Fan Chapter---Joy From Pain

HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298
edited September 2019 in Creations

DISCLAIMER---I do not have lore for the Killer but I do for the Survivor which is backwards since I prefer to play Killer. I'm a writer and I plan to use these characters in at least one of my books eventually so here's a sneak peak I guess. Also The Survivor lore gets a bit dark with the allusion to suicide so if that makes you uncomfortable just read her first and last paragraph.

Killer Description

''The Terror'' (working name lol) is a tall Killer wearing all black, it is adorned with an old and crunchy top hat, ankle length trench coat, boots, and pants. The Terror has granite white hands and its head is malformed with an inhuman wide toothy grin and black hole eyes. The Terror also has a chain hanging out of its pants or coat pocket that has tiny charms on it. The idle animation of The Terror in the lobby has him flipping his mint coin and sometimes has its duplicate's head form out from its back and pear at you for a few seconds before going back in. I am undecided on the weapon but The Terror will let out a wicked sinister chuckle when he lands a hit, quieter than the Clown's and creepier, when he gets stunned his cry of pain should sound extremely painful like Wraith's but not so monsterish.

Cosmetics for this Killer would be period pieces, each head piece would come with a different hat, Bowler, Jester, Dr. Suess, an outfit inspired by Papa Emeritus from one of my favorite bands, Ghost, basically each type of hat would inspire the outfit.

MORI---The Terror will spawn a Duplicate that picks up the Survivor and holds their arms behind them as they struggle to get away. The Terror will then lurch towards the Survivor and then viciously munch on their face with blood spewing everywhere. The Duplicate drops the Survivor and the camera shows they have no eyes and a huge Glasgow smile has been carved into their face.


PLANE WALKER---You start in your own dimension away from the Survivors taken by the Entity, in this plane you move 15% faster until a Survivor enters your dimension, your action speeds are 15% faster, you have an extended Lunge, are 25% resistant to flashlight blinds, and recover 25% faster from pallet stuns.

Your world has no Generators but you can see their Auras, you cannot see Survivors who are not in your dimension but you can hear them and see their scratch marks as well as blood. Your Terror Radius can only be heard by Survivors who are in the same dimension as you are. When you activate your Secondary ability button you will toss your Coin into the air which tears a temporary passage into the Entity's realm where you move at a normal 115% speed, lose all your buffs, see Survivors, and can interact with Gens. After you use your Coin you will have a short cooldown before you can use it again, you make an audible noise to Survivors when you toss your coin. The portal you tear open will heal itself after 5 seconds and to get back there you must make another tear and pass through it, Survivors may also pass through these tears. Around the map are 3 pedestals, Survivors can chant at these pedestals to shift back and forth through their and your dimension.

Your Primary Ability is called SNATCH---By charging your Primary ability button you become enshrouded in a black goo, when you release the button a Duplicate appears directly behind you facing your current opposite direction. For 3 seconds your duplicate will mirror your movements and then move on its own looking for Survivors, any Survivor within a 24 meter radius of it will be locked on and it will chase that Survivor. Your duplicate will become unstable and dissipate if it is stunned or attacks a Survivor. Your Duplicate cannot injure Survivors but will instead cause them to Scream and reveal their Location for 5 seconds then teleport them into your primary dimension. Your Duplicate will break pallets if they are in its way, if you have Spirit Fury your duplicate can gain and spend stacks, same goes with STBFL, PWYF etc. You cannot Multiply while in your primary dimension, after you Multiply you will go on cooldown for 45 seconds until you can make another one, if your previous Duplicate is still walking about when you create another one the previous Duplicate will dissipate.

PRIMARY DIMENSION DESCRIPTION---So basically it is the same map but with a crazy pixelated black and white filter, kind of like what dream pallets have but a different color. Burning trash cans are replaced with twisted black marble obelisks with vague human shapes, kind of like the box from Hellraiser 3.


Ultra-Rare---Iridescent Coin: 3 random Generators will spawn only in your primary dimension. Bloody Liquorice: Your Duplicate can injure but not down Survivors.

Very Rare---Leather Gloves: Your Mint Coin cannot be heard by Survivors. Bone Charm: When your Duplicate attacks a Survivor they become Broken for 30 seconds. Glass Eye Charm: Survivors who are attacked by or stun your Duplicate have their Aura revealed for 6 seconds. Two-Sided Coin: Totems can only be broken in your primary dimension.

Rare---Red Liquorice: Duplicate cooldown is considerably decreased. Pocket Candy: You can spawn 2 Duplicates but they cannot attack, when they get close to a Survivor they explode and effect them with the Hindered status effect for a short time. Bag of Chocolate: You can spawn 2 Duplicates and your cooldown time is slightly increased. Coin Polish: 1 Survivor will start in your Primary Dimension. Simple Charm: Slightly increases speed when charging your Duplicate ability and slightly decreases the time it mirrors your movement.




It's A Trap---When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from the Basement, and you are at least 32 meters away, they are trapped inside for 5/10/15 seconds. The perk has a 60 second cooldown

Hex: Heart of Darkness---When a Survivor is hooked in the Basement for the first time a dull totem turns into a Hex totem. Gain a 100% stackable bonus bloodpoints in the Sacrifice category for every Survivor hooked in the Basement and receive Killer Instinct up to 20/24/28 meters until the Hex totem is destroyed. (Survivors become notified when this Hex becomes active)

Septophobia---When you kick a Generator it regresses 2/3/4 times faster(1 charge per second at Tier 3)


The map is comprised of a small outdoor motel and the surrounding area. The layout of the motel is an open square with a pool in the middle, the square itself holds the motel rooms, the lobby is at the very beginning of the square entering the motel. The main Generator is inside the lobby behind the front desk, it is a 1 person Gen with two ways to escape/enter. There is the front door to the lobby, the lobby is connected to the living quarters of the managers that leads to the back door. The rest of the motel and its loops are comprised of cars in the parking lot, some of the motel rooms, and the fence that surrounds the back of the motel. The pool in the middle of motel can either be filled or empty, if it is empty then there is a hook at the bottom, there is only 1 entrance to the pool as the pool has a fence around it. The Basement will either spawn in the Killer shack somewhere off the road next to the motel or inside the manager's quarter's. This map has potential to be a little bit bigger than the Badham maps or about the size as the Red Forest as it all depends if the Devs would be interested in designing the houses behind the motel to give a good feeling that this is a chunk of residential and commercial properties ripped from the Killer's memories.

Survivor Lore


Emily was a star athlete in high school, gymnastics, track, basketball, each year she did something different and if you couldn't find her refueling or resting in the cafeteria with her friends you would definitely find her in the weight room. Graduating high school everyone assumed she would carry on with her trend of physical fitness and join the Olympics but to everyone's surprise she went down a different path and became an explorer. Emily would search for places unknown, ghost towns, deep forests not marked on maps, anywhere to escape the crippling depression that would never go away. No one ever understood that she was only pushing herself so hard with activities because the constant adrenaline and blood pumping through her veins was the only thing she could rely on to keep away the pain. She ran track with the hope she could run away from her feelings, she knocked down players and shot hoops to fill the void inside her, and now she is alone at a motel in a small town several miles outside her latest destination.

Emily has been dealing with depression her entire life and unlike the edgy teenagers she sometimes saw in school who were just sad because they couldn't find love or because they had no friends, Emily just had a ######### up brain who enjoyed making her cry no reason, be sad when everything was fine, she can't escape herself. Now Emily sits alone on a firm mattress in some motel in the middle of nowhere, she likes it even though it supposedly has a bad reputation. She's so close to her next spot but she just can't tale it anymore, she can't deal with this pain any longer and desperately wants it to all go away; that's why she brought the gun. This trip was going to be her last, one last ghost town to experience, one last beautiful sight in a world that just couldn't understand her, one more ghost to add. Emily grips the revolver in her hand holds it up to her temple, hand shaking. She's scared and for once in her life she thinks she's feeling actual sadness and not something that her brain is forcing her to feel. She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want this to be the end and so the tears that start dripping from her eyes are real this time. In a grim and dark realization of this fact she drops the gun and starts laughing, she cackles and cries as the lines of what's even happening blur into obscurity.

When Emily finally calms down she looks around and doesn't notice the room she's in anymore, was it always this old and run down? Emily stands up and walks over to the curtains of her room and pulls them open, the sky was just bright with the afternoon sun but now she can only see a pitch black darkness that feels like a blanket that's blotting out the sky behind it. Emily opens her door and realizes she isn't where she was five minutes ago, this motel is different, this world is different. Cries of pain in the distance mark danger, turning back around for her gun she hears the sharp sound of maybe a coin being flipped and a quiet giggle. Emily thinks back about her track days and runs, she doesn't where she's running to but it's finally away from something real.

Survivor Perks

Lone Wolf---You prefer solitude as being around others makes you uncomfortable, friend or foe they can't help you. Whenever you are outside the Killer's Terror Radius and at least 28/24/16 meters away from another Survivor your Action speed is increased by 10%. When within those ranges your Action speed is decreased by 10% and your Skill Checks shake violently(like when facing Doctor)

Desperate Attempt---You can't let this be the end, in a last fight for survival you summon your remaining strength. While injured, throw down a pallet to run at 150% speed for 3 seconds and receive the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. If you pallet stun the Killer you double that Score Event.

No Boundaries---Your mind is limiting you but the world has no obstacles you can't pass. Start the match with 1/2/3 tokens, each token allows you to cross over a location blocked by the Entity. When you use a token you keep this effect for 10 seconds.


PLANE WALKER---So having your own dimension to play around with is my all time favorite ability, it's one reason I love Freddy and why I was hopeful for the Demogorgon. Someone had made their version of the Demo way before it was announced and it was truly something beautiful. Now on my side I have been wanting to create a Killer who would be the perfect Basement Killer, someone who can capitalize on the most dangerous spot on the map in a way no other Killer would. This is that, being able to trap someone in an alternate dimension is map pressure. Survivors in one dimension have to cross over to make a hook save and using this strategy is what you as the Killer needs to focus on and that is why I added in the speed boost for actions, you are more powerful in your dimension so you would want Survivors to be there.

Now there are no Gens in the Killer's world but everything else is shared, you drop a pallet in one and it reflects the other. If you open an Exit in one dimension then it's open in both, this way no matter where you are you can still go through the Exit.

Now it wasn't explained but basically you flip a coin and you open a tear/portal to the other side, an advanced tactic is to force a Survivor to drop the pallet and then open a portal directly next to it. If the Survivor isn't paying attention you can trick them to slide over the pallet and into the other dimension trapping themselves and if they don't fall for it then that's a free hit.

SNATCH---I knew this Killer needed something more than basically teleporting, this Killers needs to be top tier and needed to step it up. Just because the Devs have not introduced AI into this game it doesn't mean they can't. The Duplicates don't need to to be advanced, they are hounds, they are walking sonars and when they find someone in their vicinity they lock on. These can be used in loops with a pallet on farm maps, make a Duplicate and confuse the Survivor as to which way you're going, they see 2 of you and have to make a split second choice which one will hurt them. If they choose right then they get teleported into your dimension, if they choose wrong then you hurt or down them. These mind games are kind of like Spirit but at a more advanced level. When you're not using them at loops you can just send them out into the map and if they never catch someone but instead get destroyed by a pallet then that's map pressure. That is 1 Survivor being chased by your Duplicate giving you time to find another and that's 2 people not doing Gens.

IT'S A TRAP---I love Basement perks so of course I made one, this perk only effects the person who made the save so the unhooked person is free to leave. Paired with MYC this is deadly and will create massive pressure. You can use this perk to trap someone in the basement leaving 3 other people upstairs and 1 is injured so you have 2 others to chase. Or you can use it to keep the Basement train going, 15 seconds may be too long but the Killer has to be 32 meters away and if my calculations are right it might take 15 seconds to get there.

HEX: HEART OF DARKNESS---Another Basement perk as this Killer was always designed to use that location. This perk is only ever activated on your first hook in the Basement so it has a requirement, the Killer Instinct is kind of like Nurse's except constant, both are 28 meters. This will be the most powerful tracking perk in the game and that is why it is a totem and since it has the Basement requirement it is also why the totem does not light up or is even chosen until you meet the requirement as you may never get to. Huntress Lullaby should also be this way.

SEPTOPHOBIA---Increasing Gen regression speed has been mentioned several times so here it is and maybe the best way to go about it. Normal Gen regression is .25 charges per second for every 4 seconds you take away 1 charge and that takes forever. At Tier 3 this will take away 1 charge per second, maybe this needs a requirement or a cooldown?

LONE WOLF---I am a solo Survivor and I prefer it that way so I wanted a perk that would give me the advantage of what a team has. A team gets Gens done fast so this is the equivalent of working with someone, the catch is that you work slower with other people and in the presence of the Killer. This is so you aren't too fast and if you're a loner you don't want anyone near you and that includes the Killer so their TR will slow you down.

DESPERATE ATTEMPT---I made this because someone said what Exhaustion perk could possibly be left, well here it is. This perk counters Spirit Fury if you're injured so I think this would be a meta perk.

NO BOUNDARIES---This perk is a direct counter to ''It's A Trap'', one thing I loved about the Nightmare on Elm Street chapter is that both characters came with perks that related to the other. Freddy had a perk that made opening the Exit slower while Quentin had a perk that made that go faster so they cancelled each other out; I wanted to replicate that. This perk also counters Bamboozle, Cruel Limits, Blood Warden(sorry Panda), and Corrupt Intervention/Thrilling Tremors so this perk already has a place in the game.


I hope you enjoyed something in my fan chapter, this is my 2nd fan Killer I have made since I have been on the forums. The first one I made was ill informed and flawed, if you want to see that just look through my Discussions it's called ''Killer To Solve Genrush'' it will be at least one of my first 5. I hope this one is more balanced and reflects the things I have learned from playing this long, this Killer might not need two abilities as both could stand alone by themselves but I did it anyway because I didn't want to make 2 different chapters 😅 I understand that values will need to be changed and that this could come off as too strong but this game needs strong Killers so this was intentional. Yes the map is the motel I work at as of writing and yes of course the Killer wears a top hat as I do all the time, gotta be lookin dapper when everyone is wearin' a crapper; love you guys, stay happy <3