Why I take breaks from this game.

I'm sorry, but I have to rant about this. I always take a month or two break from this game and when I come back I ask myself why, then I remember why, it's because I truly believe these devs are terrible when it comes to fixing the game. I already know I'm gonna get hate for saying that but oh well, it's the consequence I have to deal with for speaking my mind.
I'm not gonna get into the whole balancing argument because whether you feel like it favors killers or survivors I think most of us can agree that it isn't the best. But my issue is with the amount of bugs that this game has and continues to gain as updates arrive, as well as some gameplay mechanics.
There have been bugs that have been issues for years in this game and somehow have not had a patch. For instance, the grabbing bug for killers. It's been around ever since the Spirit was released which was well over a year ago, by now there Should've been some fix to this since it affects the game. Many players have been robbed of hooks simply because of this bug, sometimes costing them gens or a match.
And as of recent there has been the matchmaking bug which I know they are aware of and are working on fixing it. But come on, it's ridiculous. The game has been out for years and has had multiple large updates, there shouldn't be multiple game breaking bugs or bugs that just ruin the fun for the players. Visual bugs aren't an issue though since they don't normally affect gameplay, such as the bug where survivors appeared to be sliding after throwing down a pallet. And these are just few of the many, many bugs that plague the game.
I also have issue with mechanics such as the Auto lock system. I play on console so I can't say how bad it is on PC but my personal experience is that it's horrendous. The fact that the game automatically tracks healthy survivors over injured survivors is dumb. Auto lock should be a gameplay option that players are allowed to toggle on or of. I'm tired of going for an attack just to have my character do a 180 spin by itself causing me to lose track of the survivor. If I miss an attack I would rather I be due to the fact that I actually missed the attack (which I do sometimes, I acknowledge those moments) rather than it being the to a game mechanic.
Then there's the issues with the hitboxes. There are so many times as both killer and survivor where an attack that clearly missed somehow lands, and attacks from point blank range somehow miss. It wouldn't be as big of an issue if it only happened occasionally, but it's a constant issue and it ruins the fun of the game. I know once live servers go up they're expected to get better but it's only going to fix the issues with latency, not the hitboxes themselves.
Maybe these just sound like some insignificant, petty complaints, but they're honestly ruining the fun of the game for me. I want the game to to well of course, but these issues seemingly get worse over time.
Thank you for reading this rant.
I don't think you will get hate for mentioning some of the problems of the game. The bugs and weak performance are also the biggest fun killer for me. Some game mechanics might be annoying, the imbalance is a big problem, but bugs + performance are the biggest issue for me.
Concerning the grab bug: I can't remember who it was, but one of the mods replied here on the forums that this isn't a bug but caused by latency. But that can't be the reason because currently the killer is the one hosting the game. So we can assume that the devs aren't looking into the grab bug issue.
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oh yea because you're so much better than the devs.
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Its latency compensation most likely. Basically means that the client also some kind of control over the timing of the actions, and where they can override the host's input. Dbd evidently has it ingame for some actions, like window vaults and grabs.
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I never claimed to be, but ok?
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I'd like to think that the devs aren't that "terrible" considering they have also fixed many bugs along the way, but no one bothers to mention/talk about that.
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It's because the amount of bugs they create outweigh the amount of bugs they fix.
Post edited by Jplanas98 on2 -
I normally play a variety of games since I'll sometimes get bored of certain games quicker than others. Been playing a lot of borderlands 3 lately. But there are times where I really want to play DBD, but really don't want to deal with the bugs.
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I'm also on ps4 and one dumb thing is if you go for a charged swing against a survivor the game treats it as a quick swipe and you end up misding and slowing down to what should have been a hit
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oh yea because you're so much better than the poster.
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i find myself playing less and less as i get higher in the ranks. i can deal with bugs when im not sweating the while game, but when the games start getting more intense and you start coming across more and more meta perks and BMing survivors or killers, it just makes the bugs and stuff that much more frustrating.
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They also need to reduce survivor natural hitboxes (not hit...hit boxes...if you know what i mean). most of my games end miserably on killer side due to bodyblocking.
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I think everyone has to take a break from this game at some point. I know damn well I did, I probably will again soon
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I should do the same, honestly. I'm a killer main because I found survivor boring. I can't explain how annoying and stressful is trying to play right (no camp or tunell) and still suffer with map design, infinites, instaheals, keys etc
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Same honestly. I want to play the game and enjoy it, but it just hasn't been fun lately. And I only came back to the game about a week or so ago after about 2 months of not playing.