2nd objective people want that we alraedy have but needs be tweaked buffed

ppl complain about gen rush and no real 2nd objective when there are dull tokens , but they are just cleanse for bp or if there is thrill of the hunt ,

solving the gen rush noed should be part of a base kit , it forces survivors to cleanse tokens before completing all generators , and it would solve gen rush meta . but it would be annoying as solo survivor because u never know how many tokens are left so it would be made that there is indicator how many totems are in game still ,

ppl complain noed is op , no its not , it has huge counter and its only in end game , it just catches people of guard , because people prefer do generators because they are not entilted to do tokems , and then when they rush 5 generators they get 1shot and are annoyed ,

with that all survivor would know the rule to finish game safe cleanse all totems ,

this post will get lot of hate because many ppl hate noed even killer mains , i also never use it but it would just make gen rush risky


  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    Not really because it maintains that NOED is an absolute must-have perk for the Killer. And that's boring.