Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killers should not be able to know the Items Survivors bring.

RailY Member Posts: 53
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

There are so many cases reported where killers will dodge a lobby when they see items (no matter what kind of items really)
or even bloody clothing. And that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario they will DC at the begining of the match
and you will lose everything you brought with you.

I don't understand why it's ok for the killer to Bring Mories/Tombstones and stuff like that while the won't accept any items from survivors.

Now survivors started 6-second swapping and it's a bloody war out there. Killer Mains vs Survivor Mains. Just remove this stupid feature please. It only promotes fighting

I've even been forced to not use my Auric Cell items that I just bought because WAY too many killers Dodge me and it takes 3-4 Lobbies until I get a game. I'm just stuck with my Green shirt and the default pants with Claudette for now.
That's silly


  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Fix the initial problem with SWF problem first, otherwise, you will be seeing 4 flashlights every game and there's not much you can do about it since you didn't pick Franklin or Lightborn

    Lobbing dodging with Killers does needs a fix, it definitely promotes unhealthy gameplay, I suggested Killers being punished for dodging and so many are against it, despite the fact that it will help Killers in the long-term

  • Unknown
    edited July 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • RailY
    RailY Member Posts: 53

    @Orion said:
    Survivors are the ones who don't want Killers to pick their perks in accordance with the team they're facing and want Killers to be forced into unfavorable/unfun games. Fact is, if you try this, instead of dodging pre-lobby, you'll just have Killers DC when they realize the game is not going to be fun.

    You've got two ways to fix this:
    1. Heavily nerf Survivor items (particularly flashlights).
    2. Try to make items less of a pain in the ass for Killers so they won't mind their presence.

    Until either - or both - of those things happen, if you don't want to get dodged for bringing items or last-second switching, then just don't bring items you know Killers will dodge you for nor do a last-second switch.

    What the hell are you talking about? Are you listening to your self?
    Stop bloody White Knighting for a moment and listen to what you've said.
    Entitlement at it's fullest.

    The point of this post is not giving the power to anyone to use power over others.
    Do you think Survivors "enjoy' playing a game with Mori ? The single most broken offering in the game?
    No one does. The thing is, they just put up with it, and if they "don't enjoy the game" they leave.

    The same Rules should apply to killers. If you want to DC after you get Flashed, feel free to do so.
    Survivors don't get to know what sh*ty combination the killer is bring, they killer shouldn't know what survivors have prepared for him either.

    People seem to think that survivors are BRUTALLY overpowered and they DOMINATE the game.
    That's almost laughably wrong. Although survivors have the edge right now the balance is TOO damn thin.
    Remove 3-4 pallets from every map, make only purple Flashlight being able to somewhat Blind, and it's over. The game is dead. reviews hit 50% the next day, because the game is THAT broken at this point.

    You don't want survivors to pallet loop you, and you don't want them to heal or Flashlight you.
    Then tell me. What exactely do you want me to do? Do you want us to have the ability to throw ourselves on hook just so it's more convenient to you ?

  • RailY
    RailY Member Posts: 53

    @Someissues said:
    Fix the initial problem with SWF problem first, otherwise, you will be seeing 4 flashlights every game and there's not much you can do about it since you didn't pick Franklin or Lightborn

    Lobbing dodging with Killers does needs a fix, it definitely promotes unhealthy gameplay, I suggested Killers being punished for dodging and so many are against it, despite the fact that it will help Killers in the long-term

    Well as I've stated before, SWF should have never existed.
    Or at least there should be a "casual" mode where the rank is not affected, and survivors could play with friends. I don't think that's even a debate.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @RailY said:

    Well as I've stated before, SWF should have never existed.
    Or at least there should be a "casual" mode where the rank is not affected, and survivors could play with friends. I don't think that's even a debate.

    Devs stated on stream 70% of playersbase on survivors are all SWF, the rest being Solo

    Casual mode would be nice, doubt the devs would make it happen though

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Someissues said:
    Fix the initial problem with SWF problem first, otherwise, you will be seeing 4 flashlights every game and there's not much you can do about it since you didn't pick Franklin or Lightborn

    Stop posting nonsense. Flashlights are easy to play around.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @only1biggs said:
    Stop posting nonsense. Flashlights are easy to play around.

    and how would it be fun if survivors to bring 4 toolboxes every game? and without you knowing it

    explain how 4 flashlights are easy to play around when you don't have lightborn / franklin

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    If you play Billy you can counter it by chainsawing the pellet, same with LF but other killers can't besides the Nurse and slugging

    without knowing what the survivors bring they can troll every killers with agreeing to use 4 flashlights / toolboxes and you won't know what's coming

    Franklin would become a mandatory perk

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    Hence all Killers should be punished for dodging Lobbies with 10/15 minutes timeout, sounds more fair than this random you don't know what they bring

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861
    Orion said:

    Survivors are the ones who don't want Killers to pick their perks in accordance with the team they're facing and want Killers to be forced into unfavorable/unfun games. Fact is, if you try this, instead of dodging pre-lobby, you'll just have Killers DC when they realize the game is not going to be fun.

    You've got two ways to fix this:
    1. Heavily nerf Survivor items (particularly flashlights).
    2. Try to make items less of a pain in the ass for Killers so they won't mind their presence.

    Until either - or both - of those things happen, if you don't want to get dodged for bringing items or last-second switching, then just don't bring items you know Killers will dodge you for nor do a last-second switch.

    Why should the solution consist of further nerfs to survivors?
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    @RailY said:
    What the hell are you talking about? Are you listening to your self?

    Yes. Are you?

    @RailY said:
    Stop bloody White Knighting for a moment and listen to what you've said.
    Entitlement at it's fullest.

    Pot calling the kettle black much?

    @RailY said:
    The point of this post is not giving the power to anyone to use power over others.
    Do you think Survivors "enjoy' playing a game with Mori ? The single most broken offering in the game?
    No one does. The thing is, they just put up with it, and if they "don't enjoy the game" they leave.

    Not only was Memento Mori nerfed so that Killers have to literally allow hook rescues to use it, but Survivors disconnect at the slightest hint of a challenge, including a Killer they don't like, a secret offering (never mind if it's a Memento Mori or not), a Killer trying to use a Memento Mori, and so on.

    @RailY said:
    The same Rules should apply to killers. If you want to DC after you get Flashed, feel free to do so.
    Survivors don't get to know what ######### combination the killer is bring, they killer shouldn't know what survivors have prepared for him either.

    Except the two sides are not equal. The Killer is supposed to be the more powerful side, so giving them more information about what to expect is only natural. There are Killer perks that become outright useless unless they know which items Survivors are bringing. The best example of this is Lightborn. Survivor items, on the other hand, are always useful, no matter what.
    To reiterate, the two sides are not equal, and the fact that Survivors don't get information about their Killer is irrelevant to what information the Killer should have.

    @RailY said:
    People seem to think that survivors are BRUTALLY overpowered and they DOMINATE the game.
    That's almost laughably wrong. Although survivors have the edge right now the balance is TOO damn thin.
    Remove 3-4 pallets from every map, make only purple Flashlight being able to somewhat Blind, and it's over. The game is dead. reviews hit 50% the next day, because the game is THAT broken at this point.

    Survivors are brutally overpowered. The so-called "depip squad" proved this over the course of 100 games. It's the reality of the game. Maybe your reality is that you're just not as good as you think.

    @RailY said:
    You don't want survivors to pallet loop you, and you don't want them to heal or Flashlight you.
    Then tell me. What exactely do you want me to do? Do you want us to have the ability to throw ourselves on hook just so it's more convenient to you ?

    I don't want Survivors to exploit map design (pallet loop), just like I don't want Killers to use whatever exploits they may have available.
    I don't mind if Survivors heal, but when they have a perk that renders hits virtually irrelevant unless you spend inordinate amounts of time chasing them without any room for error, I consider that a balance issue.
    I don't mind flashlights so much as I mind the fact that they can be used to essentially stunlock a Killer for a long time and have zero counterplay, not to mention the fact that the screen suddenly going white physically harms some players' eyes.
    I don't want Survivors to throw themselves on the hook, but they do keep doing it whenever one of them is hooked, and then they try to insult me instead of realizing how absurd their "strategies" are.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    I don't see how a lobby timeout for dodging will discourage people. I'll just go play an enjoyable game for 15 minutes while I wait. 
  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @RailY said:
    There are so many cases reported where killers will dodge a lobby when they see items (no matter what kind of items really)
    or even bloody clothing. And that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario they will DC at the begining of the match
    and you will lose everything you brought with you.

    I don't understand why it's ok for the killer to Bring Mories/Tombstones and stuff like that while the won't accept any items from survivors.

    Now survivors started 6-second swapping and it's a bloody war out there. Killer Mains vs Survivor Mains. Just remove this stupid feature please. It only promotes fighting

    I've even been forced to not use my Auric Cell items that I just bought because WAY too many killers Dodge me and it takes 3-4 Lobbies until I get a game. I'm just stuck with my Green shirt and the default pants with Claudette for now.
    That's silly

    Short answer : No

    Long answer : Absolutely not. Killers are allowed to see the items survivors bring in so they can adjust their builds accordingly as the devs have brought up before, why else would it be a feature to begin with? Now, I don't agree with people dodging over bloody clothing but that's not up for me to decide whether or not people will continue to be dodged or not over that.

    As a killer, the only thing I won't tolerate is a full toolbox squad (mostly due to the risk of BNPs) as far as items go (streamers are another story). Last second switching should not even be a thing to begin with as to me that just shows the survivor will be toxic as hell rather than them just joining with the item to begin with. I won't blame new killers for dodging people with items because they're learning but last second switchers only worsen the problem. To disable the ability to view items means that you're preventing killers from knowing what perks to bring in (meaning that perks like lightborn and franklins demise will never be used by anyone but people that are paranoid about items).

    As a survivor, I very rarely get dodged and am currently just about to finish getting the cosmetics I want on my main survivor which until then has bloody clothing on (well the shirt followed by two unlocked rares). Infact, the only time I get dodged is if everyone joins the lobby at the same exact time. Sometimes people dodge over a lobby full of items and that happens with me in the game too, but it isn't a hassle for me to get into a game and ultimately if anything I'll spend more time looking for an available lobby than I will waste time in an active one just to get dodged.

    Let me throw this back, that's silly to want to remove a feature killers use to adjust their builds as they were intended to do, your solution will not fix the problem and instead may even lead to more newer players leaving due to not knowing what to expect and could potentially cause a further issue with killers as a whole and even potentially survivors for running into more unfavorable games along with increased toxicity on both ends. Plus I must note, who are you to decide whether or not a dodge was justified? In the eyes of the person hosting the game, perhaps they had a very terrible experience with a specific item in the past, why on Earth would they want to subject themselves to the same exact risk again?

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Where is that doctor video from awhile back? Where he brought Franklin's against a last second switching squad and forced them to lose all their lights? Sounds exactly like what the OP wants to happen on a regular basis. Lmao
  • Navydivea
    Navydivea Member Posts: 114

    MMMMMMMM No. Killers are supposed to have an advantage.

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    Personally, I usually dip when I see a lot of toolboxes.
    If I see a lot of "private profile" and two toolboxes/two flashlights I dodge those too cause I know exactly what those are.
    Why don't you guys take keys or maps in occasionally, why do I only see medkits when it's someone trying to abuse we'll make it or using insta heal addons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Killers will stop dodging when the game gets balanced. Killers are already at a crazy disadvantage without have toolboxes and flashlights stacked on them. We need to balance the game and fix the core of the problem which is why killers are dodging in the first place.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RailY said:
    There are so many cases reported where killers will dodge a lobby when they see items (no matter what kind of items really)
    or even bloody clothing. And that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario they will DC at the begining of the match
    and you will lose everything you brought with you.

    I don't understand why it's ok for the killer to Bring Mories/Tombstones and stuff like that while the won't accept any items from survivors.

    Now survivors started 6-second swapping and it's a bloody war out there. Killer Mains vs Survivor Mains. Just remove this stupid feature please. It only promotes fighting

    I've even been forced to not use my Auric Cell items that I just bought because WAY too many killers Dodge me and it takes 3-4 Lobbies until I get a game. I'm just stuck with my Green shirt and the default pants with Claudette for now.
    That's silly

    The killer is supposed to counter the stuff survivors bring into the game, thats why perks like lightborn exist. Of course he needs to be able to see their quipment in lobby for that.

    Oh and btw, if you wanna run around with your deathsquad yielding 4 flashlights, then ofc killers gonna dodge you. Oh and if you dont ready up fast enough, then prepare to be dodged too. If I am in a salty mood, then I will equip insidious leatherface at the 10 sec mark if you still havent readied up :wink:

    I highly doubt that you are being dodged for your cosmetic, the reason is usually SWF, too many items or bad ping

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Someissues said:

    @only1biggs said:
    Stop posting nonsense. Flashlights are easy to play around.

    and how would it be fun if survivors to bring 4 toolboxes every game? and without you knowing it

    explain how 4 flashlights are easy to play around when you don't have lightborn / franklin

    I didn't mention toolboxes.

    Slug. Fake a pick up, turn and down someone else. Pick up facing walls or at angles they can't reach. Don't be brain dead. Simple.

    Stop posing nonsense.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Just get rid of the flashlights! As a survivor it just spells annoyed killer and that's bad for us all. Toxic players that use this as a weapon not a tool annoy the fudge cookies outta me.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    This is ridiculous. It's already a 4v1 and there are four killer perks against sixteen survivor perks. Killers can't afford to waste perk slots, so they need the advantage of knowing when to alter their build. Killers should know when they're going into a game with four flashlights so they can equip lightborn and not get blinded whenever they break a pallet.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited July 2018
    RailY said:

    There are so many cases reported where killers will dodge a lobby when they see items (no matter what kind of items really)
    or even bloody clothing. And that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario they will DC at the begining of the match
    and you will lose everything you brought with you.

    I don't understand why it's ok for the killer to Bring Mories/Tombstones and stuff like that while the won't accept any items from survivors.

    Now survivors started 6-second swapping and it's a bloody war out there. Killer Mains vs Survivor Mains. Just remove this stupid feature please. It only promotes fighting

    I've even been forced to not use my Auric Cell items that I just bought because WAY too many killers Dodge me and it takes 3-4 Lobbies until I get a game. I'm just stuck with my Green shirt and the default pants with Claudette for now.
    That's silly

    That simply make perks like Franklin's demise and Lightborn absolute gambles. Unless you're suggesting at all Killers just pretty much mandatory equip them. So The Killers are supposed to go against four flashlights they had no idea about and couldn't bring any setup or counter
    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    The killer should always have the opportunity to prepare for the survivors he is facing.
    It would be unfair, if he couldn't.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    The developers WANT the Killer to be able to have the ability to see Items in the lobby, though.
    Whether one views that as fair or unfair is kinda irrelevant.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Orion said:
    Survivors are the ones who don't want Killers to pick their perks in accordance with the team they're facing and want Killers to be forced into unfavorable/unfun games. Fact is, if you try this, instead of dodging pre-lobby, you'll just have Killers DC when they realize the game is not going to be fun.

    You've got two ways to fix this:
    1. Heavily nerf Survivor items (particularly flashlights).
    2. Try to make items less of a pain in the ass for Killers so they won't mind their presence.

    Until either - or both - of those things happen, if you don't want to get dodged for bringing items or last-second switching, then just don't bring items you know Killers will dodge you for nor do a last-second switch.

    Nah, totally do a last second switch. Just don’t use an offering :)

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    It seems like this could be solved my setting survivors' auto-ready to 20 seconds instead of 5, but leaving killers at 5 seconds.  No more last second switches.  Then impose a lobby dodging penalty - nothing the first time, 5 min for 2nd, 10 for 3rd, etc.

    As a killer I would be fine with this.  I lobby dodge the extreme, obvious bully squads but I don't think it's fair to dodge everything but an itemless vanilla squad.  And really, if every once in a while I have to face an SWF bully squad, but I had the guaranteed opportunity to adjust my build, I'd be okay with it.
  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    This is ridiculous. It's already a 4v1 and there are four killer perks against sixteen survivor perks. Killers can't afford to waste perk slots, so they need the advantage of knowing when to alter their build. Killers should know when they're going into a game with four flashlights so they can equip lightborn and not get blinded whenever they break a pallet.

    Most Killers do not use this information to alter their perks/addons/offerings, they use it to dodge.

    Thats the problem.

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127

    @Baphomett said:
    It seems like this could be solved my setting survivors' auto-ready to 20 seconds instead of 5, but leaving killers at 5 seconds.  No more last second switches. 

    Errr.. its easier than that... why would survivors be able to modify their equip inside the killer's lobby ?
    They already have a survivor lobby / SWF lobby to pick their equip and click Ready

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Tizzle said:

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    This is ridiculous. It's already a 4v1 and there are four killer perks against sixteen survivor perks. Killers can't afford to waste perk slots, so they need the advantage of knowing when to alter their build. Killers should know when they're going into a game with four flashlights so they can equip lightborn and not get blinded whenever they break a pallet.

    Most Killers do not use this information to alter their perks/addons/offerings, they use it to dodge.

    Thats the problem.

    This problem stems a lot from the fact that a group of survivors with fashlights are, chances are, going to blind you wherever you go. And if they bring toolboxes, then chances are, you're going to get genrushed. Making the killer not see what they're bringing might stop dodging, but once the killer sees they're in a game full of flashlights or toolboxes, they'll probably just quit, which is even worse. The way to fix lobbydodging isn't by taking away an intended advantage of the killer, but by looking at main issues of the game, like genrushing.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Remove the option to see items and you will see a DC rate for killers as high as it is currently the case for survivors.

    I wont even bother trying against sweaty SWF with items, theres literally no point

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    @Sehkmet said:

    @Baphomett said:
    It seems like this could be solved my setting survivors' auto-ready to 20 seconds instead of 5, but leaving killers at 5 seconds.  No more last second switches. 

    Errr.. its easier than that... why would survivors be able to modify their equip inside the killer's lobby ?
    They already have a survivor lobby / SWF lobby to pick their equip and click Ready

    But what if they're queuing solo and using the minute before the match to discuss tactics? They might want to change something after they find out what others are bringing, and I'm inclined to allow it. I'm very much in favour of giving killers an extra 15 seconds to deal with the last-minute switching problem though.

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    I hope not every item is not tolerated by Killers. For instance, I have a guaranteed hatch Map setup, where I can pretty much get a free escape AND be lazy. Green Map w/ Green Stamp and Black Silk Cord works very well. Just do 2 gens, and then you can hide, do nothing, or help everyone else escape. I usually just do gens or function as a first responder for my team.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Someissues said:
    If you play Billy you can counter it by chainsawing the pellet, same with LF but other killers can't besides the Nurse and slugging

    without knowing what the survivors bring they can troll every killers with agreeing to use 4 flashlights / toolboxes and you won't know what's coming

    Franklin would become a mandatory perk

    So would lightborne. This post is dead on arrival. Obvious surv bias with absolutely no thought about the consequences of his drivel.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i enjoy swf teams most of the time. they seem overly altrustic and can get themselves snowballed under the right circumstances.... i'll hang somebody in the basement, chainsaw sprint gen-to-gen till i find someone else, chase them to a loop and then chainsaw sprint back to the basement and GOTCHA, #########.... i'm not a lobby dodger and i don't strap on Lightborn just because they got torches. i'm pretty good at tactical pick-ups and usually get an extra hit or two during transport....

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170
    RailY said:

    There are so many cases reported where killers will dodge a lobby when they see items (no matter what kind of items really)
    or even bloody clothing. And that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario they will DC at the begining of the match
    and you will lose everything you brought with you.

    I don't understand why it's ok for the killer to Bring Mories/Tombstones and stuff like that while the won't accept any items from survivors.

    Now survivors started 6-second swapping and it's a bloody war out there. Killer Mains vs Survivor Mains. Just remove this stupid feature please. It only promotes fighting

    I've even been forced to not use my Auric Cell items that I just bought because WAY too many killers Dodge me and it takes 3-4 Lobbies until I get a game. I'm just stuck with my Green shirt and the default pants with Claudette for now.
    That's silly

    That simply make perks like Franklin's demise and Lightborn absolute gambles. Unless you're suggesting at all Killers just pretty much mandatory equip them. So The Killers are supposed to go against four flashlights they had no idea about and couldn't bring any setup or counter
  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    i enjoy swf teams most of the time. they seem overly altrustic and can get themselves snowballed under the right circumstances.... i'll hang somebody in the basement, chainsaw sprint gen-to-gen till i find someone else, chase them to a loop and then chainsaw sprint back to the basement and GOTCHA, #########.... i'm not a lobby dodger and i don't strap on Lightborn just because they got torches. i'm pretty good at tactical pick-ups and usually get an extra hit or two during transport....

    See, if you're good it doesn't matter. I ready before the survivors even show up in my lobbies! I could care less what they bring and if they bring a lot of great stuff they might destroy me but about half the time I destroy them. That's how it goes you're not supposed to win them all.

    And nope I haven't made it to rank 1 as killer yet but maybe that's because I'm not good enough to be rank 1 but maybe it's time to admit some of you aren't either.

    So maybe you are good enough but how would you know if you haven't played against a flashlight in a year and half because it's too powerful :'( 

    Maybe you'd have more fun if you stayed to the low ranks you belong in anyways, instead of cherry picking your matches so you can win and rank up. Wow very impressive rank! Have you ever had to back it up? No? You just dodge? Super cool guy! 
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624


    i'm not a rank 1 either.... i'm a solid 9 though and i give the last guy the hatch 75% of the time.... not to mention that i don't use Ruin nor BBQ. so i think i could be rank 1 or so.... if i ever felt so inclined....

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Esheon said:

    @Sehkmet said:

    @Baphomett said:
    It seems like this could be solved my setting survivors' auto-ready to 20 seconds instead of 5, but leaving killers at 5 seconds.  No more last second switches. 

    Errr.. its easier than that... why would survivors be able to modify their equip inside the killer's lobby ?
    They already have a survivor lobby / SWF lobby to pick their equip and click Ready

    But what if they're queuing solo and using the minute before the match to discuss tactics? They might want to change something after they find out what others are bringing, and I'm inclined to allow it. I'm very much in favour of giving killers an extra 15 seconds to deal with the last-minute switching problem though.

    Discussing tactics?! What lobbies are you playing? People don't even bother to say hello in my lobbies. At most there's a guy baiting a party streamer. But that's all. I've never seen someone discussing tactics. What should they discuss?

    Yeah if we land on this map, you 2 do gens and I loop, while the last guy does chests?
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Just to be up front my profile is private not because I'm always swf but because I got tired of people being jerks. No one needs to know those on my friends list or anything else about me etc. I try and have my items ready before hand most of the time whether solo or swf.

    I usually ready up early unless the killers ping keeps jumping then I watch for the spikes to be safe. I have to agree with @Hillbilly420 on teh killer needing to see stuff, they're supposed to have an advantage. The only thing I'd add is solo queue might talk about it do they do this offering or that item etc.

    One thing I think is no one should see anyone else's offering from either side so that that way it's an unknown.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    Killers need a rare offering that removes all items survivors bring to match.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @RailY said:
    There are so many cases reported where killers will dodge a lobby when they see items (no matter what kind of items really)
    or even bloody clothing. And that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario they will DC at the begining of the match
    and you will lose everything you brought with you.

    I don't understand why it's ok for the killer to Bring Mories/Tombstones and stuff like that while the won't accept any items from survivors.

    Now survivors started 6-second swapping and it's a bloody war out there. Killer Mains vs Survivor Mains. Just remove this stupid feature please. It only promotes fighting

    I've even been forced to not use my Auric Cell items that I just bought because WAY too many killers Dodge me and it takes 3-4 Lobbies until I get a game. I'm just stuck with my Green shirt and the default pants with Claudette for now.
    That's silly

    Killers should also not have to deal with people using voicecoms.
    But hey, you don't always get what you want, right ?

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Tizzle said:

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    This is ridiculous. It's already a 4v1 and there are four killer perks against sixteen survivor perks. Killers can't afford to waste perk slots, so they need the advantage of knowing when to alter their build. Killers should know when they're going into a game with four flashlights so they can equip lightborn and not get blinded whenever they break a pallet.

    Most Killers do not use this information to alter their perks/addons/offerings, they use it to dodge.

    Thats the problem.

    Flashlights don't scare me anymore, and I usually bring Franklin's Demise to screw with everyone. They'll waste time picking up their items, and even if I'm blinded on a pallet, that's time they aren't using to run and juke. Even before the sound changes it was easy to follow a survivor's footsteps.

    4 toolboxes/medkits cause me more apprehension than 4 flashlights. It's worse to run against a bunch of Syringes and BNPs/coordinated Sabo teams than a 4 flashlight trolling squad.