Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why does nea's new skin look like a hobo?



  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    There are people in this thread that like how she looks. Your first claim is invalid when people do find her pleasing to the eye and don’t find her to be an eyesore. She already exists in the form you’re referencing in your first bullet point. Some people finding her not attractive, or finding her to be an eye sore is not the same as everyone finder her to be that way.

    Beauty is subjective, and it really sounds like YOU can’t respect that people do like her already, she’s the third or fourth most popular character to play even after perks are unlocked. It seems people are happy with her just fine when you recognize they choose to play her when they don’t have to.

    most people don’t think she literally looks like a monster, it’s a bunch of people that don’t get turned on by her and make fun of her appearance because she isn’t hot. And that is really mostly with her two default heads. Still fun to make jokes and poke fun at stuff, and that has become a part of the game. But characters who aren’t classically attractive belong in this game as much as the classically attractive ones.

    in a game with rotting corpse women, and creepy clown sociopaths there isn’t a good argument against having a survivor who isn't meeting your standard of attractiveness. Like, there are far uglier characters in the game, and far grosser things you see playingthis survival horror.

    The only characters who have a relevant argument when it comes to changing their appearance are Laurie, Tapp, and Quinten and that’s because they are literally based off of an actor, and their models don’t look like them.

    a huge part of the game is having people from different backgrounds, with different appearances and styles, etc. so her look adds to that.

    If you don’t like her face THAT MUCH then simply don’t play as her. You don’t have to, and other people enjoy playing as her so it doesn’t make sense to change her/get rid of her current look.

    And in respond to the “but I have to see her in game even if I don’t play her” complaint, you have to see a rotting skeleton hag and a dismembered and nearly naked 19 year old who was butchered by her father, and a man who wears people’s faces, and someone with a second face growing out of their chest/shoulder, etc.

    making her “not an eye sore” is so illogical a point when taking all of that into account

  • Derp
    Derp Member Posts: 157

    I meant that most people don't like how she looks, which is why you got the Nea killer meme. Most people will agree that Nea isn't very attractive but that wasn't really my point. Brokedown said, "What is this bizarre obsession with every survivor needing to be physically appealing to everyone?", so I answered by saying everybody likes beautiful characters so it isn't difficult to understand. I then referenced the head cosmetic with the sideburns as an example of how bad she looks.

    You're right, beauty is subjective but most people will agree on who's attractive and who isn't. Also, I never disrespected his opinion in any way. He just came off as rude to the people he was responding to.

    Most people think she looks like a monster because she's abnormally ugly. I know this sounds messed up but I don't know how to explain it any other way and sugar coating it won't do anything.

    Me and many others in this thread aren't asking for Nea to be pretty. We just want her to look decent. Of course, making her look pretty would be nice but if not, then that's okay.

    Also, Hag and the other killers you've mentioned that look the way they do is fine, since that's what people expect them to look like, but a teenage girl that looks like a hobo isn't.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    There's only so much lipstick you can put on a pig.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    i find it hilarious how ppl draw Nea but don't actually draw her but someone else in her clothes basically cause none of the art ever looks like her, Samination is close though

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,468

    Meanwhile Claudette, Meg, and Kate lookin fine af in there cosmetics.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,618

    It doesn't matter she looks like a thumb or Quentin is on the goblin side, the hair just could of been better, it looked awesome on the pic they posted and there she is like a cast from Wizard of Oz as the scarecrow -.- but she has had some great clothes, like the neon ones

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    The disrespect is you claiming it isn’t okay for a teenage girl to look like her. There ARE girls that look like her. Saying someone can’t look like that and that they need to have an altered face is a systemic issue perverting our society as a whole.

    People like relating to characters they play too, and you’re disregarding that. People don’t just want a superficial image of what society says is acceptable as “okay” because even that is held to a higher standard then is truly fair.

    i understand what you’re saying, my issue isn’t comprehension. I just think your opinion is shallow, and I’m voicing my disagreement with it being a change that should be implemented. It diminishes not only the relatability factor of the cast, but comes from a systemically immoral enforced image of what’s acceptable as “average”.

    So what if she has a wide nose and her eyes are farther apart than the other characters. Those do fit with some classically Swedish facial structures, and makes sense from her heritage. And it isn’t considered ugly in all cultures, some cultures do consider those features attractive. This game played worldwide and there are several characters that already fit the idea of beauty you are proposing should be implemented. Other demographics should be represented as well. Some people have that facial structure. So what is she has bad posture, it fits her personality to stand her head craned forward since she’s used to sneaking around and looking around corners.

    Your missing the point that your idea of what’s an average level of beauty is as imbalanced as your concept of what’s exceptionally beautiful.

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    I would date Nea because she is the only one who would say "yes" to a date with me.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Y'all are looking too much into this, tbh if you're okay with the supposed Quentin "Face rework" there's no room for a complaint about this.

  • Derp
    Derp Member Posts: 157

    Stop acting pretentious about a character in a video game. Seriously, it isn't that big of a deal for most of us. I'm disrespecting people that look like her? Okay, you're getting way too deep into this. All I said was that she has some cosmetics that look so bad it's almost as if they're making her look as bad as possible. I don't know where this whole society thing came about since it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. We don't really care if there aren't that many ugly people presented in shows or video games. Just making her look okay is all we're asking.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    What? People want a Quentin Face Rework not because he's ugly but because it looks nothing like the character from the film. Nea's look is her original look as intended by her creators. She's fine as is.

    Not every character needs to look like a sex doll.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    You're going to extremes, noone wants her to look like a "sex doll" but just as you all want people to respect your views on how she should look, you should do the same to others who do want her appearance changed.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Because she is. : P

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, I like her blue and white hair cosmetic, black jeans, and the white cat shirt. I think those are her best cosmetics. : P

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    You are really taking things out of context. I have read everything @Derp wrote and not once did he/she say it isn't ok for someone to look like this.

    It sounds like you are trying to pull words to try and create a conversation that isn't happening all so you can argue as the "good guy" in this situation.

    Seriously we are talking about a video game character that has all kinds of memes that, back in early release, had visual glitches and that today (much like the Q man) has cosmetics that just don't appeal to a wide audience.

    This isn't some sort of societal argument about beauty and confidence, blah blah blah. Put that energy towards correcting the actual a-hole posts online/real world.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    There's no reason to respect anyone who wants a character's appearance changed because they find them too ugly. That's immature and doesn't deserve respect.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    nea is so ######### ugly it makes me wanna die as killer when I see her.

    She needs a face rework, she’s not licensed so it’s very possible

    i like her clothing style, just not her ugly ass face

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    You asking her to look “okay” is the reason the society thing was necessary to be brought up.

    Your idea of what’s an “okay face” isn’t everyone’s idea, and your idea of what an “okay face” is comes from the specific ideas of what’s beautiful in your eyes.

    Most people will agree upon what’s attractive based on what the society they live in says is an ideal beauty standard. I’m not saying you want her to look like a blowup doll, those are another persons words. But you’re wanting each character to assimilate to a specific beauty standard that isn’t shared all around the world, and shouldn’t be expected as the “minimum”.

    do you understand how that can be an issue?

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Just because you don’t understand it, it does not mean I’m trying to stir up trouble. You may not see it as an issue, but I do.

    I’m not “acting” pretentious, I just strongly feel differently than both of you have voiced and I’m adding substance to make my point,

    I see it as a reflection of societal expectations pushing a specific kind of image that is to be deemed “normal”. There are SO MANY people who look different. How would you make her normal? It isn’t possible without following a specific beauty standard that isn’t shared by others.

    A single character being ugly in your eyes doesn’t mean she should change, it means she isn’t a character for you to play. There are a bunch of playable characters. If you like her, keep playing with her. If you don’t like her, don’t play with her. Seeing a character who isn’t your standard of beauty doesn’t ruin the game, otherwise that’s an incredibly shallow mindset. There will always be people that you don’t find attractive, and in video game sits VERY prevalent for developers to only push those specific beauty standards and make them feel normalized.

    People have every right to dress how they want, get plastic surgery if they want, etc. I support people actualizing their idea of beauty as long as they aren’t harming themselves. But I also think many different faces should be accepted as well. You don’t have to like it, but you can’t tell someone to change their face just because you don’t care for it, well you can tell then, but it once again makes a person shallow.

    There are people who DO look like Nea, some of them very well might play the game, some of them might even really enjoy playing a character that looks like them. They can’t avoid the criticism of the character, but for the company to decide to change her appearance because she is deemed too ugly sends a terrible message to those women/girls who relate to her and now have to realize their own face has in a sense been removed because people didn’t want to see it. That’s messed up. And it doesn’t have to happen, and it shouldn’t.

    just don’t use her if you don’t like her. Still shallow, but less problematic. If you do like her, then there is no need to change her.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Nea is the prettiest female survivor y’all

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Maybe because Nea is a bum? She lives on the streets no ######### she's a hobo.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,618

    One more Nea did NOT live on the streets, she had a home, parents, she would just disappear for a couple of days, her parents were use to it, that was until she got took by the entity....

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,618

    So i am not having to repeat myself please take a moment to read, for those who doesn't know much about Nea:

    Nea grew up in the small town of Hjo in Sweden. She had a happy childhood even though her mom and dad worked hard. As the opportunity to move to the US became a reality she started acting out. Her parents didn’t really pick up on this as a reaction to their move. Nea was forced to leave her friends and life behind. Nea shied away from what her parents considered “normal”. Instead she took refuge in skate parks, and her tag “Mashtyx” was seen more or less all over her new hometown, and Nea made a sport out of tagging government buildings. Finally Nea’s parents became used to Nea disappearing for a few days on end. As she’s nimble and almost catlike, she’s able to evade deadly dangers. Years on skateboards has proven worthy training. And keeping her head down, avoiding the fuzz can be applied to all dangers. The only question is whether she has some interest in not giving up.