Ghostface is unbalanced

So I was playing a match on PTB, The game map versus a Ghostface. After i got unhooked with borrowed time and also got a hit, I went into deep wounds. After running to the pallet in the big room with the hole in the corner of it, with the long table pallet to mend myself, the killer came for the chase as he downed the other guy and i was the last one. After like 15 sec or so, he decided to crouch and activate his ability behind the table so i cannot look at him. I simply got downed cause he didnt have a terror radius anymore. Even if i would have started to mend right away or run away from the loop, i think it wouldnt change anything. He could move with his ability on, with my bar still decreasing and i wouldnt be able to look at him while trying to loop. If i would run away to another loop and mend there, the cycle would repeat and i ll end up getting downed bcs of the deep wounds, wont I? I think it s just unfun for the survivor side. Im both killer and surv main, but i play more survivor because of my friends and all...
situations like yours make me question why the mending pause isn't based on how close you are to the killer and not the terror radius. same with borrowed
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It seems like you got killed in a very big brain strategy. I'd say ghostface is one of the most balanced killers in the game, this one instance dosn't change make him unfair. This little combo against borrowed time is a flaw in the perk, not a ghostface issue.
Maybe if this issue was rampent and everybody was noticing that it didn't work against ghostface 100% of the time i'd be on your side, but this seems pretty specific.
And I mean.. unhooks aren't free, borrowed time isn't supposed to be a guaranteed way to get away from the killer every time. If they weren't using borrowed time you would have just gone down sooner outright.
And I don't really see what you are asking for, a borrowed time buff? A ghostface nerf? Either of those seem far fetched.
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In the post i meant that the situation i was in makes the survivor lose hope for hatch or escaping, like, what do you have to and run from the killer if you ll die lol. You run from killers not to die, it comes from itself lmao. Dont get me as one who only wants to survive, dont get me wrong it s simple as it. Also I didnt say borrowed gives you 100% freedom, it s just that it s unfun to play like that. In terms of changes, i ought for some change on deep wounds just bcs of these kind of things.
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So wait.
A killer countered a perk and you said thats unbalanced?
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Yeah, I get where you are coming from. But what I am mainly trying say here is that regardless of what happened I am pretty sure you were going to die, you guys got caught fair and square, I don't see what the developers are supposed to change to make this situation not occure, you know what I mean? If you got borrowed time since he hit you, and he got your bud then you are basically screwed if he finds you already. He was able to identify that you can't run away or you'll die and that he can abuse the fact that he is a stealth killer to get the borrowed time to kill you I think he deserves the kill.
I can't see a change that could occure to borrowed time or a change to ghost face that would allow you to somehow to escape that isn't borderline broken or overpowered.
Look at it from the killers perspective. You get unhooked and he tries to farm you, didn't work. He hunts down your friend and kills him. then finds you, dieing to borrowed time. Unless the hatch spawns right ontop of you why wouldn't he deserve the kill?
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I'm actualy pretty sure that it works on being in a chase as well, if you are in a chase or are in their terror radius it doesn't count down. The reason why this whole thing happened is that ghost face can remove his terror radious and he was hiding from the survivor so it didn't count as a chase.
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yeah it does, but as u can see there are still some problems on when to pause the mend timer. going down in the same way OP did just feels like release-legion cheese
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Wraith can do literally the same thing by cloaking and he even better at countering BT than Ghost Face because you can't break him out of stealth. So Wraith is unbalanced too ?
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Because if a stealth killer tried to sneak up in you without a TR and it stopped moving, you'd know they were there. Effectively eliminating their stealth.
This is more of a BT problem that GF. Pig amd wraith could both do this.
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that's a small price to pay to completely get rid of release-legions tactics. it's the most boring and uninteractive way to die and an underserved hook for the killer imo
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I said earlier that i wasnt talking about a buff for borrowed and i didnt even complain about the perk. I said that i ought for a change of deep wound effect for these kind of situations. It doesnt seem normal, even if the killer is a stealth based, it s simple as you cant have any chance to do anything about it. Also, you can find the hatch by going from loop to loop
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As is having half of the point of a killer negated if a survivor looks at their HUD.
It's also a better alternative than being immediately put back on hook. You have a chance.
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It used to be simply timed. Even if you were chased, youd go down. This version is fine.
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except you really don't. your best bet in the OP's situation is running in front of the killer to put yourself in chase so you dont just fall on the floor mid chase.
also, the mend bar pauses while mending, so you wouldn't notice a sneaky killer through your hud (unless you weren't mending outside of a certain range of the killer for whatever reason).
edit: oh, and those are hardly comparable. losing out on your stealth ability still gives u fair chance at catching the survivor in a chase. not being able to do anything as survivor and just having to die because u had to mend while killer was 5 meters away isn't fair in the slightest
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Pig and wraith are not the same, for wraith, you can have a flashlight or start mending to make him get out of his cloack, also, it takes time to do so and if you re at a pallet, it s your avdvantage. In pig's case, if she goes stealth mode, you can still try to mend to make her activate her ability or down the pallet and stay on a safe spot to make her charge. Ghostface is just too easy literally activating the ability and crouching in no f time, also, he can spam crouch.
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This is not just ghostface, also the Pig can do stuff like that. People call it bad game design. They should fix this, it is kinda gamebreaking and very annoying for the survivor.
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It s not all about the perks or who deservers the kill or win i guess, it s just whether the chase is fair or not. Ghostface is the single killer that can do this as good and easy with no actual counter to get him out of stealth mode, cuz, ill repeat myself, he can spam crouch and wait hidden behind an object chilling. If you try to mend however, he ll simply attack you again and repeat this until you re dead
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read above your comment bro
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Tbh I think it s about both killer and survivor having a fair experience in a chase. The killer having the possability to catch the survivor by simply mindgaming and using his ability and the survivor looping and trying to survive as long as possible. Deep wound effect should not disturb the chase by actually being used by the killer this way, imo it s not fair, nor fun for the survivors to have nothing to do against it, just run and eventually getting downed...
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Pig can mindgame you ez on the pallete just wacth scorpionz at twitch. Wraith can bait to drop the pallet and say in stealth mode.
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Does the game count ghostface being in the stealth ability and in a chase? i dont remember being like this. Right after he went into stealth mode, my bar started to go down during the chase...
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Even hag can counter that with the add on Grandma's Heart and delete the BT before you can use it
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it all depends on survivors to juke the pig when ambushing, and the wraith trying to bait the pallet lol.
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So, when you enter stealth you can still be in a chase, but what I imagine happened here was you said he was crouching around the cover so you couldn't see him? That was him trying to break line of sight so it wouldn't count as a chase, but of course when you leave he'd follow you and try to hit you.
It's similer to the OG legion chasing backwards kinda thing but it's not an exploit, it's intended. (At least I think it is.)
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we re talking about survivors being in deep wound effect and ghostface using it against them unfairly imo. The title is "Ghostface is unbalanced" for the simple fact that he can use his stealth ability too fricking easy to make you bleed out of deep wound.
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I dont know man, i ll try and test it with ghostface chasing me and suddenly going stealthy to see the result
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That happenens on wraith aswell thats nothing new lol
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I dont like it when new ppl come and dont take a bit of time to read above and just comment:)))
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Actually not really, breaking out of a chase and staying ontop of someone can be really hard, an example would be PWYF. You find your obsession and chase then unchase, usualy by runnign away. You need to do the same thing but without running away by breaking line of sight for such an extended period of time that the game considers the survivor losing the ghost face. If he follows you for a bit and he is in your line of sight it will count as a chase. If he is usuing his power and you can't see him, it's probably not a chase.
Overall this isn't a rampent problem, I play survivor alot and always use BT and I have never seen this happen. Ever. I main spirit and ghostface and have never been able to pull this off, even when I try. Right now it just looks like he outplayed you with game knowledge, and it worked. It's not like awnyone can pick up ghostface and immediately do it. And it's not even like he has to do with anything deep wounds related, that's just the way that deep wounds works.
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Listen here your problem is you think this is unfair that for same reason you should have the upper hand but this is not how it's work. What happened, in this case, is a killer USE everything he has in order to kill the survivors ( the main objective for the killer ) and drain them from any HOPE they have ( lore too). If you think that's unfair then the devs should change DS from lockers and many other things like this.
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With Ghost Face you can just camp a pallet and start mending and if he tries to hit you, you put the pallet down. Remember, any attacks will break GF out of his stealth and put it on a cooldown, and in that time, the bar from Deep Wounds won't go down.
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I just tested it. Appearently, if you have deep wound effect, you re being chased by a ghostface and he enters in stealth mode, it doesnt count it and the bar is still going down. The chase music will still be there, the chase will still occur, but the game says that there is no terror radius cuz he has the stealth mode active and decreases your bar. it s not that big of a game knowledge, it s just that you can be in a chase and enter into stealth mode and hide from the survivors in a way he cant get you out of it and decrease his deep wound bar. I ve recorder all the experiment but i cant post it here as it s bigger than 50MB
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In this case, ghostface needs a rework, doesnt he??
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Then DS too and many other things as well
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bro:)))))) i told you it s not the perks lmao, the gameplay
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it s just a small change lmao
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Scrrenshot your videos, I don't think so. I have never seen this happen in all my days of playing ghostface.
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i can send it to you private somewhere
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if you want
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Sounds like Ghostface and legion would be a perfect team in a 10 vs 2.
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I suppose you are correct, I spent a while trying to tell if the loss was from coming in and out of chases and the game not initiating chases since it didn't consider you aware of him but upon further research I found that it isn't effect by being in a chase or not (to confirm what you said), mainly just the terror radius.
I don't know if this is developer oversight or intended but I will agree, that is pretty dumb. On the other hand, I will say that it does kinda make sense as to why it dosen't directly apply to ghost face. I'd imagine the loigic behind it is that if you can see him, you would just break him out of it and give him the terror radius back. Him "stalking" (the act of stealthaly following not holding m2 to expose.) is probably intended, he stalks you and waits for you to mend, if not you bleed out. He takes advantage of you being in a bad spot with his terror radius reduction. The main idea behind his power overall. In my book i'd put that in counterplay.
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Huh, so you are saying you died because you died by a ghostface entering stealth and killing you via timer?
Wraith can do it, insidious can do it
So are these 2 things unbalanced too?
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bro read above lmao
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i wont tell ppl again how you can counter wraith and pig so easily unlike ghostface. Also, no madlad uses insidious to do this lmao
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I did read it
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Yeah, you are pretty much saying that anything without a Terror radius is unbalanced if you are in this situation
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lmao bro, i wrote on the first page