camping hooks

So listen. for all the cry babies stop sending the killer messages while they're playing cause you get hook camped thats just lame tell your friends to stop being fabio we see them behind that box! we know if we move you get saved so guess what you guys are causing the hook camping its on you! go turn on the generators and leave! -your favorite hook camper on xbox dirtygloveoj
''dirtygloveoj'' is that the randomly generated name? I'm picturing work gloves just dripping with orange juice.
I'm PC and PS4 so I'm not complaining about your camping techniques, people criticize me for my Basement technique.
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What is your basement technique? And do you think it would work for the Trapper?
I haven't had any complaints about my playing for days now 😥😥😥
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I've camped out 4k's for maybe 14 of the 16 games I played on Xbox today, got tons of hate messages for it. When ruin is dead in the first 30 seconds of the game and by the time I down someone the first gen is done? Yeah, it's camping time. It's literally the only strategy at red ranks that I can think if you want 4ks. Maybe play nurse or spirit but nah, even I won't stoop that low.
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Well I mostly use the Basement with Freddy but I am hoping to do it with Trapper soon. I just switched to PC last week. I got introduced to Basement plays by Monto on Youtube, he has a whole series about Trapper's Basement.
Basically you use Agitation and Iron Grasp to get them there, place traps at the window, bottom of the stairs, and around the corner of the entrance.
The best add-ons for it are Iridescent Stone so if someone disarms your traps you don't need to redo them and either a Bag add-on, Honing or Bloody Coil.
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I always run with those perks anyway. I'm gonna give it a shot and see if I can't earn some heat.
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Camping at red ranks? You won't be red ranks for long, and it's less than believable to claim that you're already there.
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People on the forums always say that camping doesn't work like that in red ranks... I'm only rank 10 and often even the green ranks won't fall for it.
It's awesome to hear of somebody having great success with it.
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At the start of the game, all the pallets are up, so it takes some time to get the first guy, unless they mess up or depending on killer/powers. Swapping targets means the others won't know which pallets are still up so you have a somewhat easier time. I know I go down fast at the end of the game when I run all around and can't find pallets, especially in the wide-open maps like Shelter Woods or corn fields.
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I camp at red ranks literally every game. Wiping out plenty of full rank 1-2 lobbies of survivors. I bounce between rank 1 and rank 2 depending on how the entity feels.
If someone goes in the basement early they are dead, simple. I have no problem sacrificing 2-3 gens to secure a kill once someone goes down early game. It is easily the best strategy to secure wins in this game. There is no time to go chase to chase when the games last 5 minutes. Either they trade for the unhook or the survivor on the hook dies.
I run NOED in case things go south, since there's always like 3-4 adrenaline I never feel bad about it. If you don't think camping works you are not doing it right.
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I typically play ghostface, so survivors never even know I am camping until it's too late. If you get a good hook you can stand on the high ground and stalk so you know if anyone is coming for the save, then instadown them once they actually go for it. Peeking around a corner at the hook can work as well, but that's only if you want a trade. You really want to camp out the first person you down until half so then you can tunnel them to dead easily; straight through DS. Works almost every time.
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Do people honestly think getting to rank 1 is that hard? It is easy most people honestly don't want yo
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@MathiaStef Camping usually means you won’t get a pip.
I think that’s what @ElusivePukka is referring to.
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Yup. Exactly what I meant.
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Have fun with decent players then. xD Sweaty swf will have the gates opened after one of them died on the hook.
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So basically everyone is just too bad to play in a fun way so they decide to ruin everyone else's game.
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I don't try and I've managed to end up in rank 10... I can only imagine the salt I would receive if I took this game as seriously as a lot of people seem to.
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Probably a reference to OJ's trial where the case was hit hard with a massive oversight on getting OJ to try gloves on while wearing latex gloves making it seem like they didn't fit.
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Theres no way that name is randomly generated... It also has nothing to do with orange juice...
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Please, I have 4k'd against some of the "best" SWF stacks in the game. Monto's squads, the "depip squad", and many other full rank 1 lobbies with multiple streamers in them.
The "depip squad" was the most satisfying of them all because they actually disconnected against me, which I found hilarious. Tombstone myers will do that though.
When I see SWF is when I break out the mori's, tombstones, beads spirit, etc etc. It's a different game but I can assure you that camping is still an integral part of it.
In fact my favorite tactic years ago used to be just facecamping hooks with wraith an a mori, the second they get unhooked bam mori. Not BT procs, no DS procs, and with a good angle they can't bodyblock your hit at all. Just instant death. Try it sometime.
Ghostface does exactly the same thing, and it works against any SWF group almost just as well unless they are all running object of obsession.
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Prove. I can't believe that. 🤣
Even Solos at rank 7 understand, that you don't go for saves in Bubba's Basement. SWF just genrush facecamping idiots. They're on coms remember (me).
Define camping. Staying near a hook because you know that a minimum of two other survivors is near is no camping. Staying near a hook for no reason is camping.
I'm actually playing in red ranks too.
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So basically you're saying that you suck at killer lol
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There are a large hunk of things here that make little to no sense. Proof would be pretty nice though, a video or something would be great so you can show off your legendary camping strategys. Possibly show off your build and stuff and explain how you are doing so well or something since words are pretty useless.
Note: Not siding here, I could care less if people camp. This just seems a little "My dad works at microsoft" like to sound true.
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Camping is a good way to depip.
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Ok you can stop now. We already see what type of player you are. It's already clear
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I would like to see gameplays so I can master the ways of the camp
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no you are just bad.
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your all embaressing. dirtygloveoj is a refrence to oj simpson thats my gt on xbox if you want to join the fan mail i get every day along with getting reported i dont care survivors in dbd are the biggest cry babies in the world its disgustinf but i love it cause they want you to play to their style lso they can win its hillarious and if you dont you get reported and hate mail like haahha arit man arit go explain to your mom why your yelling
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While I will agree that any time I am kept near a hook it's cause the others are looping around it, I can not condone your tone and insults to survivors. I am a Killer main, and have been BM'ed alot (I main Legion after all) but have met enough good survivors that your tone sickens me.
IF you don't believe me, I have hours of footage of me playing Killer.
Have Fun in the Fog.
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But it's fun to message people when you get camped and send them silly things like "There were no smores. 1/10 camping trip."
I play on ps4 and most people who camp have messages turned off but the ones who have them on usually get more mad than anything when you send them silly stuff like that, it's weird.
People on ps4 are sometimes weird though, I had a guy get mad at me for using perks on the doctor that didn't belong to him.
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If they get mad at silly comments like that they were probably "playing for salt" and they hoped for an angry message wishing them harm or something, not a fun and silly message like that 😄
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killers like you needs a punishment
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if you arent confident in winning without camping you need to git gud :)
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ewww who camps in 2019!
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His name is dirtygloveoj because when OJ Simpson was accused of murder the thing that proved him not guilty was a dirty glove covered in blood that didn’t fit him
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Ah so if I loop a killer for 5 gens and they camp me on one hook I'm bad? Sure.
You also said something along the lines of survivors being crybabies and going off to their moms saying why they're telling? Kind of rich coming from someone with such childish arguments but ok.
Camping is a toxic behaviour, and if you're going to complain about survivors being crybabies, then at least be fair and mention that killers usually camp when they're mad.
TL;DR stop being childish and recognise toxicity is everywhere here and not just in one group. Merry Christmas