Gen rush no counter

Git gud. Thats what you can do.
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I would love to see how good you are when I gen rush you
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Perks, intuition, killer powers (more or less on your skill), 3 gen strategy...
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I mean, you are spreading lies. Do you expect a constructive answer when your only contribution here is a lie?
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I could be that toxic doctor camping 3 gen and make the game last 1 hour but Im not that kind of player, also I need maximum BP so that's not my style
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Only true if the survivors are better than you.
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I mean that discussion came up countless times before. Against solos, most killers are ok, against decent swf nurse and rin. Period.
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@Aven_Fallen that's a fact, if your rank is not red or purple rank, I don't think that would be the case
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True, player skill gap is huge, but 4 of them, you can hook once or twice but they gonna get the exit gate before you can kill one
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...So that’s all you got from what you read of mine? You picked out the “3 gen strategy” and threw the rest of what I said to the trash. And not sure why you would state a 3 gen strategy as toxic, unless you are purposely stalling the game.. And you can easy get maximum bloodpoints from this lol, it’s not like you literally camp 3 close gens the ENTIRE game.
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Easy said than done
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And yet BHVR does nothing about it...
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Wow becoming your own enemy
If there is no counter, then, how has it been the same for 3 years and some matches end with no gens done?
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Apply map pressure... maybe?
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Just sounds like you need to “git gud” as @Aven_Fallen stated. Doesn’t seem like you want to get better with this answer.
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Yeah why not exploiting it, it's fun for survivors anyway, I play both sides, but yes it's kinda unfair for killers.
Try get on to red rank and you'll see, I don't need to say much about it, just hope this post get noticed by BHVR.
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I don't know, I already did the best I could, 0 time wasted, perhaps you need to play killers at high rank and see it for yourself. You only see it survivor sided.
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I play both sides at high ranks, I main Leatherface and still do fine. Not everyone disagreeing with you only playable one side.
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Problem is that the players skill gap is huge. When someone at one end say something true on their sides, not all the people at the other end agree with that.
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I’m a consistent rank one killer my entitled friend. I play killer 70/30 compared to survivor. I just think a lot of people of this forum don’t hold themselves accountable for a loss when they should. You can’t always blame the game for mistakes you make. You’ll never improve if you do. Stay humble, don’t let EGO get in the way.
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Probably, probably not. You see, even the best killer can always lose to a gen rushing game like that.
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I bet you’re better than you think :)
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You need to add context to what you’re saying/replying to, because I have no idea what you’re on about. You basically ignore what most people say and just focus what YOU want to reply to.
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Apply pressure?
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Sure, "I’m a consistent rank one killer my entitled friend. I play killer 70/30 compared to survivor." - "Probably, probably not."
"You can’t always blame the game for mistakes you make." - "You see, even the best killer can always lose to a gen rushing game like that."
And my context is the thread above
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Every statement in this thread needs the qualifier: "depending on which killer it is".
Apply map pressure...unless you're playing 70% of the killer roster.
Git a point. But most loops are objectively safe on most maps. Ghosftace isn't catching anyone competent at cow tree no matter how gud he gits.
Ultimately, survivors dictate how much pressure most of the killer roster can achieve. If they spread out and stay efficient on gens individually, there's not much most killers can do.
You want to stop the gens consistently? Play high tier killers. Yes, you can get less optimal survivors and do well if you play well with lower tier killers, but squirtguns only work in squirtgun fights. Survivors have more at their disposal the higher you get in rank.
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Well I could show you proof obviously, but what would that accomplish?
And I’m not sure how you get that from what I said about taking blame from ones own mistakes... Gen rushing is always on you, so I guess I should’ve clarified that. There’s other mechanics in the game though, ya know?
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Turn gen rushing me in a 1 v 25 ill be the one saying “gg ez” in end game chat XD
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I don't care much about that.
Killers like me, even the best one can make mistakes, that's inevitable. But the whole thing is when you're not making such mistakes and you don't get what you're paying for, that's frustrating. I'm fine if everything in this game is player skill based (for example playing as a survivor if I die, that's either killer is better than me or my bad/my teammate bad, can't complain about that).
But that one gen rush problem is unacceptable, like chasing people, down them, hook them and it keeps going like that the whole match, 0 time to breath, not camping, not tunneling. And the entity displeased after all of that... I win sometimes, lose sometimes that's all right, but it's sure annoying when it comes to gen rush and when you do the best you could (map pressure, multi-target, slugging...), it's still never enough. Like how is that all on the killer shoulder?
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"ApPlY mAP PrEsSUrE" not always that easy
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Genrush is easy to counter. You just kill the survivors.
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"Git gud" is not constructive in the least, it's just pure annoyance, nothing more, nothing else. The best of the best get gen rushed and it has been proved over and over again. Stop putting an issue to the side when it's right in your face. It's not a lie in the least, it happens if the survivor SWF is optimal enough and smart. Yes, people do want a constructive and temporary solution to calm their situation down.
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There are tons of decent SWF groups that get destroyed by killers other than Nurse or Spirit, and there's tons of proof on YouTube and Twitch of Streamers who utterly demolish SWF group game after game live. I have even seen killers do it perkless. And by the same token there are tons of solo survivors that destroy Nurse and Spirit.
This tired argument needs to end.
The game is not stacked against killers or survivors.
It's all about whether you are more skilled and outplay your opponent.
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But that would mean all the killers on here who are getting Gen rushed aren't as good as they think...that's not possible! Everyone on here is a pro killer!!!!
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They don't have to be better than you, as long as you got 2 players that can loop and the other 2 do gens they're pretty much carrying you, I've done it many times cause I know if the killer goes after one of my potato teammates they're gonna go down in seconds.
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I can beat survivors who know how to loop, you act as though looping is op, if that were true then killers would never win.
It sounds like those survivors still played better in the end.
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It's a team effort. If the survivors leverage their strengths, then that means they managed to outplay the killer.
If the killer managed to target the weak links of the team then that is the killer outplaying the survivor team.
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Genrushing is easy just dont die
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It is a lie that there is no counter to genrush. If there would be no counter, YT vids like "4K 5 Gens" would not exist.
And well, if a Killer lost, the Survivors may just be better? Nobody is entitled to get a 4K or Escape.
Last but not least, I dont see the reason to put effort into a post when the thread starts not constructive at all. I mean, I can rub OPs belly if he likes, but this would not really be a solution.
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I think you’re probably not as good as you think you are.
Rather than casting the blame upon yourself, you take the easier route and blame it on the game.
I can guarantee you one thing, crying on the forums won’t stop you being gen rushed. Instead maybe playing the game might.
My first Killer game this season after not playing DBD period for almost 9 months. Wow. No gen stopping perks and I let the Nea go 🙊
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I'm not indicated that I'm bad or good, most of the time I'll get some decent kills, BP... But the one time you lose to gen rush, that's frustrating. What make you think this forum is for baby to cry on? I'm trying to notice what people usually ignore because it's out of their hands.
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“That one time.”
I am not denying sometimes games can go fast, but here’s the tough to swallow pill.
People are better than you at the game. Sometimes you’re going to lose.
Here are 50 games I recorded at R1 last season as a solo player.
The average game time was almost 17 minutes 🤔.
Killers 4K’ed in 21/50 games or 42%.
I escaped 22/50 games or 44%, less than half the time. You don’t see me crying on this forum about kill rushing. Git gud.
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Care to elaborate how you reached this conclusion? I would like to see what your reasoning is.
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######### were those 3 papegas doing
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Nice stats but this is not a probability and statistics class. Sure the one time that doesn't require skill to win says it all.
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This is going to be my last response to you.
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Getting chainsawed and mind gamed.
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There's a reason why there are only three viable killers in top ranks. It's because they can apply map pressure consistently. Every other killer is at the whim of the survivors, in that they have to capitalize on mistakes made.
With that said, gen rushing isn't a survivor issue, it's a game balancing issue. As it's their only goal, you can't blame them for accomplishing that goal.
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It depends how genuinely good the survivors are.
If they're really good, then yeah, you're screwed.