New chapter concept: Lost Honor

Dolvling Member Posts: 10

Killer: The Samurai (Shibata Mochiuji)

Killer Description: an interrupting killer, adept in punishing survivors who best him and slowing down progress.

Lore: Mochiuji grew up in 14th century Japan as a devout Buddhist and the son of a samurai, and knew from an early age what he was destined to become. The nobility, the training, the teachings: it all seemed honorable and glamorous to Mochiuji. By the age of 5, he had already learned from his male relatives how to use a sword effectively and how to defend himself. However, as he grew older, Mochiuji began to feel an internal deviation from what samurai were supposed to do: defend a greater good. Instead, a lust for blood snuck into his brain, feeling as though it was perfectly fair to take the life of anyone he considered below him. This fire fueled him, and even when he just began fighting actual battles at 17 years of age, he was known to be incredibly lethal. Even though this bloodlust took over him, Mochiuji was still a strong follower of the Bushido code, and followed the same themes of sincerity and loyalty; he just added brutality to the list as well. Years continued to pass, and Mochiuji became slightly complacent in battle, feeling as though he would slay his opponent no matter how little he tried. But, one day, as he fought an enemy samurai, Mochiuji was struck on the left arm by a sword, and he instantly screamed out in pain. All other samurai stopped fighting and looked at Mochiuji, kneeling over from pain. He had broken an unforgivable rule; never cry out in pain from a strike. As he looked around, Mochiuji knew there was only one thing he could do, which was seppuku. It would restore the honor that he had lost back to him, his family, his clan, and most importantly, his father. Mochiuji removed the armor covering his stomach, grabbed his sword, and stabbed himself. Although every ounce of his body told him not to continue, Mochiuji dragged the sword horizontally across his stomach. His intestines began to spill out of the self-inflicted gash, but he could not shout out in pain. Not again. For what seemed like hours, Mochiuji continued kneeling with no assistance whatsoever and thinking about his family, until he finally passed out and crumpled onto the ground. After feeling a strange power surge through his body, Mochiuji woke up shocked, as he expected to be dead. The first thing Mochiuji noticed was how his stomach had changed, as there was now a black aura surrounding it. He then realized how he was in an entirely new realm, and had no clue what to do there. And then he saw it, a human running in the distance. His deep-rooted bloodlust took over him, and Mochiuji began to pursue the figure, knowing that eliminating his enemies was the only way to truly reclaim his family's honor.

Killer Weapon: A samurai sword, with intricate detailing on the blade and sheath

Killer Speed: 110%

Terror Radius: 36 meters

Killer Power: Hand of Bushido
Your former cause of death has changed into your primary tool for redemption.

Using the secondary interaction button, a ghostly hand will extend out from your stomach and move straight forward for up to 30 meters. It will stop when hitting a structure on the map or a survivor. If a survivor is caught by the hand, they will be yanked back towards you and take one health state worth of damage. You are unable or move after the power is used for two seconds. If a survivor is caught while completing any interaction using the Hand of Bushido, they will be interrupted and the Samurai can take them to a hook when they are returned, similar to any interruption.

Killer Perks:

Vengeful- You are easily angered when your opponent makes a fool of you. After you are stunned by a pallet from a survivor, you can instantly break one pallet within a 3/5/7 second time range after being stunned. Vengeful has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Intense Focus- The completion of the final generator gives you a burst in power you didn't know you had. 2/3/All survivors who worked on the final generator to be repaired at any point in the trial receive the Exposed effect for 30/45/60 seconds.

Dexterity- The training you have received throughout your life gave you a way with your hands. Regressing generators lose progress 10%/15%/25% faster for each survivor remaining in the trial.

Survivor: Carla Benitez

Survivor Description: a wishful inventor, able to effectively escape danger and make better use of her surroundings.

Lore: Carla Benitez's unique ability to visualize her creations was both her most unique skill and her downfall.

Growing up in a poor, motherless family in Chihuahua, Mexico, Carla knew she would have to fill the role of mother of her younger brothers since a young age. As she was the eldest, Carla grew a great bond with her father, and he taught her many useful skills she could utilize around the house. Although she had to work a full-time job farming and taking care for her family, any extra time she had would be used for her inventions. Carla had little to use but made the best of what she had to improve the quality of life of those around her, like reinforcing the satellite signals to her TV and increasing the heat of the fireplace. However, despite how genius her inventions were, she had little opportunities to capitalize on her inventions for money which she desperately needed, which constantly irked her. After careful consideration, Carla decided she wanted to move to the United States for more opportunities in life. Carla applied for the paperwork for a green card in secret, as she didn't want to bring it up to her father until she knew that she was accepted. Weeks after sending the application via mail, her father found the green card in the mail unexpectedly. He was enraged at the idea of Carla "abandoning" her family, and angrily confronted Carla as she sat tinkering in her room. She attempted to explain why she waited to tell her father, but instead of showing mercy, Carla's father kicked her out of the house, that she can go on her own if she was that concerned about moving to the United States. While sobbing, Carla packed everything she needed, kissed her younger brothers good-bye, and began the long walk to the border. She was unable to find any other transportation because she had no money. As it began to turn to dusk outside, Carla set up her temporary camp besides a forest path. Feeling defeated and honorless, Carla tried to drift off to sleep for the night, despite the ominous feeling of the forest. When she woke back up, Carla did not recognize the place she was, and all of her belongings were gone. She looked around and saw an armor-clad figure standing off in the distance, but it most certainly was not benevolent. After taking a deep breath, Carla ran off into the fog, never to be seen again.

Survivor Perks:

Observance- Your keen observations can help to keep you alive in times of danger. After being unhooked by another survivor or unhooking a survivor, you and the other survivor see the killer's aura if they are 20/30/40 meters away for 5 seconds.
"I saw him go that way! Quick, we have to go!" -Carla Benitez

Visionary- The sticks and stones scattered on the ground are just another resource you can utilize. When repairing a generator, you are 10%/30%/50% less likely to encounter a skill check.
"I'm used to working with nothing." -Carla Benitez

Adaptation- Your ability to quickly regain control can turn the tides against the killer. When you are downed, 50%/75%/100% of progress in the "recover" bar is translated into the "wiggle" bar.
"If he just leaves me here, he's in for a load of surprise." -Carla Benitez

That's my chapter idea, feel free to leave any suggestions/comments! Thanks for reading :blush: