My thoughts on the new killer

Haven’t played or versed him but this is what I’ve got:
He has a good lunge and his traps are decent.
People complain about his 3-gen strat potential and his lunge.
Nerfing his lunge would probably mean buffing his teleport ability.
Buffing his teleport ability would mean he’d be OP in 3-gen strats.
Imo the new killer doesn’t need a single change at all and the devs did a good job just from the information I’ve seen + vods.
If the devs released him with a bad lunge and good teleports... people would ask for his teleports to get nerfed and in exchange the devs would buff his lunge... people would appreciate what the devs have done more after this.
The difference is the devs completely skipped this step and I feel like that’s lead people to not appreciate the end result that the killer is at now... he’s fine.
The lunge is hard to use and hard to dodge... I really think the devs did alright.