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Killer perk ideas

azazer Member Posts: 446
Booby trap- killer can rig a trap to chests. Survivors will channel as usual, then upon opening the chest there is loud noise  visual indicator and survivor is reduced one health state. They don't receive the item and have to go through the opening process again.
For already open chest Killer closes open chest and sets the trap. Upon activation loud noise visual indicator pops up for killer, survivor is reduced 1 health state, chest stays open.

As an unwritten  Easter egg, plunderers aura reading marks trapped boxes in red.

Cursed item- dropped items or items left in chests can be sabotaged by the killer.
First aid kit, hitting good skill check causes massive reduction in progress bar. Great skill check reduces progress to zero and destroys item.
Tool box, same as above
Flashlight, blinding killer causes survivor screen to white out instead, negates soon on killer.
Key, negates add on powers and reveals holders aura within 10m
Map, reveals survivors aura to killer when activated. 
Higher tiers increase rarity of cursed item and gives them add on to make them more tantalizing.