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Silent Hill 2 + DBD chapter concept. Part 1: James Sunderland

Donglybits Member Posts: 8

I'll preface this whole thing with this.

I hold a deep, passionate hope for a day that I could possibly see a Silent Hill 2 + Dead by Daylight collaboration.

Konami has done some strange things in the past with their licences, I hope they can finally stop ignoring one of its greatest by giving it a new "home" in DBD. I am not claiming that Konami will ever have a collaboration like the one I want, but I hope that one day I and others could raise some awareness to Konami to show them that a partnership like this would be dope as #########.

My main goal with this passion project of mine is

1: To change the mind of skeptics that think something like this could never work

2: show my explanation as to how these characters (James and Pyramid Head) were brought into the entities realm

And 3: Have some fun discussion on what their perks and map could be if this would become a reality.

Please leave constructive criticism on how I could make this bettet.

And with that out of the way, I'll now properly start.

Part 1: James Sunderland

After enduring and barely surviving the nightmare that he just experienced, James Sunderland has made his choice. With an empty, pale face, James looked at a fog covered Toluca lake, and gave up.

James had been punished both ways. Physically by the various monsters he had created. And mentally by finally coming to terms with the horrifying reality that he murdered his wife out of hatred and sexual frustration.

He had nothing.

The people he met within the town had all gone away for various reasons. And the wife he believed was there, was never there at all.

James would be ignoring the final request of his late wife by killing himself, but at that point, he just couldn't take it anymore.

He wanted to be with her forever.

James got into his car and drove at full speed towards the cold lake. The car plunged deep down into Toluca lake, and James was losing consciousness.

As he was slipping in and out of consciousness, James thought he heard a voice. It was low, quiet, and unintelligible, but it was speaking to James.

The water surrounding him was becoming unnaturally cold, as if the lake was freezing over. The voice then spoke much louder to James, he didn't really care, but it was hard to ignore. He was somehow wide awake, as if the voice wanted him awake.

The water in the car was now freezing, and the voice was screaming. James was at his limit mentally. He let out a long, pained wail, filling his lungs completely with water, and finally lost consciousness...

...that is, until he woke up back in the town.

In a pool of cold sweat, James slowly opened his eyes and looked around. It was the same town he was trying to escape.

James slowly rose back up, confused as to what the hell just happened. He noticed the old flashlight he used was on the crumbly asphalt, but he couldn't find that old busted radio, or any of the weapons he found before.

James walked on reluctantly to somehow find a reason why he was called back, but he heard a loud, excruciating scream in the distance. He wondered for a moment if this really was the same town. James decided to run to the direction of the scream, hoping to find a real human he could talk to.

He ran through the seemingly endless fog for what seemed like forever, until he heard an all too familiar sound. The sound of heavy, rusted metal scraping across the hard floor.

James froze with fear as a figure approached him.

It was the thing he hoped to never see again.

His punishment.

"How? Why are you still here? I didn't need you anymore, so go away!"

The Pyramid just stood still, as if it listened to James for one brief moment. It then lurched forward, blade in hand, it was ready to strike.

James tried to run as far and fast as possible into the foggy night, but it didn't matter.

The Pyramid was always right behind him.

James is now locked in another hell.

One he can never escape from.

Thank you from the bottom of my hear to anyone who decided to sit through this. I hope you enjoyed.

Like I said, I'm open for some constructive criticism if you want to give me some.

Part 2 will be centered around the big boi himself, Pyramid Head. Keep an eye out for it, if you're interested.

Thank you again!
