Give your personal killer tier list!

Very curious as to who people think is the best to worst ranking killer in Dead By Daylight.
My Killer tier list. (For the record I'm a rank 1 killer if any of you are wondering.
1.Nurse: (Guarantee you that 99% of peoples list will have Nurse at number 1)
2.Billy: Amazing map pressure and is insanely good with BBQ and Chili. Put in time and effort and you'll see why he's the second best killer in the game
3:Huntress: A killer that is capable of ending chases even faster then the Nurse with the right addons. Instant downs and instant hatchets are amazingly effective against survivors who like to loop. Only issue is that her hitboxes on things like hay and trucks on the autohaven wreckers are cripplingly weak if skilled survivors are able to loop her around these areas.
4.Hag: (Warning. I'm gonna go into a big rant about how much I love the Hag and how she's underrated)
I only recently picked up Hag about 2 weeks ago and my god was I wrong about what I thought about her. She has some of the most useful addons in the game and has some deadly builds that will practically guarantee you a 4K. The only issue is that catching that first survivor will probably cost you two generators but once you get that one person... It's game over for them and anyone who dares to challenge Lisa's hooks. Let me give you a build that has gotten me about 5 4Ks in a row. Make Your Choice, Devour Hope, NOED(Optional since good Hag players won't let survivors make it that far but better safe then sorry and a perk of your choice. Preferably I use Franklins Demise to bait people into triggering my traps but M&A or Hex Ruin are valid options. I just don't like running Ruin as it alerts the survivors I have an active totem which will cause them to seek it out and possibly cleanse my Devour Hope even though they don't even know I have it yet. Now with this build you'll need two essential addons. Mint Rag and Rusty Shackles. Catch someone, hook them, teleport to your totem to make sure nobody is cleansing them, Wait for the unhook and MYC activates. BOOM instant down and hook that guy. Rinse and Repeat until you have your Devour Hope at 5 and start killing everyone who dares to cross your path. It's a build that has gotten me so many victories it's not even funny. Put time into her and save up your addons. You won't regret it. (Sorry about that rant. I know it was really long)
5.Myers: Probably has the best Addons in the game. Being able to instantly kill everyone is just insane and I wish the devs would add more addons like this for killers who really need it! 99% your EW2 and one shot those who oppose you. Also is a great killer to pick up if you're new to this game. He has so many fun builds. Lerys Jumpscare Myers and Tombstone Myers are two great options off the top of my head and are always very effective.
6.Doctor: Oh Herman you sexy beast. This man farms salt like no other and has one of the best tools in the game. Being able to shorten looping at all is great but preventing people from doing all options for multiple seconds is insanely useful if timed correctly. He's a killer who has so many great ways to ######### over survivors and has some really interesting addons. Granted rank 1 survivors won't fall for 90% of his BS but his ability to find someone almost instantly at the start of the game will save you so much time having to get your momentum going. Only probably is from this list going down all the other killers will start to show a pattern. They don't have the best looping preventing abilities. A smart survivor will know when it's time to throw down pallets against a Doctor who is trying to cut them off from whatever window/pallet they're trying to use against him. Timing is everything when it comes to the Doctor. If you even slightly mistime your shock to stop survivors from looping/vaulting they're going to make you regret it. Put time into him and he'll be worth it. Also he farms points like no other killer.
The Pig: I had a hard time choosing between The Doctor and The Pig. It came down to who is more effective overall. Unfortunately for Amanda she just doesn't have any tools that can help in a chase while the Doctor can shorten loops or hit survivors that aren't able to figure out if they should throw down the pallet or not. Pigs crouching ability would be great if she wasn't so slow and SB didn't negate any attempt at a hit anytime she tries to ambush someone. Give her 105% movement speed while crouching and please for the love of god just nerf Sprint Burst. Now while her main ability is considered her ambush, I'd argue that her RBTs are much more effective in delaying the game which is always a great thing to be able to do due to how short high rank games seem to be due to the mass loop/gen rushing you will receive. I really wish that they'd give some sort of buff to her RBTs though since you'll probably see a death from them once every blue moon at the max. Max the base time 2 minutes and make it also activate when someone is pulled off a hook. Another nice idea for her would be so when her RBTs are actively counting down on survivors having someone complete a generator will take an additional 20 seconds off however long the RBTs have been counting down for. Amanda is a killer with lots of potential but is in much need of a buff for her Ambush and RBTs.
Trapper: Trapper really isn't that good of a killer in my opinion. Having 3 perks that ######### over his ONE ability just seems absurd. Slippery Meat will get you out of a bear trap on your first try, Good luck stepping in a trap if you have small game and you can literally RUN OVER BEAR TRAPS with Dead Hard... He just has so many counters to his only ability. Takes too long to set up his bear traps and not to mention that your only ability can be removed if you're against sabo squads... Too many counters for a M1 killer who needs one of the biggest buffs. The good part is that against rank 20 survivors he'll usually be able to take them out no problem. He's a decent starting killer but just has too many counters to seem viable at high ranks.
The Cannibal: Poor Bubba... This guy just can't get a break. He was bullied by kids in school and now he's bullied by adults with flashlights when he's wielding a chainsaw. Leatherface has almost no counters against looping and probably the worst killer when it comes to map pressure. Sure with the right addons he can instantly rev up his chainsaw but that's assuming the survivors allow him to get close enough to let that happen. The only good thing that came out of Leatherface was BBQ and Chili. If it wasn't for his great camping play and ability to down multiple survivors at once The Wraith would surely have overtaken him... Oh and speaking of The Wraith!
The Wraith: Mr Bing Bong... I'd honestly say he has the most potential out of all the killers to be made into a top tier killer. It's just.... He's trash in his current state. Flashlights, Sprint Burst and DS have made countless Wraith mains cry all over the world and will continue to do so until this beautiful man gets the buff he deserves. Without Windstorm or Swift Hunt this man wouldn't be even remotely playable at all. How would I buff him? Give him default 1.5 seconds build in Windstorm, Make the survivors actually have to blind The Wraith while he's invisible to get the lightburn effect instead of just shining it near him and remove that ######### shimmer. If his one ability is stealth then why do Freddy and Pig have better stealth then him? Pig can ambush and hit most survivors who aren't running crutch burst and and it's almost impossible to know where Freddy is coming from if there's no grass nearby. Just remove that ######### shimmer and make the stealth killer an actual steal killer.
Nea: Sorry... I love this meme too much not to include it in this list.
Freddy: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my god is Freddy the worst piece of ######### to ever grace this game... Self Care (The most used perk in the game) just molests this poor boy. He has ZERO hook defense, ZERO ways to counter looping and ZERO incentive to play him. At low ranks you can get away with him but good lucking getting a single kill with him. He wasn't even remotely good when he was released but... He got nerfed??? He got nerfed because once again the Devs show how biased they are to rank 20 thumb sucking survivors who demand any somewhat good thing killers have be RIPPED from them and nerfed into the ground. The only OP thing about Freddy is that he makes rank 20s DC upon hearing his lullaby. Freddy is also a killer with lots of potential but we have to wait until mid July to find out if they want to make "The Nightmare to play" somewhat viable. My guess is no since you can never trust these devs to give killers any kind of happiness. I mean look at the pallet vacuum... It took them 2 YEARS to take out a bug that's been in there since launch. It's not even a survivor nerf. It's a bug fix. A bug fix that took 2 years to be taken care of when it shouldn't have been in the game at all!.
Anyway it's 3am and I'm getting tired so hope you enjoyed my killer tier list and the reasons for why I put them where I did. I look forward to reading everyone elses. See you in the fog
Pretty much the same tier list as yours.
I'd put Hag above Huntress in the current state of the game tho, due to the introduction of small loops that are really hurting her.1 -
I agree with your list but the hag. the hag needs a big rework. she needs this tbh.
-give her the same movement speed as a normal killer or add " Mud spots or pools" on the map where the had is faster in and slows down the enemy.
- The Hag should honestly have her marks engraved into her hand, instead of setting, she should be able to slap her hand down and place that mark.
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@MrChills said:
I agree with your list but the hag. the hag needs a big rework. she needs this tbh.-give her the same movement speed as a normal killer or add " Mud spots or pools" on the map where the had is faster in and slows down the enemy.
- The Hag should honestly have her marks engraved into her hand, instead of setting, she should be able to slap her hand down and place that mark.
I think people do not play enough against experienced Hags to suggests thing like this.
You're just madmen.0 -
@Runiver said:
@MrChills said:
I agree with your list but the hag. the hag needs a big rework. she needs this tbh.-give her the same movement speed as a normal killer or add " Mud spots or pools" on the map where the had is faster in and slows down the enemy.
- The Hag should honestly have her marks engraved into her hand, instead of setting, she should be able to slap her hand down and place that mark.
I think people do not play enough against experienced Hags to suggests thing like this.
You're just madmen.For people, yes, for me? No. I've played with her at rank 1 and against her at rank 1. I firmly believe the reason she fails is simply she takes too much time to do anything. Plus, her movement speed is horrible. it's almost worst as hearing the nurse wheeze/gasp 24/7,
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Freddy0 -
- Pig
- Freddy
- Hag
- Myers
- Doctor
- Wraith
- Trapper
- Nurse
- Billy
- Cannibal
- Huntress
I can't really play any of the killers 8 and down (also 5, I suck at doctor)
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Same as yours with some changes.
Myers is 4
Doctor is 5
Pig is 6
LF is 7
Hag is 90 -
Nurse (not on console lol)
Freddy0 -
Optimal Add-ons and Perks
A ham sandwich
Half of a ham sandwich
Literally AFKing
Deleting your CDrive
FreddySub-Optimal Perks and/or Add-Ons
A ham sandwich
Half of a ham sandwich
Literally AFKing
Deleting your CDrive
Freddy*Assuming you're very skilled and not on Autohaven
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I would love to make a long post here and include my thoughts but for now I'm just gonna go with short version. But I look mostly and killer witheout most op addons and perks, just pretty decent ones or without them at all.
TOP TIER - Nurse , Hillbilly, Huntress (I'm not sure about the Huntress but she is my favourite killer to play against and one of my favourites to play as that`s why she gets away with her weak spots for example: maps and hitboxes of some objects like cars and stuff)
MIDDLE GROUND - Doctor , Hag , Myers , Leatherface, Piggy, Trapper
NOT THE BEST - Wraith (my first main killer so I play him anyways from time to time) , Freddy Boi,
I might change it but it's pretty late for me so just wanted to post my list in that form for now
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For an average player/new comers:
1- Doctor - easy to track survivors and semi pallet counter if you are good shocking
2- Leatherface - insane speed with the chainsaw and pretty much garanteed kills on open space, easy to play
3- Huntress - all round good killer, semi counter to looping, requires a bit of aimFor veterans:
1- Nurse
2- Huntress
3- BillyHigher skill cap Killers, if you master these you will be insane since Nurse and Huntress can counter the current meta.
Worst Killer: Freddy
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I could post the established meta to a tee, but I'd rather reflect for a moment on what seems to be really working and not working both as a survivor and skill. So this list is my own personal skill and familiarity from both sides:
Michael Myers: I find Myers to be my best. It is rare I don't 4K with him.
Hillbilly: The speed is real. I tend to lose most against this guy.
Doctor: There is no hiding. Also, he is frustrating.======SOLID========
Huntress: Good survivors seem to be able to sneak away.
Cannibal: It's rare the multi-kill for chainsaw is helpful.
Trapper: I think Trapper is the baseline for killers.
Hag: What?!?! Yeah. Hag actually isn't bad in spite of her slowness.======OKAY=======
Freddy: I can do well as Freddy but he needs help.
Wraith: Meh. I seem to never lose to a Wraith.
Pig: I lose the worst as Pig. I always survive against the Pig.======???????===========
Nurse: I just can't. Yes. I know she is good. I just can't.0 -
Top tier: huntress.
Trash: everyone else.
Now i know what you are thinking, nurse and billy have high mobility and thus are pretty good, right.
Well yes, but not as good as huntress.
It's not because of the hatchets, it's bexause of the lullaby.
Sure you can kill them all as the nurse, but your win ends there. But with the huntress, even if you lose, they will still have that damned humming in their head.
Long term psychological win!2 -
- Nurse
- Billy and Huntress
- Myers and Chiliboi
- Doc
- Hag
- Trapper
- Pig and Wraith
- Sweaterboi
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I am going to do my list on which killer is the best for me, not on the best overall.
1) Myers - I love stalking and methodically killing survivors so his style works wonderful for me
2) Doctor - Ok, I am a bit evil but I love driving others insane.
3) Hillbilly - It's the chainsaw sprint, I just love the thing.
4) Wraith - Again, I love to stalk. My only complaints are how long it takes for the bell and the damn shimmer.
5) Pig - Again, its my evilness but the reverse bear traps bring me so much joy.
6) Trapper - This is my wife's main when she plays killer so I had to add it this high because she loves the Trapper
7) Leatherface - Only reason he is not at the bottom is the fact I have pulled off down all 4 survivors with one chainsaw attack several times.
8) Huntress - Aiming on the PS4 can be a bit glitchy so the is why she is this low.
9) Hag - Not one I play much so cannot say a lot. Never really enjoyed when I did play.
10) Freddy - Fun for a bit, then gets annoying as there is no real hook defense, pallet looping defense and overall takes too much effort to get a kill.
11) Nurse - If you can master the blink, she is highly lethal and the best killer in the game. Problem is, I dont care enough to master her, and the controls on the PS4 somewhat hinders the control of her.0 -
Best to Worst (Not skill, but fun to play against)
Leatherface.When I play killer I love playing Myers for the spooks!
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where would clown be ?
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Spiritbx said:Top tier: huntress.
Trash: everyone else.
Now i know what you are thinking, nurse and billy have high mobility and thus are pretty good, right.
Well yes, but not as good as huntress.
It's not because of the hatchets, it's bexause of the lullaby.
Sure you can kill them all as the nurse, but your win ends there. But with the huntress, even if you lose, they will still have that damned humming in their head.
Long term psychological win!
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