Surviving and 4ks should at least give black pips

And here's why...
It's not my fault as survivor if the killer is so bad he never downs anyone. So why do survivors get punished for it? I can't get any altruism points if the killer is that bad and then I have to force myself into a chase with the killer if he never finds me otherwise I depip. Why? That's not my fault that the killer is bad.
And then you get into matches with survivors that are easy potatoes who DC and suicide on first hook. Again why do I depip based on the survivors not playing well? I didn't ask to be matched with these survivors.
It's not fair and doesn't make any sense why you depip in these situations. You are essentially being punished for the way other people played, not the way you played. And supposedly farming is against the rules but if you play normally against people who aren't very good then the game punishes you for it. So if you want to pip in these matches or at least black pip you have to farm to a certain degree like force yourself into chases or play around with survivors who aren't good.
LOL, I actually had to deal with this earlier. This huntress couldn't land a hatchet to save her life, and when she did it she would lose the survivor, so we just healed up np.
This tends to happen a lot because most are only viable with their main killer and they are trying to do a daily for BP. I don't even stress about rank anymore, as the higher you get the more sweaty nurses you see anyways.
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I don't think I've ever survived or 4k'd and not gotten a safety pip. Not saying it's not possible, just never experienced it. It definitely shouldn't happen.
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I never got a 4K Depip, but I survived and got a depip. It is really rare that this happens, but it should not happen at all.
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If that's not happening already, then yes.
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Anytime you survive vs a face camping killer you risk a depip. Do the gens and leave means no altruism, no chase, very little boldness. I've even hung around and gone for the rescue and still depip on escape. Then there is the boosted killers who can't win a chase. Survived a couple matches with them recently and depip'd.
I can't recall a 4k depip though. I had 3 dc in the beginning of a match. Toyed around with the 4th, let them do a gen then I'd chase and hot them. Let them escape and come back. He got 2 gens done and then I hooked him. Still got a safety.
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Although I stopped caring about pips a long time ago, I agree with this. I mean you won't pip up but at least you should get safety for surviving or for 4King. I have never depipped on a 4K though. But I've survived many times and de-pipped.
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It's not hard, if you for instance got tunneled and spent a lot of time on the hook while everyone else blitzed through the gens, it's possible to escape and depip. Or if you were immersed and barely did anything. Or if your team got stomped and you jump out the hatch (with or without key) barely doing anything. Also if your team is bad at hook saves and altruism it's possible you don't get an emblem at all for that and that might be enough to get you depipped.
I've had all happen to me (yes I still play immersed every now and then and I played Immersed a lot back when I was a mere 100-hour newb).
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@Steve0333 "I didn't ask to be matched with these survivors."
Actually you did. You clicked on find match.... then clicked on ready with those survivors in your lobby.
You asked the game to match you up with 3 other survivors and 1 killer and that is what the game did for you.
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If you got a 4k and depipped you were probably camping. If the killer never downs anyone you wouldn't have depipped because you have iridescent unbroken....
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The whole killer pipping is screwed up.
Here's a couple matches I played in a day:
4k, pip (Normal)
3k, depip
2k, double pip (somehow)
3k, pip
4k, safety.
All in one day.
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Are we counting DCs as part of a 4k?