
Without Ruin I feel like killers are asking to lose in a big way. Are there server statistics to support this theory?
Can we slow Gen progression to balance things out a little?
80s is long enough for gen time. Holding M1 and pressing space isn't riveting game play. Another objective would be better.
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Slow gen progression by hooking survivors and patrolling generators.
I would never run a perk that survivors can take from me.
Will you lose sometimes? Yes. No big deal you just move on to the next match.
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On paper and in practice Ruin is a 50/50 on how it works. When it works its fantastic and does its job well. Sadly the kinda survivors you want it against are also the ones who are not really affected by it at all.
I personally believe Ruin is a choice we all have, but I personally believe it teaches bad form as a killer. It encourages continuing the chase over the gen priority. Use it enough and suddenly your lost without Ruin. What Ruin does in my head is make you weaker in the long run and instead of sharpening your skills dulls them instead. Many people will disagree with me and straight up say I'm wrong or I don't play at high ranks. I'm a red rank on both sides. I play almost every killer without Ruin or BBQ anymore.
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Any tips then on finding survivors faster at the start of a match? I feel like if I go to an empty area first I pay for it.
I remember an out of ohtufu video where he said the survivors spawn in corners of maps. Anyone know if that's true?
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Not sure if that's true or not tbh. Your best bet is to patrol semi far gens when you spawn in the game and if you find someone then get em. If you don't find anyone then check your totem real quick and then back to going to gens. Going to corners is kinda a waste of time cause that means you're around nothing.
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I get your point at the risk there. It can work without ruin sometimes, sure. But what do you do against optimal survivors that rushed one gen before you even got to them? And what do you do if all of them are good loopers too?
You loose mate. I'm red ranks too and i know why i use ruin on most killers.
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I dont lose till people are out of the gates man people seem to think that you lose when the gens are done this is not true. I dont mind losing some gens it's all about pathing and rotation as your red rank you already know that though. If 4 survivors spawn and do one gen then effectively 1 person wasted there time since the 4th person on 1 gen slows it down and takes longer then 3. Not to mention I know where all 4 people are.
Ruin used to be good when keeping people away from 2 gens being done now that hatch spawns regardless it's just better to find alternative ways anymore. I mean most survivors can hit ruin skill checks because of how popular it became. What's the point of a perk that serves no purpose other then to be great sometimes and meh most of the time.
Just because I think Ruins a wasted slot and can 4k against survivors even optimal ones without it. Dont think I dont understand why people use it. I have nothing against it. I typically use it when I just want to have a relaxing game and farm.
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Only trashbags use ruin
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That's not even close to true.
Usually I find them if I head to the opposite side towards the right.
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Because you are red ranks you should know that winning means pipping.
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Winning to me means I had fun. I can pip and have fun or I can depip and have fun. Pipping means nothing to me with this awful ranking system. Everyone wears red rank with a badge of pride, but the reality is red ranks are boring AF no variety for either side and everyone is sweaty as possible. Sad part is I've noticed a lot of the better killers and survivors stop at purple most season and only rush to rank 1 towards the last few days.
Red rank =/= Skill
Red Rank = Time played this season.
I'm not saying that red ranks littered with bad people it's just that the good players are few and far between.
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I'm a purple/green rank. The struggle is real.
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Thats the real problem of the people: "Pipping".
When did the people lose the core of the games? HAVE FUN MATE. Forget about ranks, they mean nothing, just have fun, try killers, try builds, do silly things. HAVE FUN.
When i see in game Thanatofobia, NOED, RUIN and Sloppy Butcher of course i try to rushed the gen beacuse the tryhard level is too high. When i see the killer is fun i forget about gens.
As killer i like people who wants a nice chase.
As a survivor i like the killer who wants a nice chase.
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Oh you are one of the people that are thinking rank doesn't matter when it comes to skill. Nvm then. xD
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I think you don't got my point there, but you are right too. You never should forget having fun.
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Pretty much anyone can pip if they know how. I mean unlike before the rework of the pipping system at least it's got some more skill then before. It's still time invested though
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How is the perk that usually gets cleansed in less than a minute needed? I run it but it really isn’t needed. (I only recently started using it again)
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ruin isn’t necessarily requirement, but no other perk buys as much time.
I think another objective would be good like you have to activate a relay to send power to the gates and each gate would have it’s own relay, but this new objective didnt start until blue ranks
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Ruin isn't suppose to stop gens only slow them down.
A secondary objective only helps those bad killers who spend too much time tunneling.
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