Am I wrong for Camping

Right listen guys I normally play survvor but I got into spirit when doing a daily and play her a lot now. I got some toxic survivors gen rushing with brand new parts and purple tool boxes. They tried to loop me and consent tea bagging me at pallets.
So I thought enough is enough I was annoyed so yeah Last gen got popped I camped the last guy. I got salty messages from the p3 ace because I camped him. But I hate camping I do not normally do this but this ace was the most toxic one tea bagging, pointing and yeah I camped him until dead. I am normally good with spirit but this match was hell to say the least.
Yeah, survivors have fun as I play survivor myself, I never teabag killers. Am I wrong for camping? I feel bad for camping I did not want to camp I really dislike camping but I feel he needed to be taught a lesson which he will just do it in future games.
In that situation, it was perfectly acceptable to camp.
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As a killer main, welcome to the club. You've now seen red in a match. In a way it's like being touched by the Entity, because it makes you really want to kill.
Camping is a very broad term, I personally distinguish between proxy camping and face camping. To me, proxy camping = patrolling around a hook's general radius, face camping = parking right in front of the hook.
In general, you should try to be a good sport about things, but sometimes you have no choice if you want to secure a kill. And sometimes, yeah, people will just piss you right the ######### off. You're the killer, it's your game, it's up to you to decide when you feel like the lines of sportsmanship have been crossed.
Survivors will complain about lots of things. Sometimes it's legit, sometimes it's not. Most complaints I get are from the sweatiest of tryhards and they're usually from pro loopers who get mad that I don't chase them halfway across the map every time they point at me.
So you'll get bitched at no matter what you do. It's good to be classy, but remember: you're a killer. Empathy is not part of the job description.
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Thank you, I do not like camping but this guy p me off lol if you get me. Thinking hes bloody the best at the game.
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Thank you for the response, yeah the guy I camped deserved it. If your going to give sh*t to the killer your going to get destroyed for it I don't get if others got out he totally tried to make me feel so small in front of his swf group.
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Yup, first mori I ever used was on a guy who t-bagged me at a pallet. I recognized him from a SWF group I'd already had a bad time with earlier that day.
I guess he didn't realize Doctor can shock survivors out of dropping pallets, he just kind of froze when I swung through it. It felt good to fry his brain as he tried crawling away.
Ended up a 4k. 🙂
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Camping is fine. You don't have to allow people a chance to escape.
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I not a camping fan. However, if your a clicking, t-bagging d-bag. Yup, Camp away
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Yup I despise camping myself too, but he asked for it he deserved it.😬
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You were securing a kill in the end game. Nothing wrong with that.
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As long as it isn't your default behavior. Securing the kill on an annoying survivor at the end of the match is fair game.
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Camping is inefficient in that smart Survivors will go do gens. Of course if they're done, may as well secure that kill.
However, overly-altruistic Survivors who insist on 4esc games will play into it; if they do, let 'em have it.
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Bro you can camp all you want! It's a damn video game, ppl get pissed cause you do something in a video game???!?! Think about it a video game... GAME dawg its just a game.
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Do whatever you want to do. But don't try to justify it by saying that they had brand new parts and purple tool boxes, because at the time (ingame) you couldn't have known that. All you knew was that they had toolboxes.
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No. You shouldn't be hooking the survivors either, and especially not hitting them.
It's ok to chase though but you have to let them run in circles and hit you with pallets
If you accidentally hook someone, you absolutely must run to the other end of the map and wait for that survivor to be safely unhooked.
By camping, you are exploiting a known bug and downright cheating. Shame on you. I am surprised you haven't been banned.
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The most wild form of survivor logic I see is when they think the killer should leave the hook to chase a healthy survivor towards an open or 99% exit gate. Apparently the results are in once the last gen is done and any survivors left are free leave.
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What's wrong with them trying to loop u tho
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It’s always ok to camp. Survivors have perks and counters
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The reason to not camp is because time is not on your side.
But if the EGC has begun then the game is just counting down until you win unless they leave, which they can do immediately if you go after them and they get the save.
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Are you wrong for camping? No more than survivors are wrong if they teabag at the gate so eh
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In this situation no. In others it's a bad strategy.
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I don't camp, in fact i'm very ''friendly'' killer, normally letting the last one escape, carrying them to be hatch or why not we all farm and all that, but if they are toxic I tunnel them till dead.
I think in the end they understand because they just leave the lobby when the match ends without saying anything about it.
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I dont camp, but sometimes survivors force my hand.
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I don't care what the color is or if I know you've got BNPs, because if I see multiple toolboxes Mr. Nice Guy leaves the building and I'm employing whatever strategy I see fit at the moment. I'm down for a good clean fight too but if you come in headbutting I'll try to bite your ear off.
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Tea baggery and clicky flashlightery = face campery.
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I dont blame you, if a survivor looks at me the wrong way its a definate facecamp and beating on the hook. Like everyone else i wont stand for toxicity like this.
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Im against camping unless there is someone that has really pissed you off or if the last gen got done. It's just boring for both sides idk why some people do it game after game.
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Wrong? Eh, kinda. Justified? Sure, if you like.
Facecamping, tunnels, these are 'legit strats' admitting you're genuinely bad at the game and don't care about BP or emblems. Patrolling nearby, especially if you know the others are close, that's gonna be fine pretty much no matter what.