Chapter concept: What lies in the void (lovecraftian chapter)

Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

Killer: The Unknown

Name: Nyarlathotep

Bio: Nyarlathotep was a powerful creature from the deepest parts of ancient lore who gathered legions of followers from the deepest parts of the places he brought ruin too and as those followers wandered with him he showed them strange rituals and practices that enamored his followers. His followers would always no mater how useful be sacrificed at the end of their long walk around the world and with each death he only grew in strength until one day he was offered a deal though there were no words spoken instead only a fog surrounded him and he got the idea

Ability, Creeping Chaos: You have 2 forms those being chaos and shadow.

You start the shadow form where you are a completely normal killer but when you hold the active ability button for half second you will curse the ground which makes the ground in a small circle become covered in a reddish black substance and when survivors in within 25 meters of this strange circle they will have killer instinct reveal them for 6 seconds and will suffer from hindered until they leave its radius or destroy it which takes 6 seconds. you can place only 5 of these.

You can switch to chaos mode and back by holding the secondary ability button for 1 second. In Chaos form you run at 118% unlike your normal 115%. While in this form you can hold the main ability button for 1 second to send out a fake double that will run for 20 seconds and if connects with a survivor it will stun them for half a second then it will dissipate but it may also it dissipate if the time limit is reached, it is stunned by a pallet or flash light, or hits a wall. you have to wait 15 seconds before you can send out the double again.


Perk 1, Ancient Knowledge: Your mind contains knowledge older than most creatures, when a survivor fails a generator skill check you will gain a token with a maximum of 2/3/4 and when you hit a survivor you lose a token but that will make them have a 10/12/14% reduced healing and repair speed for 40/50/60 seconds.

"he walks through the realm his mind containing things humanity was never meant to know but despite that fact he is happy to share it with those who's ears are willing"- Unknown

Perk 2, quiet methods: your methods are quiet and precise, when you break a pallet it will still look like it wasn't broken to survivors for 30/40/50 seconds.

"his methods are quiet and those who don't pay attention to the faint noise will be fooled by their source." - Necronomicon

Perk 3, Infectious Presence: His presence is infectious and spreads chaos to those who are in it, your terror radius is increased by 13 meters and when survivor a survivor uses a vault or hops a pallet they will suffer from the hindered status effect for 12/13/14 seconds.

"Those who are or have been around him for an extended period of time seen to have an extreme decrease in mental stability and time spent asleep."- Unkown

Survivor: Malcolm Harding

Bio: Malcolm Harding grew up in the city of Arkham where he had steady access to both fiction and non-fiction stories which enraptured him and allowed him to escape the steadily decreasing financial situation of his family when he graduated from high school his family scrapped together as much as money as they could to send Malcolm to Arkham university hoping he could get a better life. after a few years Malcolm graduated with flying colors with his best grades being in the occult and strange. after graduation he began teaching at Arkham university hoping he could teach his students the same things that enraptured him. during a late night of research for a new test he was assigned to teach he received a knock on his office door and when he opened it he saw a book on the ground with a sticky note attached to it that said it was research material. Written on the spine of the book was the title 'The Necronomicon' the name made him uncomfortable but he looked inside it anyway and the knowledge it contained was great but even though the text was fascinating, he couldn't keep himself awake and so fell asleep right before reading about a strange god with spider like appendages. when he awoke from his unwanted nap, he realized he wasn't in his office but instead in a forest with a faint orange light in the distance which the source of seemed to be a camp fire.


Perk 1, Up From the Depths: With the help of others you rose up from the depths and you hope to do the same for someone else, when doing a co'op action you will gain a token with a maximum of 3/4/5 and when and when you get hit with another survivor within 20/25/30 meters of you they will gain a 5/8/10% increased sprinting and walking speed for 30 seconds.

"i believe that if you should help people even if it hurts." - Malcolm Harding

Perk 2, Educated Thought Process: You have an educated thought process, when the killer enter blood-lust while chasing you then you will gain a 8/10/12% vault hopping speed until the chase ends then it will enter a 30/20/15 second cool down.

"thinking with the perspective of your opposition in order to manipulate them is the key to surviving in the worst parts of the world." - Malcolm Harding

Perk 3, Researched Plan: You try to learn from experience so that next time your ready, when ever your in the killers terror radius for 15/10/5 seconds with put getting spotted you will gain a token with a maximum of 3/4/5 and when you are doing an action in the killers terror radius you will spend 1 token to increase the progression of the action by 12%.

"knowing what your doing by researching the subject and practicing makes things way easier latter on."