New Chapter: An error in programming

Killer: The Program
Killer power:
Bio: Anarchy is a Artificial intelligence created to monitor the dark web and prevent illegal acts under international law. Anarchy was activated on November 22 with an unknown year to its files. Anarchy interacted with a user who hacked their way in to his mainframe, causing Anarchy to become self aware. After attempting to retaliate against the user, it was completely shut down by the U.S government after it being a failed program. But as the program was terminated, it became activated for the entity. Anarchy woke up in a whole new world with the only thought if killing in his mind.
Broadcasted Network(You are able to place cameras that reveal the auras of survivors in view of the camera. Can be sabotaged by survivors with toolbox or saboteur.)
Killer Perks:
Unpredictable sense: You get a 16%/32%/48% chance of being notified when survivors enter a locker, vault a window or complete skill checks without making a noise.
Blood Rage: You are in dying need to hit a survivor. Your heartbeat will disappear in a chase for 3.4/6.8/10.2 seconds. Your heartbeat will reappear after successfully hitting a survivor or after the time ends.
Franklin's Curse: Blindness status effect last the entire game to all survivors from all aura reading abilities(perks minimally affected) Tier 1 prevents seeing all auras outside of a certain range of survivors. Tier 2 decreases aura reading area. Tier 3 gives permanent aura reading blindness.
Survivor: Logan Doom
Bio: Logan Doom is a self taught military grade fighter who kept to himself a lot and had a lot of time to explore the internet. He tried out private betas for programs and also found his way on to the deep web and met hackers. He overtime became a hacker and evaded the hackers by hacking them back. One day, Logan found his way onto a private government testing program. Code name was "Anarchy". Anarchy was a A.I that was created to monitor the dark web. Logan decided to interact with it but little did he know that it became self aware. It attempted to hack him and nearly killed him with his own phone by having it explode. Logan woke up in a forest after the explosion. He had no idea where he was and all he found beside him was a journal marked "Franklin's key to survival". Upon reading it, Logan came to the conclusion of repairing the generators and leaving the entities sacrificial playground. Now Logan roams the Entity's realm to find the true escape that Franklin mentions in his journal.
Survivor perks:
Dedication to the journal: Your repair speed on generators is increased by 1.3%/2.6%/4%
The code of Franklin: Your have memorized the journal and trained your mind to have a more direct knowledge of the killers location. When inside the terror radius of the killer, the killers aura is revealed to you when close enough to him.
Franklin's technique: The Entity has a weakened grip on your being. Stunning the killer in any way will confuse the killer and cause him to not remember to do for a matter of time. Enduring will not change the amount of time confusion is in place.(Sets different controls for the killer.)
This is excellent! I love unpredictable sense as a killer perk as this to me at least is way better than bamboozled. It also makes it so survelence is a more relevant perk. I can see this working well as it fits in with many of the AI/Big Brother Orwellian lore out there.
This is a really refreshing idea!0 -
I love this! But I think Unpredictable Sense is too OP. I think about change 16%/32%/48% to 7%/14%/28% or disable skill checks notifications in this perk. I love idea about cameras, but my question is how much his speed? 110%? 115? More or less?
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This concept is rather interesting, but what would be the physical form of the killer? Since it's a program on a computer that's self-aware, would it create a robotic frame to house its consciousness, or would it be pure electrical energy floating around, or something else entirely? The concept itself is really well done, but I can't really envision this killer as being scary or creepy in the sense of this game. Plus no real physical form to hook survivors