New Perk Idea and some change ideas

Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310
edited September 2019 in Creations

New Perk: Escape Artist

After stunning or blinding the killer, you leave no scratch marks for 6/7/8 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 75/60/45s

Monstrous Shrine Change:

Unhooking actions in the basement take twice as long.

The survivor who performs the unhook action will instantly lose one health state but will also instantly gain 50% heal progression after the unhook is complete.

The hooked survivor also suffers from the broken status effect for 40/50/60s after being unhooked.

Territorial Imperative Change:

Increase the detection range to include the kill shack.

Survivors that cleanse hex totems reveal their aura for 5/6/7s. The survivor that performs cleanse on hex totems also gain 4s of exposed for every second they work on a hex totem. The survivors are notified of the exposed status effect. The exposed status effect does not decay while the survivor is touching the hex totem.(15s to cleanse without hex:Thrill so a total of 60s exposed)

In addition, if a hex totem is cleansed, reduce the killer's terror radius by 100% for 15s

Red syringe insta heal change:

The survivor doing the heal action instantly goes into dying when using the syringe. The healed survivor runs at 150% speed for 5s and has endurance for 5s.


The survivor doing the heal action instantly loses one health state after healing another survivor.

Prayer Beads (Spirit):

You can no longer collide with survivors while phase walking.


Reduce the phase walking sound by 90% instead of 100%


  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    agitation, iron grasp, mad grit, monstrous shrine and just camp basement. even more fun and even better!!!!

    in what way would territorial be fair? cleansing a hex would mean the killer knows where you're at for the next 7 seconds, you're exposed, and u can't hear the killer coming. #########

    spirit having no collision while phase walking should be base. still plenty of ways to determine where a survivor is

    and the syringe being a trade places kind of thing isn't too bad. but I'd rather see moris get balanced first, as that's one of the few addons to help against them

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117

    The entire point of an insta heal medkit is for a slugging counter. Just making it so the killer gets another slug or close to one is a contradiction for what it's for.