A quick reminder as to why Nurse add-ons are being reworked.

Props to those Survivors for not DCing.
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Usually I'd argue one video doesn't show the problem, and Zubat is a good killer, how ever he did nothing special in this game as nurse, it was JUST that easy, the survivors spawned close to each other and infectious fright gave him all the info he needed.
I'm ok with a nurse
reworkaddon changes, she's boring to play against and as you can see in this video he didn't have to do super mega skillz to get them all. the nicest thing he did was predict that she was coming up the stairs, I'd have honestly blinked into the basement thinking she was in a locker.10 -
I don't think a rework is necessary, but this video is prime evidence for an add-on review.
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Well done..so I suppose if I showed a video showing gens getting done in five minutes or a gen getting complete in ten seconds I suppose the killer would be at fault for that too..I dont disagree over the addon changes however it annoys me when people make posts like this and yet every time a post is made about gens it's always the killers fault..its frankly extreme double standard
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By rework I did mean addons, my mistake, will correct.
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Oh ok then I agree with you👍
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It's not an extreme double standard at all, you watch tru3, go watch the other 100s of videos where he decimates survivors, and then you present two video of "gen rush". One of those videos ended with him having a 3K anyway so what's the issue?
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Omega-blink is nothing compared to these op add ons. :P
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It's the definition of it..I could show you videos of omega blink nurses losing and youd dismiss it as they were a bad nurse..
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If the strongest killer in the game, known to be 100% in control in chases, loses even with the most powerful add-ons, what would you think?
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Shes not 100 percent in control but ok..doesnt make my point any less relevant
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I like how all you people agree without question to this video evidence, but hide under your bed in denial when presented with evidence that gen speed is unbalanced.
You can cut the hypocrisy with a knife.
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... Do you even play against Nurses?
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Not all the time but I play as her which is more important
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Ps4 , but it doesnt matter..I'll be honest..console players have shown far better performances vs nurse than I see from average pc..its fascinating actually
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The evidence that Nurse is bullshit with add-ons?
I thought this was already established.
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Going with that logic, this here
proves that the nurse needs substantial buffs.
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Figures. You have no idea how terrifying PC nurses are.
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It does matter. The number of really good Nurse players on PC is way higher.
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Her addons as well might get a buff + she will get 2 ultra rare addons.
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As a PS4 player, it only seems like PS4 players play against Nurse better. Pc nurses are generally much better so it only seems like PS4 survivors play better.
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double post
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The devs seem to agree that her add ons are a problem, that should be evidence enough.
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I can't wait for omega blink nurse to be pretty much deleted will make it more fair and fun to play against nurse
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Lol ok sure exactly the attitude I expect from this kind of thought process
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I still can’t believe that people think the de-pip squad is relevant, it is over a year old. Survivors have been nerfed over the course of the experiment.
Following this logic, I can post a 32 win streak with speed limiter bubba as evidence that killers need nerfs.
Since out-dated videos are still evidence, this proves that killers need nerfs.
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The devs are biased..its been repeatedly proven
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Right because it's impossible for one killer to be stronger on one platform compared to the other. /s
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If you say so..I judge this not based off the nurse but the survivor movements..I'm mot so shallow thinking
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I have lost that kind of hope in the devs after ghost face
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Who knows... I'm curious for these ultra rare addons.
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Maybe take a break from the game then? I've never seen you say anything positive you literally just talk down the devs and pretend they've never nerfed survivors and haven't been buffing killers for the past year.
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If they’re so biased then gen speed wouldn’t never been increased from 60 to 80 seconds, we’d never have crow bombs, Spirit never would’ve been buffed, pallet vacuum would still be a thing, double pallets would be extremely common, grim pantry would never have been shrunk, MoM would’ve never been nerfed, Freddy would’ve never been reworked, egc wouldn’t be a thing, we’d still have tons of infinites, we’d still have old DS, bnp would’ve never been nerfed, exhaustion perks would be cooldown instead of exhaustion, healing would’ve never been nerfed and flashlights never would’ve been nerfed.
Biased my chainsawing athlete face...
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Omegablinks are gross, and who doesn't say that is just a troll that doesn't want neither the people's fun, neither a well balanced game
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Your right..its just a difference in skill requirement
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And yet most killers are still weak..I will say something positive when they arnt about to make all my effort and practice worth nothing
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Hah..and for every one of those something new took its place...and yet another issue lays behind it..then they turn around and go the other direction
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Yea, it couldn't possibly be that you're just bad with them?
Do you think Plague is weak?
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It seems like you’re actually the biased one here, playing killer ain’t as bad as people say. (I usually make red ranks on both sides btw)
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Nope, people FIND other issues. Like, complain about Self Care? Healing got nerfed. Complain about MoM? Got nerfed. Now its Genspeed, which was not really a topic a few weeks ago.
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From what others tell me I doubt it, I dont know where she lays because I cannot tell whom is just bad or if her kit is sufficient
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Yes I'm sure ,
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Really? Look up videos from over a year ago...
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Soooo, you're saying every killer is weak but you can't tell me that plague is weak or not?
Seems like you mostly have uninformed opinions of killers based on listening to videos on youtube rather than actually playing them yourself.
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Considering every killer but clown and leather I play regularly I'm more than able to voice my own opinion..and I said most..not all..you know that
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Still avoiding the fact that you said you can't tell me where she stands, why is that?
You always go on about "My effort" "My practice" because you're biased on this change, it's quite obvious you only care about yourself and not the game as a whole.
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How dare you....you dont know me so dont pretend to..I cant tell you because even the infinite wisdom devs dont even know..be cause sometimes she cant perform..other times she destroys..now I used to believe her low but now I'm uncertain as I dont play her solely..
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That alone should tell you how problematic all the Aura Reading and Detection Perks are in this game. Couple it with killers who have great mobility and chase and it just breaks the game.
There are certain killers that should not have access to certain detection perks.
And frankly most of the detection perks should be taken out of the game, and some of them instead relegated to specific killer use only.
Take BBQ and Chilli. BBQ is great on Leatherface and nobody is going to complain about that. All of a sudden put BBQ on Billy and a lot of people start taking out the pitchforks.
This is a massive oversight and it's what drives things like gen rushes, because you just have to. And once that's done on broken combos like Billy BBQ then it trickles down to every other killer. And that is how the meta is formed and flaws in the game are revealed.
What's crazy is that, instead of fixing this issue the devs keep doubling down on it.
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It seems people misunderstood my comment. I was not saying her add ons aren't a problem.