Freddy now A+ tier.

This new Oblivious effect is very strong for so many reasons, no borrowed time and any terror radius perks . He is one of the best M1 killers if not the best imo. FELLOW FREDDY MAINS REJOICE ITS FINALLY TIME TO DOMINATE!!!
Ummm... Aura and Red Stain aren't effected by oblivious. Just the terror radius.
But yes Freddy is very good.
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Just the part with no Borrowed Time is right, the others things are related to Undetectable status effect, which isn't applied to Freddy.
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Yeah, it's so freaking strong. And if combined with the anti-genrush build... He's insane.
1 - it says here it is, Idk I've been mind gaming like crazy playing him this patch
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Ahh I see where I've made a mistake in his abilitys. Still he is so incredibly strong now
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When a Survivor is Oblivious, the following effects are applied:
The Survivor does not hear The Killer’s terror radius.
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why is he so strong now? can you explain me what changed ?!?
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He really is. Reworked Freddy is awesome.
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Things like Borrowed time don't activate if the person unhooking is in dream. making him very viable for slugging and a few other perks don't work on him while in dream state. Meaning more people wasting time going to wake up
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he's stronger than demogorgon that's for sure. you don't need to set up portals and activate them to go anywhere. demo feels like a trapper... it takes time to set up... he has a lunge which is clunky esp when you miss u get stuck in that fixed camera view which is so annoying.
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He was already strong. His BT interaction changed but some other perks are now anti-synergy with his power.
Either way they aren't meta perks other than BT so it's mostly a sidegrade. But he's already good so he still is.
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Yea, Demo needs some serious QOL improvements and make his lunge more consistent
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He's already had some QoL improvements in the form of bug fixes making his hits more consistent. And he has a massive buff upcoming with basekit red moss
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Heard about that and I'm hyped for it