Who was the first person in the Realm of the Entity?

Monfuiser Member Posts: 15

The way the Entity works is that it can bring a person form anytime period. A person from 2010 could be in the Realm of the Entity can be there longer than someone from 1947. So going off of that, who was the first survivor/killer that the Entity took?

Best Answer

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    Answer ✓

    You can look at it in at least 2 different ways.

    One way is that you simply take our timeline and go to the earliest point of someone being abducted, which means it's Plague.

    The other way you can look at it is that the Entity exists outside of time and looks at our timeline, then picks up people from all kinds of times it deems fitting.

    Y'know, as if it's looking at a calendar of the world, sees something cruel happen on a specific day and is like: Oh yeah, he'll do as a Killer.

    In the latter way of finding people, truly anyone could've been the first.

    A new Killer could be revealed coming from the year 27859, yet the lore could state he's the first Killer ever.


  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    In short: No one knows

  • armandfm11
    armandfm11 Member Posts: 35

    Quite interesting... If we are taking about first survivor that touched the Entity's realms, that would be very first victims that attracted Benedict to research the Entity and ultimately got captured himself. But I can't tell if they're the first 4 survivors (Meg, Dwight, Claudette and Jake) or other people, not playable (random civilians). And they might be even others, later-released survivors or not released yet.

    I took a look in the first lore of the game : Benedict's journal. If a survivor was living in that town, Weeks (in America), it should be the first victim to get grabbed by the Entity. After all, from what I remember, the Entity expands more with each soul captured. It had to start somewhere. It started with the 364 unlucky victims. Not sure, but I don't think any of our playable survivors (and Nea :P ) lives there. Maybe, one future survivor would be from Weeks, a survivor that would help with the Entity's real story. But, it's just an idea. I'm probably just talking nonsense :)

    As for the earliest period of time, I would go for Bill (he's old and he's from a quite old game). Either him, or I would go with ImmersedNurse's idea. It should be a survivor that acts, wears or looks in a more older fashion. But these two come first in my mind : Benedict or Bill.

    For the killer part : first to set foot on the realm ? Trapper. He was the only one playable in the beta. He was the first. As for the earliest period of time, I'm going with ImmersedNurse : Plague's the oldest.

    Maybe, in the future, the Archive will make the story behind the Entity clearer.

  • Sickerton
    Sickerton Member Posts: 77

    I think assuming the first was a survivor is a bit erroneous. Survivors are the simplest pieces of the Entity's game; It drops them in essentially as-is, while it takes time to "Customize" each killer to properly hit the sweet spot of a threatening but not impossible challenge. That, alongside the detail that the Entity can only breach into what we consider the real world through moments of strong emotion and/or violence, leads me to conclude that the Entity would both have had a much easier time collecting it's first killer and would have logically prioritized having one ready before pulling in survivors.

    So, who was the first Killer? This has actually been answered. Sort of. The Devs have noted before it is very likely that the first killer ever was deemed a failed experiment by the Entity, and promptly thrown into the Void (a subdimension it would then use to store all later survivors and killers once they are drained to nothing more but husks). So if the first person was a killer, he/she was disposed of long before anyone we know could have ever seen him/her.

    If you wanted to get really meta you could assume that this mystery killer was The Smasher, or an even older killer concept the devs themselves toyed with during prototypes and ultimately discarded. But my money is that, if The First was ever to resurface in-lore, they would create an entirely new design and theme specifically to make something like that exactly as notable as it sounds.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Ultimately, there are survivors and killers we don't know much about about, like Vigo and Benedict Baker, who arrived before the playable ones. There are references to other survivors before them, and yet we don't know when they arrived or how they arrived here.

    TLDR, it's impossible to comprehend this, because it involves concepts that are hard to understand. I.E. Cosmic Horror.