Why does nea's new skin look like a hobo?

Also in the pic of Meg, she looks buffed enough to star in one of those biggest muscle woman challenges! in the locker room! nea looked so good on the pic but looks like she is homeless...
Nea has a home!?
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well why does she look so rough??
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also she doesn't have a home, she is in the entity's realm at the camp fire o.O
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Sadly Nea (personal opinion) has some of the worst cosmetics. I'm not saying "Nea needs Kawaii eyes and big assets" but rather she needs something that actually makes her look....human. Right now all her cosmetics (aside from that awesome red jacket) all seem "homeless" like you said rather than "punk" or "rebel".
What we got:
What we want:
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it looks so much better on paper but then nea came out, barely anyone bought her face and got her top
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She lived with her parents, but it's stated she was gone for multiple days in a row sometimes, so she'd probably have clothes prepared for nights out.
Her dressing as a homeless person is probably accurate.
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She needs a complete face rework like Quentin is getting.
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her night out face is lovely but yeah i agree so does meg
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Nothing is wrong with Meg.They just have to make her arms and shoulders a bit more bulky.
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#########? No.
I bought the whole skin and I love it.
What is this bizarre obsession with every survivor needing to be physically appealing to everyone? Think they're ugly and that's important to you for some reason? Don't play them.
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Homeless = not human?
Yikes. This thread is sad.
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Way to take things out of context.
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she looks like she can throw the clown over a wall....at one point she looks skilled athletic then some bulk hulk
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they don't have to be pretty alli said was s elooks like some hobo with her hair, meg well her arms are bigger then john cenas
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If you don't intend it that way then maybe make that clear. You saying she doesn't look human is immediately followed up with her looking homeless.
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All the girls in this game have femenine type models.Only unique model is Jane's.
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To be fair Nea has always looked like a hobo.
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Same I was hoping the head would’ve looked decent but the hair & face turned out so fugly.
I’ll just stick with her pixie haircut.
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😪😪😪😪😪 as a Nea main I'm thoroughly offended 😫
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oh please as a claudette main i get this stuff all the time!!! LOL :)
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Claudettes detective style jacket and hat nearly made me play Claudette for a little while, but I always go back to my Nea (and currently Kate, cos I can't resist that biker skin!).
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Sheriff Jake, reporting for duty!
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I love the new homeless head of Nea. I bought it because it is different. But it is definitely a homeless head.
Give us another Night-Out Nea and I will buy that too.
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the biker skin was hot, but my claudette always gets constant posts of her trash mouthed :( even skins that they nerfed, no one ever has had that, i have been hiding as jane and others before....but nea looked awesome on the picture, a let down for the real thing
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Have you seen the hate my bubba gets?
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Everyone wants a character to be pleasing to the eye. It isn't rocket science. They're just complaining that Nea looks terrible without any cosmetics and the new ones she's getting still makes her look like [BAD WORD] for most people. I mean, have you seen her head with the sideburns? It's like they're trying to make her look like a monster on purpose.
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snorts....dont they say on sammination nea is the entity because she is not the best looking?
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But you change killer mains every week! lol
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Wait… so she isn't a killer? I mean, she sometimes even triggers heart beat... she has to be a killer...
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:/ Well, that sucks to hear. I always try to boop him or poke his butt when I see him.
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omg now i am chuckling
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Bubba is great. He gets abuse for being the worst killer just for not being Hillbilly. He has an instadown and Play with your Food. Legion has a tickling stick.
Bubba beats Legion.
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Bubba gets picked on because he is down camping in the basement, but i feel ghost face is his friend down there now :)
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Not anymore!😂
Bubba appreciates this.
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Stbfl>pwyf :D
I took his face though
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I mean. She was already homeless and dodging the cops.
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I love her new skater grunge look! It fits her character.
not every character in the game needs to look like a model, and I DO think her new cosmetic is pretty.
its one thing to want Quinten to look like the actor he’s based off of. It’s another thing to want to change a characters complete look because you aren’t attracted to them sexually which is wholly unnecessary unless their archetype is supposed to be “sexy/slutty lady/dude in a horror movie”
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"Everyone wants a character to be pleasing to the eye."
1. Nope, not everyone
2. Different people find different things "pleasing to the eye"
It isn't rocket science. 🚀
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Thank you. Some sense in here finally.
I love my new skater Nea 😍
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That isn't her outfit, that's just her face lol
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Nea is my saviour
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- People do want the characters to be pleasing to the eye, or at least the character shouldn't give the player an eye sore when they look at them.
- Yeah, I can see that clearly, but most people agree Nea looks like a monster but you can't seem to respect that. And by the way, I said it isn't rocket science because you were wondering why everyone wants the characters to look decent when it really isn't difficult to understand so I'm not sure why you said it back to me but okay.
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This is why you should come to Jane, quality over quantity baby <3
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1. 🚀
So in conclusion: 🚀.
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Again people...well some of you i am not saying they need to look like models, all i said was she looks very grunge hobo like -.- please try to not take things out of context. All of nea's outfits have been good and suit her, this is just not the better ones. In MY opinion.
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Actually not true, she wasn't homeless at all...she use to disappear days on end, her parents were use to it but she had a home, she was just a teen rebel.
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Oh damn, looks like you got me. I guess I can't come back from this one.
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When I see her butt, it is 100% quantity over quality.
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Oh honey she's way too loud lol
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Not everyone in the world is super attractive. I like the diversity.