Blood Warden

Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

Are there any plans for buffing Blood Warden?
Since the timing between the opening of the gate and leaving is to short.
Making it an activatable perk by pressing a button like E, 1 or 2 would make it perfect.


  • MeowLux
    MeowLux Member Posts: 80

    @Tsulan said:
    Are there any plans for buffing Blood Warden?
    Since the timing between the opening of the gate and leaving is to short.
    Making it an activatable perk by pressing a button like E, 1 or 2 would make it perfect.

    Any buffs to killer would be immediate outcry from survivors of "2 op plz nerf I cant escape every match". Then it would get nerfed and probably become a hex perk like NOED because NOED totally needed a counter that made it a waste of a perk slot if the survivors had half of a brain. >_<

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @MeowLux said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Are there any plans for buffing Blood Warden?
    Since the timing between the opening of the gate and leaving is to short.
    Making it an activatable perk by pressing a button like E, 1 or 2 would make it perfect.

    Any buffs to killer would be immediate outcry from survivors of "2 op plz nerf I cant escape every match". Then it would get nerfed and probably become a hex perk like NOED because NOED totally needed a counter that made it a waste of a perk slot if the survivors had half of a brain. >_<

    It´s a shame that killer perks are so weak, while survivor perks are so strong that they can 1vs1 the killer.

  • MeowLux
    MeowLux Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2018

    Try to compare killer perks to survivor perks. Good luck, because I can't find any killer perks that are as powerful as survivor perks. Maybe NOED back when it wasn't a hex perk, but now it's a wasted perk slot if survivors know to expect it. Ruin can be powered through, also a hex perk, imo Ruin makes it easier to hit great skillchecks. BBQ has multiple counters. Basically any killer perk that survivors say are "op" isn't even close to the power level of survivors.
    Ik you can disable DS by waiting to hook or dropping at the right time, but that requires a bit of timing and isn't 100% every time. DS a perk that lets you escape for free when you made several mistakes. Where's a killer perk that let's you instantly hook somebody after you injure them? Where's a perk that gives us the ability to see where the survivors are always when they are outside of our terror radius (excluding Freddy). Where's our perk where we can with a tap of a button do a Hillbilly charge for 3 seconds with 40 second cooldown? Where's our add-ons that completely change the pace off the game for each killer? If you can use BNP or Insta-heals on any character then why can't we have/use ultra rare add-ons that give us the ability to one-shot every survivor or completely regress a gen of our choosing by doing something?
    Yeah I overextended this a bit, but you get the point. In an asymmetrical game with a 1:4 ratio. The person on their own should have the most powerful things in the game. Instead it's the opposite. The balance is absurd in every corner of the game. Add-ons, perks, mechanics basically everything.
    Edit; Btw this wasn't to contradict anything you said, just wanted to point out a few things that I can think of right away that make the balance a complete joke.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Tsulan said:

    Since the timing between the opening of the gate and leaving is to short.

    Maybe if Blood Warden blocked both the end of the exit gate area and the exit gate switch if the exit gate wasn't already opened would be a great buff to Blood Warden!
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    My suggestion for bloodwarden would be pretty simple, and would fit its name.
    Everytime you hit a survivor while the barrier is active, it makes the barrier to last longer.
    Now that could be actually fun.