What would happen... If Pig's traps were given another effect?

Generators completed while the trap is active will reduce the timer a set amount. No less than a quarter of the Trap timer removed. No more than half removed.
Rules set no.2 applied as base kit. (Optional)
Possible results -
SWF forced to stop working on generators to not risk killing ally.
Punishes survivors who ignore the trap.
Pig is given significant game slowdown.
Traps feel threatening instead of a gag.
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Make survivors actually have to work together and not just genrush an easy game- pffft Xx
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The main problem with this is someone playing solo can be punished by a random persons actions through no fault of their own by just loading into a match versus the Pig.
Traps are designed to slow the game down and keep a survivor off gens while they search the boxes. The issue with this idea is it could make the trap kill a lot more which should be something that onky happens now and again.
I agree a good reason to take the trap off would help the Pig but I dont think it should be done in a way which only gives you time to possibly search half the boxes as that's not slowing it down it's removing the time to search and changes it to a highly rng if you survive the trap system.
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What if it had a similar effect as Freddy's old dream state, where action speeds while wearing a trap are reduced. Between this and the rule set #2 idea, this would put someone at abit of a predicament. Do they blindly search for boxes and use more time, or do they SLOWLY do a gen so they can see a box?
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I agree, which is why I'm all for RSN2 being base because it makes survivors search for boxes or they can be risky and do a generator (now they are on a timer).
Make Your Choice, this change would fit the Saw theme perfectly. :)
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I am not sure about it slowing down like Freddy's old power did as that's was a very boring mechanic much like old dying light
It could means if multiple survivors were trapped the Pig just needs to patrol the boxes so it may end up with most survivors stealthing around making it a bit too slow of a game and mundane. I am not a fan of making gens go incredibly slow as it has never really been a fun mechanic.
I do like rule the set no2 idea as it opens up more plays as the gena pop. I would like something so they are under a bit of pressure to get it off. Maybe it gets louder as the gens pop, they go into broken status or it gives exhaustion until it's off and that includes not allowing Adrenaline to pop.
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I've personally never been onboard with the timer reduction idea every time it's been suggested. I am on board with RSN2 being base kit, though.
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Just imagine the ways ppl would take advantage of reducing a teammates rimer. The ultimate sandbag..."You mean to tell me that the guy who farmed me off hook will die if I finish this gen? Ohhh nooo...."-Gen pops-
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Survivor effect when Trap is placed on head.
"Arousal" - You like a woman with power and feel an incredible sense of bliss and lust when placed in a dominated position. While a trap is on your head your cries of agony are 100% louder.
When the trap is active you shake uncontrollably with anticipation of your mistresses will, this effect doubles when searching through a Jigsaw box.
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Just throwing some suggestions for helping the Pig into the discussion.
Rule Set No. 2 should be implemented as part of Pigs base kit and replaced with:
Heart Monitor Trigger - Ultra Rare
Reverse Bear Traps become active with no timer after a survivor with one attached is unhooked. Once a survivor with an Active RBT is killed or sacrificed, all other active RBT's Trigger.
-Tremendously increases the time it takes a survivor to search Jigsaw Boxes.
-Considerably increases skill check difficulty when a survivor searches a Jigsaw Box.
"His heart stops, you die!" - Amanda Young
Amanda's Letter should be changed to either reduce the time on the only RBT it gives her to 60 seconds, or not decrease the amount of jigsaw boxes in the trial grounds. It could also use a 24m aura reading as opposed to the 12m range it currently has, increase her ambush speed and distance, or just remove the roar until she is already moving.
The point of Ultra Rare add-on's is that they give the killer a massive advantage or change the way the killer uses their power. Currently her 2 UR add-on's are painfully under-powered or mostly useless.
Other than those changes to the UR add-on's, Jigsaw boxes should only feature skill check windows without the Great skill check zones. The boxes only take 12 seconds to search (17.2 with Crate of gears + bag of gears combo), and when a survivor nails all the great skillchecks they can reduce their search to only 7 seconds. This doesn't really put pressure on survivors. Likewise her add-on's that increase skillcheck chances should also reduce the skillcheck success zones, because these add-on's are useless otherwise and often help survivors search faster by providing more great skillcheck chances. If the Boxes had no "Great" zones this change to her skillcheck chance add-on's would be more viable at adding pressure and at least moderately increasing the skillcheck difficulty.