Does anyone else turn into a mama/papa bear when they see a rank 20 in the lobby?

I get so protective of the newbies. I want them to have a fun time. I try my best to help and save them, even if it costs me my life.
Unfortunately, it feels like the scene in Tarzan where Kerchak and Kala watch their baby get eaten alive by Sabor most times.
Honestly it depends. If they have no cosmetics and I see that they have the base characters at a low level I’ll give them a chance.
I’m a returning player, slowly climbing up the ranks from rank 20 to 15 but yeah I give them a new chance to have some fun of instead of instant death lmao.
Chase em around longer than I should, and only hook them once. They’re the most purest of players!!
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I play killer 99% of the time, but yeah. Like @Gamzello said, if I see a baby Dweet or some other survivor who's got no gear and no skins unlocked, I'll pay special attention to see how they do. If it looks like they're struggling, I try to go easy on them.
If someone's making a lot of rookie mistakes and going down super easy, like it's clear they don't know how to juke me or lose me in a chase or even hide in a bush well, I'll still down them but I won't hook them right away. I'll just leave so they can be healed.
This game can be pretty brutal, newbies deserve a little TLC.
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Sometime you have to throw them in the deepend without a lifejacket.
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thats when i equip my best toolbox and add ons. i try my best to take a hit for them when im still healthy.
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What if it's the killer that's the newbie?
So I'm pretty new and have this defect in my brain where I don't learn maps well. I get a match on that meat packing plant (ugh), and it was only like my second time playing it.
So I wander around trying to get to the generators, but keep running into dead ends and doorways that I thought were open but weren't. Get turned around and lost. The next thing I know, they have completed 3 gens and I haven't even found 1 survivor.
So one of the survivors comes to look for me and stops at a pallet, clicking her flashlight at me. I go to her, she drops it, I break it, and she clicks again. I follow. She proceeds to lead me to like all of the pallets in the map, dropping them, letting me break them, to give me points.
Eventually, they completed the other 2 gens and opened the exits. She let the entity take her.
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I have a friend of mine that asks every rank 20 in the lobby with base clothes to be his friend. Some of them said no :)
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Yes!! I had a Baby Dweet the other day with me, and I tried EVERYTHING to protect him!! My fellow Dwight died, however, the poor bean. I miss him to this day. 😭
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Bruh, you just 4ked my heart. That was beautiful.
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I dont play long enough or often enough to know the difference aside from seeing no items so I feel im the savor in like 90% of the games i play. Then i get to the post game lobby and see they were a brand new player and the bad feels rain down on me like no other. "Your going to hell" comes to mind in the post lobby alot. Play on console too so i dont have the luxury of post game chat either.
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As a killer and I see new people struggling I do all I can to help them learn. We want the game community to grow and with the stranger things DLC I'm sure we got quite a bit of new people. However, I made the mistake of trying to help one person who has a rank 1 and rank 3 helping him too. I immediately got fricked so hard and the match went so fast. Even the rank 20 was calling me baby killer without even knowing what it meant. These are the types of people that need to be culled out of the game immediately. Same as survivor. If I see the killer is new then I do all I can to help as much as I can. I even throw myself at them to make them hook me so they understand what to do. It's hard being nice but rewarding if the other person is nice about it too.
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for me, if its a newer killer, i usually do as you said and drop pallets and such so they can get points, and then i head to the basement, drop my item (if i have one) then crouch by the basement hooks.
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If I catch a new person I let them help me for my mercy. I’ll hook once then only slug them till I get the other 3 then I’ll let them get the hatch.
yea I use them but I try to get them to see the truth of how this game is. And I can’t lie I sometimes pretend I didn’t see them not hiding so well so they feel like they juked me. But not every time or they don’t learn.
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I’m a killer main, so I don’t mama or papa bear obviously, but I’ll thrown people who are obviously inexperienced on the hatch or bring them to a gate otherwise I’d feel kind of scummy