Silent Hill 2 + DBD chapter concept. Part 3 map and map variations

Donglybits Member Posts: 8

If we were to get a Silent Hill map, I'd want to something that's different that what the devs usually do with maps.

I'd take the new Badham approach, but with each variation, I'd have a unique section to it.

Silent hill I: It would contain the east part of town and the Wood side apartment complex that you could go into for a small loop.

Silent Hill II: Contains the northern part of town and the Rosewater park to explore for some small loops.

Silent Hill III: Contains the southern part of town and the first floor of Brookhaven Hospital for a small loop.

And finally

Silent Hill IV: Contains the north-west part of town plus the lobby of the historical society, the parking lot can have a small loop like the outside of the preschool.

If, for some magical reason, we would get a second unique map, I would make the Lake View Hotel an indoor map with multiple levels.

I wouldn't make multiple variations of it though, since the hotel is very uniform and samey.

Tell me what you think!