Why Chapter 14th IS gonna be a Jason one. (useless post since chapter 14th is the oni)

first of all... why I think the new killer is gonna be licensed (again)? Because its a one killer but no survivor and no map, it wouldnt make sense to do a original chapter but only killer, so my guess it is that we are gonna recieve a license one.
Now... Why a Jason one? Why not Pinhead? or why not chucky?
- He is one of the most iconic and expensive licenses because of the lawsuit, so they would just get Jason but expensive af.
- I remember one day on Morf's stream I asked if it is possible to get Jason, and @Peanits answered: "Nothing its impossible" and thats the thing, they never say a straight up NO (like they did with the jeepers creepers license)
- Why not chucky? because he doesnt really fits in Dead By Daylight, I mean, they did a new skelleton for The Demogorgon, but he fits in the game lorewise and gameplaywise, and I think chucky desierves a own game
- Why not Pinhead?: Lets be real, Pinhead is not THAT iconic like how is jason (maybe because the 166362 films that he has) Also, Pinhead doesnt really chase, h just use cenobites, a lot... so how they are gonna manage to do a lot of controlable characters on only one killer? I dont think they would, Im not saying they will never add Pinhead, but i feel like Jason will be first.
Friday the 13th The game:
- Friday the 13th the game doesnt own all jasons in the series, there is the reboot and the Freddy Vs. Jason version (Which surprisley its the same producers (Platinum Dunes) who did A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010 reboot (the license that we got in the game).
- That game is dead, no more updates, so Dead By Daylight might buy the license.
So if we really get Jason... what version should be get?
- I really think the 2009 version its gonna be the indicated for the game, it fits perfectly and he would bring skins (The Sackhead)
And finally... the thing everyone is gonna say; "the Trapper is Jason".
- yeah and Hillbilly is Leatherface and we have both, same with legion and Ghostface, and the same could happen with the clown and Pennywise or Wraith and predator, So thats not really a problem, Im gonna leave a power idea that would really fit Jason from the 2009 movie.
Jason Power Idea:
If you have something to say... pls leave it on the comments and be respectful:)
You can always have hope, but i don't see anything substantial here.
The best thing you have is Morf saying "Nothing is impossible", but that was him just not wanting to say no, since the future can always change.
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We'll see LOL
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That's the spirit! 😊
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Kids, let me tell you about this magical thing called "copyright litigation", and how it's tied up the Jason Voorhees character so tightly that there's literally no way he can appear, even in cameos, because the rights to his likeness is being appealed by the courts for all eternity..
No matter how business savvy it might be, there's no way for BHVR to touch Jason right now. Victor Miller and Horror Inc. are too entrenched in legal battles, and it extends beyond his standalone game regardless of his fan's preference to ignore that.
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I rather have original characters although Jason would be nice.
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Thank you for today's lesson!
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U forgot one quote: "next chapters could be anything, there is absolutly nothing off the table, right now... there is nothing to be for us" - Mathieu Cote
and yea, Money do almost everything, which means they CAN get the license, its gonna be hard af and expensive, but once again, there is nothing off the table.
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I really don't think you understand the issue at hand. This Friday the 13th ownership dispute has been going on for a while now, and I'm sure the last thing on Earth they care about right now, as it pertains to Jason Voorhees, is some video game.
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I like your enthusiasm. We can only hope. I'm such a huge F13 fan and bought that game upon release and played it like crazy until it died out, which led me to getting this game. Happy Friday the 13th! For me and I'm sure many other horror fanatics, this a holiday.
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Then explain all the fan films that is coming with the name "Friday The 13th"
Also... "There is nothing off the table" NOTHING, if they cant get Jason at all, they woundnt lie and say that
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@Penny And you seem to forget that despite what Matt said as a broad, general statement, unless something magically changes in Victor Miller vs Horror, Inc., BHVR cannot get the Jason license because it is tied up in litigation, and will be for some time yet.
It isn't money. It's called the Courts.
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My biggest proof for this their boast, "Nothing is too big for us."
As long as they put their money where their mouth is and get us Jason, I'll be happy. If they can't get Jason, then their empty words are just that.
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"Nothing its Impossible" - Peanits, Who knows... when they releas ethe trailer, u may be trust for everything... hell imagine a Matilda DC
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now... if they get Roy, i will suffer depression.
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@Penny Oh god . . . Roy. The only Jason I will not play over in Friday the 13th on principle.
Then again, part of me would prefer Roy over BHVR reducing Jason to a mere screw-toy hooking-machine for The Entity. Bad enough Freddy was reduced to that, but at least I can take fandom comfort in the fact that it's the crappy remake Freddy, and not the real Freddy. 😁
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I think The Trapper is considered Roy, they both are Jason wannabes.
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I really hope so and if it's because of licence issues I just hope we can some day get my home boy Tommy as a Survivor. They've already said a Chapter can be just a Killer, two survivors. Maybe Two Killers or a stand alone Survivor chapter
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Why don't people understand that the right don't belong to platinum dunes but, to Sean Cunningham aka his company (Horror Inc.) while some right have been restored to the writer Victor Miller.
Jason X wasn't allowed to be released despise the fact that he were 80% completed. Remake and FvJ version wasn't allowed because the right owner didn't want to give them.
With the lawsuit just forget it until the lawsuit is settled or a decision got made. Which is planned on may or june 2020 based on Larry Zerner. If you don't know who is Larry it's the actor that played Shelly in F13 part 3 who today is a lawyer.
So no Jason won't be the next chapter.
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Yes, really.
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@xllxENIGMAxllx That's for the current appeal. If Cunningham loses that, he's likely to appeal to the Supreme Court next. Then there's the wait to see if the SOTUS will even take the case. And if they do, things drag out even longer than that.
Then, be assured, this is just phase one. Victor Miller has commented several times about what the franchise has made and how he saw none of it. If he secures the first film's screenplay's copyright through all the appeals, given that Friday the 13 Part 2 directly began with a continuation of the main girl from the first film, and also introduced adult Jason, Miller is going after Jason Voorhees revenue next.
Thanks to Friday the 13th Part 2, the continuation of the surviving character from the first film and the direct flashbacks to the first film, Cunningham has zero argument that adult Jason isn't connected to the original screenplay and film.
Establishing copyright on the first film is just step one for Miller. The Voorhees money has always been his endgame, but he needs to establish that copyright, first.
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What would be funny is that BHVR gets the license for Friday the 13th... but then surprise everyone with this....
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Yes but my point was just to explain why Jason will not be chapter 14. F13 game itself can't have new content, So DbD is impossible for the moment if the lawsuit get a settlement then it's very likely that some F13 based content might be worked.
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You know, this quote can be 100% marketing and nothing else.
If I would make a video about my game, of course I would talk like everything is possible. It is not good advertisment if I would say "Many things are possible, some are not possible".
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@xllxENIGMAxllx Yep. And just for the forum record, I was agreeing with you. I just spring boarded off your post to explain it further, because this damned topic keeps popping up.
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I hope we don't get Freddy vs Jason version of Jason. It's the worst one.
Even worse than part 5 version lol.
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@Aven_Fallen Exactly. And it is 100% marketing. It wasn't a proclamation of gospel. But you wouldn't know it around these forums. 🙄
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I know man.
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I would like to think that “anything is possible, nothing is off the table” means that Disney is willing to let dbd make an Alien chapter.
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Why not?! lets make it real!
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I know right? We need Jason X.
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Why does "nothing is off the table" somehow trump "F13 has a whole lotta legal stuff surrounding it?"
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Which is bad form, if they can't own up to it. Frankly it's better not to make such bold promises if you can't back them up. People are going to hold it against them later. Nobody here is going to forget that mathieu said those words.
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"Nothing is impossible" so something which may have been impossible is now possible?
We need 24h surveillance on Sigouney weavers social media we need to scour the mountains for hangry wendigos, we need to contact Chad to see if he's seen anything. We got no leads but we know McCote is a teaser.
Search the paintings on Badham and Haddonfield.
What if they messed up the demogorgan skeletal rig, would they really put the pressure on themselves to have to nail it and then release another killer dependant on that skeletal rig to work in the next chapter?
Something tells me a original killer the same shape as most other killers.
If I had to guess I would say a naked man painted gold wielding a set of spears who lives in a tribe in the city of gold Timbuktu. Pyramid map, I just like that setting. Gives me Mummy vibes
It's the mummy from the Mummy film yes, that's my guess. Ancient Egyptian pyramid sand everywhere. Perfect.
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It is not a "bold promise". A promise would be "We bring Jason". That people think that this quote means that they will be able to bring Jason to DBD, does not matter at all. Like, I could also think that they will get Ronald McDonald as Killer (like, he is way cooler than Pennywise).
So should I then mock them about not bringing Ronald McDonald? Because they said everything is possible.
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You are taking the quote too literally.
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hey thats true... they just said no map. so a generic teen as survivor
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Jason needs to be nurse level power or I wouldn't buy him.
Also it's probably not going to happen with all the license problems.
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The license is split between two groups right now. Here's a short run down on why the Friday the 13th and Jason will not be coming to DbD any time soon:
For that they'd need the approval of Victor Miller and Sean Cunningham/Horror Inc/New Line/Warner Brothers. That's not happening as both sides are currently preparing for the appeal of the original Ft13 court case which granted Miller the ownership of the script for the first film and everything in it (Child Jason, Pamela, Camp Crystal Lake, Friday the 13th name) but awarded the iconic adult Jason design and his musical theme to WB.
You'll have to hope both sides reach a deal before the appeal trial starts. It could happen but considering the last attempt to reach a deal broke down it's not likely.
TL:DR The Ft13 IP is now split between two groups who dislike each other. So don't expect anything Ft13 related for quite some time
The next chapter is most likely going to be an IT one with Pennywise.
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Nah. It's the easter bunny from Bill & Ted.
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Ooofffff, Jason and Tommy confirmed.
But on a serious note though, Jason would be a nice addition to the game, we have Myers, Freddy and Leatherface. We can't forget good ole Jason
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"Nothing is of the table" =/= "We are bringing jason"
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As much as i like the idea of having jason in the game i doubt it will happen
(also here is a nice idea for the devs if you ever plan to add jason, make a event called "FREDDY VS JASON" and whoever gets the most sacrifices/kills gets to be the first one to get a free cosmetic, like in tf2 with who gets updated first, and during the event both freddy and jason are avaiable to play untill the event is over)