more exhaustion add-ons for less dead hards

these add-ons are pure gold because it counter one of the most op perk in the game for survivors and they complain so much about it, we need more of these please! let us counter OP dead hard, and i don'T mean it in a way i always M1 when they do it, i mean it in a way they take the tiny distance they need to safely get the pallet, it counter it so hard and i love it! more please!
Just No. Exhaustion add-ons shouldn' even be a thing after the exhaustion nerf
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Exhaustion nerf? What?
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yes they should be, exhaustion perks are op enough as they are, and we need to counter them more, add-ons just bring more balance, you say this because you HATE when you can't use your so precious dead hard, not so strong without it huh?
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before you could recover your exhaustion even while running, they changed it so if you run it doesn't recover, that was the nerf
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Oh, I thought the new update was nerfing it.
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Dead hard isn't OP.
It doesn't even work half the time.
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shouldn't work at all
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It usually works if you use it for distance.
@op the only relatively op exhaustion perk is balanced landing and that is map dependent.
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Even if it does, I never have a problem with the perk. Just bait it out, or take the extra loop. It's not that bad. Or play Huntress.
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Following this logic, spirit shouldn’t work because some people find her op.
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take the extra loop? you mean like 3+ loops if the map rng is on the survivor side? yea no thanks
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if you can'T track, hear, or use her properly, she's garbage, look at low rank spirits, do they ever use her power for chase or track? they don't, she require skills, dead hard require nothing, only cowards use this perk, and there's too many of them, if we can have enough counter to this perk, they will stop using it and use something else, like balanced landing, i like this one
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i am legacy jake 2 with minimum 750 hours of survivors and the 1250 remaining is killer, and dead hard is a perk i will never ever use, i have enough pride to not use a coward perk
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exhaustion add ons should be deleted they don't belong in dead by daylight anymore
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they do more than ever, tell me why they don't?
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delete exhaustion addons more like it
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how is using possibly the most useful perk in the game a cowards perk
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why not delete exhaustion perks?
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Here's your options:
A. Mindgame if you can
B. Play a top tier killer
C. Leave the Survivor alone.
D. Run an Exhaustion add-on.
E. Spirit Fury + Enduring or Bamboozle
F. Just take the loop.
Plenty to pick.
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You can't exactly do that without breaking the game basically with add ons they can be retired and changed
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Sporit OP pls nerf, she too opee and is ez4k. Gg, bhvr pls.
Sorry, I needed to get my sarcasm out there XD
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what if i don't want to always play spirit? what if for FUN I want to play trapper? or amanda?
leaving them alone each time means i will never catch them
mind game is almost impossible against red ranks, if you are behind a wall it's possible but in the open it's really hard
i do with clown and huntress
3 perks to coutner 1? yea seems fair
take the loop and lose 2 gens, yea no thanks
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“Only cowards use dead hard” so now using a perk is cowardly? That tells me all I need to know.
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each typical post XD thank you XD
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I mean, once I know someone has Dead Hard, it just becomes pretty meh. Just bait it, then swing. As someone has mentioned, most of the time it only works half of the time... Use it once to dodge or rush to a pallet, good job, second time I know you have it and just bait it.
Dead Hard has its uses, but far from what I consider to be OP personally. As for the talk about exhaustion add ons, I feel they're just adds more variety in builds to just have the option to counter exhaustion perks in general if that's your focus as Killer. I used these add ons, though not often, everyone has a certain playstyle...let them build around if if they choose to.
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just like using insidious on leatherface :)
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Make her move at 1% ms always. 😉
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Trapper and Amanda, with traps and dash respectively, counter looping.
Exhausted has a long cooldown. Don't leave for too long.
You'd be surprised how dumb red rank Survivors are.
I meant pick one or the other.
It may be all you can do.
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Good thing I don’t use insidious
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trapper is good with the ultra rare add-on,
amanda is good with her dash if survivors are dumb enough to stay around the loop, if they leave it it doesn't work
yes some really are and i can't hardly understand how they got there, but still some are really competent and it's not easy to mind game
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good leatherface :)
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She's still OP, man you must be a killer main because she needs:
- Her Phase must take 60 seconds to fully recharge.
- Her passive is removed as it's deemed as hacking
- You can now see her while she's phasing
- Before Spirit is allowed to Phase in the Trial, she must walk up to each survivor and get a signature from all of them to get her Phase Permit License. If one survivor doesn't sign, she's not allowed to use Phase at all.
- If she wants to kick a generator, she must appoint a meeting with the last survivor who made progress on that generator. If there isn't a consensus between that survivor and the Spirit, she cannot kick generators at all.
Boom, balanced! :)
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Dead hard is literally the easiest exhaustion perk to bait out. Balanced landing is much more “OP” than dead hard. Regardless exhaustion add-ons need to be looked at since the exhaustion nerf has now made them extremely op.
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more like worst killer in the game
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I disagree. If you're out in the open deadhard only works once, but if you're at a loop or vault you can use it multiple times even if the killer remembers you have it. Now add to the fact that it's part of the meta and multiple chases can be extended.
Honestly, old MOM was less OP than what dead hard is in my opinion. I'm sure I'm in the minority though.
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I can already see how you play in my head and it wasn't at all pleasant to think about.