Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

A honorable idea

Jarson515 Member Posts: 5
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

I didn't know who to write and hopefully who ever reads this that this message will get brought up for next stream. I’m a Xbox player. I saw today stream and I’m kinda iffy about the perks and y’all words for killers. But, hear me out for ideas/suggestions why not do a event every weather season? Also with that let killers and survivors have 5-6 perks as well so that way everyone can actually have chance to try something different that they may like just saying. Other suggestion y’all said camping is part of the game I’m totally against that because, it’s not fun for survivors and anyone can be toxic and, with that people will be toxic regardless of what’s going on. Leatherface facecamps the most especially in basement and it’s literally impossible to escape that even with borrow time since now it only saves the one that’s hook but either way double chainsaw hit and everyone is down regardless of BT . It’s nice that killers won’t get a much points and won’t pip if they do that to everyone. But, it also sucks for killers if they a Ebony Mori you can still not pip from that, that needs a fix or closely looked at especially with Micheal on that I personally did that and got 0 pips. But it’s like that with all killers for camping though which is really unfair and not fun killers are going to camp not matter what and there’s nothing really solid to make the game fun for both sides just saying. I would love BT to get buff and be like how it was before hand. But, give it a delay to recharge not necessary a exhaustion it would be a recharge timer or something. I agree with the exhaustion nerf I play killer and survivor I totally agreed with that for that. Also, a idea for decisive strike I really think it needs a buff but a idea for it this make it more than a one time use but also make the skill check for it bigger have the skill check for it the same size as the grip wrench skill check and each time you it or miss it the skill check gets smaller and smaller give the perk to be used 2-3 times and if the killer has unnerving presence it’s even almost impossible to hit for some not all. I love the QnA y’all do but I feel like people ask y’all the most stupidest ######### ever. What I’m saying and suggesting is way better than any fan have asked or complained about. I would really like Stefan Horvanth to read this and get back to me :). Peace from a player that’s been playing since last August.

Post edited by Jarson515 on


  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Hey, give this wall back to China RIGHT NOW.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I advice you to not write a wall of text in a monotonous way because it is a little bit boring to try to read all of that.

    I read everything you have written and I don't agree with you. The concept of camping and tunelling is really a problem and it is not fun to be camped or tunneled as a survivor. I hated killers in the past who have done it until I started to play the killer side.

    If you are not a nurse or a hillbilly, you can not find survivors 12 times, chase them 12 times, get 2 hit 12 times, and hook them 12 times period. Average match time just does not allow it to happen if the survivors are not being silly or too alturistic for their own good. You have to feed on their mistakes and try to create your own style to win the games.

    Survivors are not entitled to escape the match all the time. If you are the first survivor that has been found, chances that you will escape and win the match are really low.

    It is not killers' fault to not have any kind of benefit for hooking other survivors. It is the game's problem and needs to be fixed. Killers' must be encouraged to hook 4 different survivors by either getting an in game buff or givin survivors a penalty for getting hooked.

    You really wanted DS to get buffed? As if it is not difficult to down survivors 12 times, we also should give them free escapes? I am not even going to get into that. You said you played the killer side but i am sure it is a lie if you want a buff for a DS.

    More than 4 perks will come in handy for survivors because survivors have great perks. When i play killer, sometimes I can't even decide which perk should i choose as my 4th because there is not much of a choice.

    Borrowed time is fine as it is. It is an end game perk that can potentially save one person's life but quite worthless in the beginning of the game. I think it is balanced and doesn't need to be fixed.

  • yugidragon
    yugidragon Member Posts: 18
    ### dude? Everyone is talking about nerfing DS, but you say it needs a buff? I'm not sure about that.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If you can't take the time to format your posts in a manner that is digestible, then what you have to say must not be worth my time to read.

  • Jarson515
    Jarson515 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2018
    For everyone’s rude ass comment/opinion can really eat a dick and choke on it. The devs them self suggested I post that idea so ######### y’all 🖕🏾and btw the devs aren’t against that idea either food for thought. 
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i tried to read this and understand where you were coming from.... i got to 'buff DS' and threw in the towel. i'll spare you my opinion and simply offer you a 'good luck, woodchuck'....

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Jarson515 said:
    For everyone’s rude ass comment/opinion can really eat a dick and choke on it. The devs them self suggested I post that idea so [BAD WORD] y’all 🖕🏾and btw the devs aren’t against that idea either food for thought. 

    I didn’t realize we had such an emote available to us. 
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    @GhostEuant said:
    Jarson515 said:

    For everyone’s rude ass comment/opinion can really eat a dick and choke on it. The devs them self suggested I post that idea so [BAD WORD] y’all 🖕🏾and btw the devs aren’t against that idea either food for thought. 


    I didn’t realize we had such an emote available to us. 

    Only the talented manage to find these things for us. Glad we have them around.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    You actually said DS needs a buff...just wow. If you seriously think that you need to get some more hours in this game first. Secondly, we don’t need to fix killers camping, we need to fix WHY killers camp. They camp because the game is completely unbalanced for them. If killers get buffed to be how strong they should’ve been 2 years ago, you will see camping drop off dramatically. Killers have their hands tied behind their backs and are simply using the only power plays they have left. Camping sucks, you’re just looking at it the wrong way.
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243

    @GhostEuant said:
    Jarson515 said:

    For everyone’s rude ass comment/opinion can really eat a dick and choke on it. The devs them self suggested I post that idea so [BAD WORD] y’all 🖕🏾and btw the devs aren’t against that idea either food for thought. 


    I didn’t realize we had such an emote available to us. 

    Only the talented manage to find these things for us. Glad we have them around.

    A honorable comment
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Jarson515 said:
    For everyone’s rude ass comment/opinion can really eat a dick and choke on it. The devs them self suggested I post that idea so [BAD WORD] y’all 🖕🏾and btw the devs aren’t against that idea either food for thought. 


  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    What perks do you usually run OP?
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    Delfador said:

    I advice you to not write a wall of text in a monotonous way because it is a little bit boring to try to read all of that.

    I read everything you have written and I don't agree with you. The concept of camping and tunelling is really a problem and it is not fun to be camped or tunneled as a survivor. I hated killers in the past who have done it until I started to play the killer side.

    If you are not a nurse or a hillbilly, you can not find survivors 12 times, chase them 12 times, get 2 hit 12 times, and hook them 12 times period. Average match time just does not allow it to happen if the survivors are not being silly or too alturistic for their own good. You have to feed on their mistakes and try to create your own style to win the games.

    Survivors are not entitled to escape the match all the time. If you are the first survivor that has been found, chances that you will escape and win the match are really low.

    It is not killers' fault to not have any kind of benefit for hooking other survivors. It is the game's problem and needs to be fixed. Killers' must be encouraged to hook 4 different survivors by either getting an in game buff or givin survivors a penalty for getting hooked.

    You really wanted DS to get buffed? As if it is not difficult to down survivors 12 times, we also should give them free escapes? I am not even going to get into that. You said you played the killer side but i am sure it is a lie if you want a buff for a DS.

    More than 4 perks will come in handy for survivors because survivors have great perks. When i play killer, sometimes I can't even decide which perk should i choose as my 4th because there is not much of a choice.

    Borrowed time is fine as it is. It is an end game perk that can potentially save one person's life but quite worthless in the beginning of the game. I think it is balanced and doesn't need to be fixed.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    Delfador said:

    I advice you to not write a wall of text in a monotonous way because it is a little bit boring to try to read all of that.

    I read everything you have written and I don't agree with you. The concept of camping and tunelling is really a problem and it is not fun to be camped or tunneled as a survivor. I hated killers in the past who have done it until I started to play the killer side.

    If you are not a nurse or a hillbilly, you can not find survivors 12 times, chase them 12 times, get 2 hit 12 times, and hook them 12 times period. Average match time just does not allow it to happen if the survivors are not being silly or too alturistic for their own good. You have to feed on their mistakes and try to create your own style to win the games.

    Survivors are not entitled to escape the match all the time. If you are the first survivor that has been found, chances that you will escape and win the match are really low.

    It is not killers' fault to not have any kind of benefit for hooking other survivors. It is the game's problem and needs to be fixed. Killers' must be encouraged to hook 4 different survivors by either getting an in game buff or givin survivors a penalty for getting hooked.

    You really wanted DS to get buffed? As if it is not difficult to down survivors 12 times, we also should give them free escapes? I am not even going to get into that. You said you played the killer side but i am sure it is a lie if you want a buff for a DS.

    More than 4 perks will come in handy for survivors because survivors have great perks. When i play killer, sometimes I can't even decide which perk should i choose as my 4th because there is not much of a choice.

    Borrowed time is fine as it is. It is an end game perk that can potentially save one person's life but quite worthless in the beginning of the game. I think it is balanced and doesn't need to be fixed.

    I at least cared what he said and tried to answer what he suggested one by one. I am so sorry for not spamming wall of text to his message and give an actual reasonable answer.

    @Jarson515 said:
    For everyone’s rude ass comment/opinion can really eat a dick and choke on it. The devs them self suggested I post that idea so [BAD WORD] y’all 🖕🏾and btw the devs aren’t against that idea either food for thought. 

    I didn't think that for rude comments people could get a dick for themselves as a reward. Well, at least from a gay perspective that is.

    Criticisms were not constructive but you could at least try to be more reasonable.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    pulls in air

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Mexico wants your wall.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2018
    So I take you’re one of those Survivors who thinks that Killers are only there to entertain the Survivors? Killers actually need to camp in some cases, the old BT was way too OP, and DS rewards the Survivor for making a mistake and punishes the Killer for doing their job, which makes it a crutch perk. If you have trouble hitting skillchecks then you need to get good. Simple as that.

    Your comment about people who you think are being rude to you need to choke on a dick is uncalled for, really immature, and further proves my point from the first sentence.

    Also, China called. They want their wall back.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018
    Seems to be an American obsession with building walls everywhere lately.
    You also spelled horrible wrong in your post title