Is HIDE OR DIE a threat to Dead By Daylight?



  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117

    I know, I was talking to some person who said that the game was alive. Thanks for commenting anyways!

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    I wouldn't call it a threat, but more of a very slight competitor. It has its own variation on asymmetrical horror, similar in a way to how Deciet has multiple killers that have to work together to win, Hide or Die is more of a battle royale version of the one killer/multiple survivors format (based on what I've seen). DBD is unique in the way it's game plays out. Just like Hide or Die is unique in that sense too. But this is my take on the design aspect on it. It also not being able to retain a player base shows that it isn't a strong competitor or even a "Killer" of DBD like you describe it.

    Overwatch was supposed to "Kill" TF2, but it didn't for similar reasons.

    I think @SpaceCoconut covers the more technical aspects better than I could.

    And @Xboned makes some relevant points: that it isn't on console, which is a big factor for quite a few players (myself included), and that not everyone wants to play both roles (because if you are bad at one role, and are still forced to play it, even if you are not having fun, you can't have a chance to play the part you are good at... at least if you are good at killer).

    Survivor seems very weak, since they have limited stealth options and ways to temporarily stop the killer.

    And, to me, the designs of the killers don't really make sense to me. Why aren't killers variations of survivors due to the only difference between them being that darkness consumes them? Why do survivors become completely random people when they become killers? What is the darkness in this game? At least the Fog, the Entity, and the Realm are semi-explained in DBD as partially lovecraftian concepts. All Characters (killers and survivors) in DBD make sense, and the gameplay elements work (maybe not as well as they should in some situations, but that's neither here nor there).

    Based on what I've read from your responses, you seem more intent on pushing any criticism underground while only taking what you want from it. Like when you responded to @The_Manlet. They were talking about how the game made no impact, less so than Last Year. You somehow pull out the idea that Last Year did badly and that HOD is going to surpass them, which as @SpaceCoconut pointed out, is pretty hard when a game's population is 0.

    You also described @Xboned's real criticism as sarcasm, which he genuinely wasn't being from reading his post.

    But... that could be misinterpretation on my part. Please prove me wrong about you.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I didn't even know that Last Year was coming to console... or that it could possibly be coming soon.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited October 2019

    Hide or Die peaked at 0 players in the last 24 hours, and 10 in the last 30 days, per Steamcharts. Recovery from that kind of reception seems like a pretty tall order.

    I dunno what's going on with the Last Year: The Nightmare relaunch that someone else mentioned, but that game flatlined almost immediately after it came out last December. It never even launched on Steam, and the official Twitter account has been silent since August. When I played it at launch, it was fun-ish (on the survivor side anyway), yet there was not a lot of moment-to-moment nuance, and the lack of a progression system completely killed any momentum it might have had. It is a very nice-looking game though.

    The only game that posed any real threat to DBD was Friday the 13th, and that was mostly down to the strong license. The developers of that game completely soiled the bed and effectively abandoned it after they made their money. It was a disaster, and can't even crack a thousand players at this point. Now the developers are working on an asymmetrical Predator game for PS4, and I have zero confidence in it.

    DBD is the 400-pound gorilla in the one-versus-many genre. It was first to the table (well, minus Evolve... but that was a huge misstep), it's got a stranglehold on a lot of popular genre-appropriate licenses, and (despite some issues) its core gameplay loop is engaging. It's the World of Warcraft of asymmetrical horror, and I think it would take a really good and well-supported game (probably with a really strong license) to properly threaten it.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    Again, please do not repeat past replies. Don't reproduce comments for no reason - it doesn't make you any more of a hero. Thank you.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    I was with you on this until you said "please prove me wrong about you" - that is unsettling. You were 100% right with your comment that you brought to the table until that. Please clarify. And, if that is saying you think I'm a bad character, I'll take that as a personal attack. And no, you didn't misinterpret Xboned's comment. I did. :)

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I was referring to the fact that you seem biased in favor of HOD to the point of twisting words and writing possible insults to what I interpreted as legit criticism. Not about the Xboned comment. I'm not saying you're a bad character, but you have actions I wouldn't agree with during your discussions.

    I was asking for you to prove that statement wrong.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Didn't even realize I had replied to this thread multiple times with similar information, but that's what can happen when you keep necroing an old thread, which you seem to have done a couple of times here.

    In any case, in the reply you're taking issue with, I've just tried to provide context for the discussion topic (i.e. citing player numbers to justify why Hide or Die is not a threat to DBD), and explain why I feel the way I do about DBD's current competitors.

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    Doubt it they both seem decently different gameplay wise from what ive seen and unless the dbd devs do something to piss off the community to the point of jumping ship to another game at least for a while i doubt it though i do enjoy watching hide or die a bit more

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    I'm not biased - I'm not in favour of either. This is simply a discussion, so there's no need for it. Didn't see why I upset you so easily, you should just get over it. Anything can be taken as 'legit criticism' depending on how it is worded, so I took the statement as just that.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    Not saying you did it on purpose. Just try and pay attention to the thread titles, and while some are similar, because of repeated questions and discussions, I for one can remember my comments on each thread. But then again, that's just me. I understand you thought you were giving context as of player bases, however, countless numbers of people have already pointed that out on this thread.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It's too bad you can't remember that you're replying to a thread that's been dormant for a week.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    My statement was based on what I saw in other replies. That's why I asked for you to debunk my opinion about you. That is all.