New General Perk(s)

Boss Member Posts: 13,614

Y'know, ones like We'll Make It, Whispers, Dark Sense, Unrelenting, etc. etc.
Look devs, i know you wanna incentivize leveling others or just playing enough until you can buy it from the SoS.
And i know you also wanna make that good ol' cash, you're a company after all.
But it'd be so nice to be able to get something new like that.
The last general Perk was Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, which came on the 8th of December, 2016.
That's a LONG time ago in terms of DbD's lifespan.
Now that's no excuse to add a new one, but just saying that it'd be a refreshing addition.


  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    While I would like it (I’m all for more build diversity) I feel like 6 new perks, 3 per role, every 3 months is good enough. Considering how rarely new perks become meta staples anyway, it just seems unnecessary. I think our best shot are these perk reworks.