Scissors: Survivors hit by Tom will be put into the dying state. However Sic Em's cooldown will be significantly increased


Gotcha!: After 45 seconds, the killer can press the action key to lock a nearby pallet. That pallet cannot be dropped for 30/60/90 seconds. Only 5 Pallets can be locked at once.

“See that’s why i’m the thinker!” ~Tom

Rigged: At the start of the Trial, all chests will be Rigged. While a survivor searches a rigged chest, 3/4/5 skill checks will occur. If a survivor misses any of these skill checks, an explosion will go off, alerting the killer and reducing the item’s usage by 35%/40%/45%

“Don’t worry bro… I left ‘em a little somethin’ somethin’.” ~Tim

Peek a boo!: If a survivor hiding in a locker is within the killer’s terror radius, the killer will receive an auditory hint of their location

“Hey hey hey! He's here!” ~Tom

Mori: Tom repeatedly stab the survivor's back before they're grabbed by Tim and slammed into the ground with a loud bone shatter