Killer Perk - Clear Eye

Your strong connection to the Entity let's you see what others can't. While in chase, you are able to see your Red Stain as long as the chase lasts. CLEAR EYE has a cooldown of 30/15/0 seconds.
I like the concept of Fixated, that you can see thing's you normally can't, so I had the idea for a similar perk for the killer where he can see his Red Stain. This is for newer killers or killers who want to practice mindgames, but have difficulties to get a feeling for the Red Stain. The cooldown is just numbers, because I do not know what to add else for the different tiers. The perk should only activate while ich chase, because it could be distracting when active all times.
What do you think.
Giving a training wheels perk a cooldown probably wouldn't be the best idea, my suggestion would to get numbers in there by giving it another feature on top of that, for example maybe let it give you more FoV while in chase on top of that.
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I think there shouldn’t be a cooldown. Instead it decreases your red stain range by a little
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I'll change a few things so it will be "Fixated kiler version", maybe it will need another name. When you're chasing for far too long you feel an inner strenght in you. The bloodlust speed is 5/10/15% bigger.
Also I would make a short cooldown, like 15/10/5 because it's not like the perk has a lot of uses.