So Borrowed Time doesn't work against Freddy

🦀Borrowed Time is gone🦀
Edit: Against Freddy only. Borrowed Time is still perfectly fine, people will just have to be more careful about using it against Freddy. This was just meant to be a joke thread hence crabs sorry everyone.
Only if you're asleep I believe.
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BT doesn't proc when the person who is doing the unhook is asleep (because of no terror radius). Otherwise it works.
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Against one killer, if you’re asleep, and if you don’t make a safe save... and stop saying camping Freddy I seriously see maybe 1 camping killer every 20 games
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Which results in the person who got unhooked going down because this person is asleep and in Deep Wound, which will deplete because there is no TR.
So yeah, it does not work against Freddy at all.
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That's like the old BT. Nobody claimed back then that the old BT was useless and didn't work. It was a commonly used perk.
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Because it doesn't work against Nightmare is why you give it up?
So that means you only had it on because it worked against Nightmare?
That's oddly specific to use 1/4 slots for.
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It does not have its purpose which current BT should have. Thats simply a fact.
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BT doesn't work at all if you are facing a cloaked Wraith. Different killers, different mechanics.
Object of Obsession is also now super-powerful against Freddy since you now always see his aura without any minimum distance while being asleep. That totally kills any mindgame potential. Again, different killers, different mechanics.
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OMG My meta perk is now harder to activate against a certain killer, so that means is useless 1!1!1!11!!!1! That's against the survivors rules book and devs should immediately buff BT and nerf Freddy into the ground.
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They love to remove the TR from the killers nowadays, you can count the numbers yourselves. And i believe m&a is currently bugged at all killers aswell removing tr completely sometimes untill hit. So yeah, bt is worthless rn and all of the people who argue are laughable.
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reminds me of another interaction like on how PLAGUE makes medkits, self care, we'll make it etc all USELESS. it is fine, it is a fun interaction that changes up the gameplay
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Kinda like how Wraith can make Borrowed Time useless.
Just sayin....
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Yes but you can bait out wraith to proc BT.
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Not really. Wraith doesn't have to uncloak but you have to save your teammate before he/she dies.
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And Pig. And Ghostface. And every killer with Insidious...
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Wraith can cloak when they proc borrowed time. Borrowed time still goes down cause he technically not chasing you according to the game
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No, I'm talking about just giving the person you're unhooking BT in general. With Freddy now, you have to not get hit for that to happen which is quite ridiculous considering how easy it is to camp playing him now.
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Lets remember Adrenaline still does more against Freddy than most other killers so it kind of evens out.
each killer having some slightly different impact on the game, perk, etc keeps it kind of interesting.
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People act like make your choice isn't already a counter to Borrowed Time...
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What perk set up are you using that allows MYC to trigger on the same unhook as BT?
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If borrowed time is triggered then MYC wouldn't go off. Borrowed Time only activates if the killers TR is within range of the hook, MYC only activates when the killer is a certain distance away from the hook. So no, MYC doesn't counter BT at all.
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I love when ppl bring OoO against my Freddy. Even if you know my position when im 6 inches away from you, doesnt mean i'm not gonna hit you when your standing in a minefield of snares.
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Just switch for DS or use OoO so you can see Freddy's aura at all time.
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I think they mean MYC gives you a clear better target thats NOT the person with BT protecting them. Still wouldnt use the word "counter" but...yeah
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If make your choice procs.then bt usually dont proc
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Depends on the TR. Some builds have very large TR, and dark devotion can create a TR away from the killer as well.