3 killer perk ideas with the new 2 status effects
Blind Sight
You can disappear and reappear out of nowhere, catching survivors off guard. When losing a chase you gain the undetectable status effect for 10/15/20 seconds and your field of view is increased by 5/7/10 degrees. You lose the Undetectable status effect when you start another chase.
Mind Focused
You want your pray dead with no evidence. You become obsessed with 1 survivor. For each time you hit your obsession you gain a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens.
1 token - All other survivors that are not your obsession get the oblivious status effect until a chase is started by then the status effect is removed and gained back again when they are out of a chase.
2-3 tokens - Each token gain a 2%/3%/4% haste effect
5 tokens - Your obsession gets the exposed status effect and you can kill them by your own hand.
This perk becomes deactivated when your obsession dies.
Hex: Dead Vision
A hex rooting its power to Survivors minds. Whenever a Generator is complete or a totem is cleansed, survivors within 8 meters of the generator or totem become oblivious for 40/50/60 seconds. When this totem is cleansed you become undetectable for 40/60/80 seconds. You lose the undetectable status effect when starting a chase, but get it back when losing a chase. Survivors lose the oblivious status effect when starting a chase, but get it back when losing a chase. Oblivious goes away if a survivor goes into the dying state.