Pebble should set off hags traps

Cool concept or no?
hell yeah. also bear traps
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Personally, the perk needs a rework of some kind. I don't think a perk should be able to negate the power of the killer without a draw back of some kind.
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Honestly, I'd be fine with that. Sounds like a neat concept and could actually make the usage of the pebble much more reliable.
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Yes. Sounds good.
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Trapper is in a poor place at the moment, so I hope this won't make him even worst.
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God. Trapper would be so screwed if you could do that. Makes sense for hag though.
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When you say set off do you mean destroy them like a flashlight does or actually make it pop so that the hag can teleport?
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no that is stupid as hell. it would completely break her power more than flashlights already do .... making her useless and just a gimmick ... lol
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Even though it would be a survivor buff, I think it makes sense. Not sure about the bear traps though, it doesn't seem heavy enough.
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I think it's impressive you can actually aim at Hag traps with it, show us your ways.
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This could possibly be very deadly in the correct hands.. Not to sound arrogant or blowing my own horn but my friends call the the pebble master.
I have made a few killers dc as they was slugging for the 4k I wait for my friend to recover use pebble to distract and pick up my friend then the killer dcs... Pebble rage I guess.
I really love pebble its amazing combo with Iron will Distortion and poised can't wait to try some things out with fixated tho.
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It kinda already does have a drawback. You can't earn a pebble without being within the terror radius without also not being in a chase and you have only 1 pebble at a time.
Hag has a smaller than default TR at 24m. So it will be harder than normal to earn a pebble without running the risk of being found. And once found, it's the Hag. You're likely to take a hit or fall into a trap boosting your odds of going down. Then once a Hag has you, she has the tool set to keep you. Call it camping if you want, but a Hag is queen at securing kills and making good ambushes.
Plus the Hag has a built in counter to a pebble setting of her traps. The phantasm always looks at the Survivor who sets off the trap. If that phantom isn't moving, then odds are the Hag would know 1 of 2 things. 1 a pebble tipped the trap, 2 the Survivor isn't a threat by being too immersed to do anything but hide.
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Because everyone would want to wait each 45 seconds just to get a single pebble to throw at a trap to set it off.
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This sounds a cool idea. It would be hilarious to throw it near a hooked survivor and suddenly 5 hags appear screaming pointing at a pebble.
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It doesn't negate her power like a flashlight does. She'll still be able to teleport, and you'd also have to stay inside her small terror radius to use it in the first place.
Also... spine chill counters wraith, pig, ghostface and spirit, calm spirit counters doctor, slippery meat counters trapper, urban evasion already counters hag, iron will counters spirit again, small game counters trapper and hag again, and so on. Where are the drawbacks of these perks?
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As someone who plays killer and survivor equally, I’d be fine with this. While the pebble is fun to use, it is quite weak at The moment. This would be a nice buff.
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I kind of like the idea, but if we did that I would like it if survivors had to use an item to disable the trapper's trap, losing or damaging the item in the process :)
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You can disable bear traps with a toolbox
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You sabotage bear traps with toolboxes.
You disable them by using the action button to set them off.