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Tier list with detailed explanations

Member Posts: 21

SS - Broken with addons. Can be borderline OP even without addons, if played correctly.

S - Can be OP with certain addons. Top tier without addons. Don't rely on survivor mistakes most of the times.

A - Really good killers. Fairly consistent, but somewhat rely on survivor mistakes.

B - Can be really good with addons. Mediocre without addons.

C - Require very specific addons and builds to be good.

D - Rely on things like camping to not be trash.


Nurse - Not much to say, with addons she is broken, without addons it depends on the person playing her. She is good at pretty much everything, really good map pressure, incredible chase potential, snowball potential, etc. The only thing that can hurt her is finding and tracking survivors, but if the player is really good, it wont be a huge problem. You can also say she doesn't really have a game slowdown, but she ends chases so fast that doesn't really matter.

Spirit - Insane chase potential, probably not as good as nurse's but still insane. Also has great mindgame potential. The reasons she is not in SS tier are that she doesn't have the map pressure nurse has and her ability cooldown is fairly long, which means she spends some time walking at a 110% movement speed. Also worth mentioning that she does get countered by Iron Will. Oh and also, Ring + Prayer beads = broken.

Billy - Has incredible mobility, making him the fastest killer in the game. This means he has the best map control out of every killer. He also has a one shot potential, but against really good survivors you probably wont end up using it much, unless you run insta saw that is. The only downside to billy is that he can be looped fairly easily. He can also be gen rushed if you end up chasing one survivor for a long time and don't use your mobility.

Huntress - If you have good aim, you can end chases with her incredibly fast. Running things like insta hatchets or machine gun build, make her even scarier. If you get good with her you can also learn to hit survivors on gens. Overall she has an incredibly high skill ceiling. She does however have quite a few weaknesses as well. She has probably the worst mobility out of every killer in the game. That means you need to run things like ruin and corrupt intervention to prevent survivors gen rushing you. She also has a long range lullaby which makes it fairly easy for survivors to hide from her. And probably her biggest downside is that if she misses her hatchets she has to leave the chase to reload. If you are running iri head, you quite literally have one chance to hit your shot before you have to abandon the chase. That is unless you are running the iri head with the purple belt, which imo is an unfair combo.

Freddy - His gen teleport gives him an alright gen control, since the charge time and cooldown are both fairly long. His pallets and snares are both really good. I personally prefer the pallets, since they are pretty much free hits if survivors run into one. But snares can shut down most loops as well. Either way they offer pretty solid chase potential. The problem is that survivors need to run to a fake pallet first and that can sometimes be instantly and sometimes can take a while. Snares are more consistent, but survivors can avoid them or drop pallets early or run to the next loop.

Hag - Her traps cut down chases quite a lot. If you set up a few traps in an area with loops, survivors are pretty screwed. If you run both setting time addons, you can also place down traps while in a chase since its so fast. Yes, if there's a loop close by, the survivor can just run to it while you're putting down the trap, but if there isn't they are forced to stay most of the times, which ends up with you getting a free hit. She also takes advantage of Make Your Choice incredibly well. Her downside comes when you aren't able to use your traps and that's when her 110% movement speed hurts her. Survivors can also just run through her traps and activate them while she is carrying someone to a hook. Those are kinda the only weaknesses she has.

Demogorgon - Still too early to tell, but he seems fairly strong. His pounce in particular is really good, especially now after the buff. It lets him end chases early in the right situations and also helps him break pallets faster. The shack and some loops he completely denies. His portals are useless if you place them down next to gens. Most of the times they will get destroyed while you're in a chase. Hiding them close to gens tho can work. Somewhere where survivors going to the gen won't see it. That way it wont get destroyed. Plus when you teleport to it you'll have the undetectable status effect which will help to catch people off guard. His portals are best for end game, after the gens are done. Placing them on the two gates is really effective. If you have things like noed + remember me, and the purple egg addon, you can build for end game. The addon will make it so you can teleport between the two portals fairly fast. And the remember me perk will make it so they have to take a while to open the gates. And noed is obvious.

Ghostface - Stealthiest killer in the game, which lets him get close to survivors and stalk them pretty well. His fast stalk makes it easy to expose survivors. The problem is that after that he can still be looped. Running things like the chewed pen tho will help get your ability back faster. That way you can activate it again while you're chasing your exposed survivor, and then when you have no red stain you can end the chase a bit faster. He is pretty buggy tho, so honestly I dont know where to place him on the list. Sometimes he can't get revealed even if the survivor is staring right at him, and other times he gets revealed when he shouldn't. He definitely needs to be looked at by the devs.

Plague - Has a really strong ability... when she gets it. The corrupt purge is really strong. It can't really be dodged, it can hit over loops, it can hit multiple targets, it arcs, etc etc. The problem is some survivors prefer to just not cleanse. In that case they are still one shot down for the entire game, but so what? They can still gen rush her and loop her. You can run addons like iri seal, black incense and vile emetic, and then she is really strong. But without addons she is mediocre imo.

Pig - She is a weird one. Played normally, without addons or anything, she is mediocre at best. She can sneak up on people... kinda. Her crouch ability can be used at some loops to mindgame. And her traps offer a pretty decent game slowdown. But she can be looped at most loops, she can be gen rushed until you put on one or two traps. Now with addons and a scummy playstyle she can be really strong. You can run stridor and just chase people with active traps on their heads by just looking up and using your ears. Pair that with the timer addon and crate of gears addon, and you can get one or two head pops every game.

Myers - Arguably he can be higher on the list, but without any addons, he is just mediocre. He does have a one shot down, and "can" snowball sometimes if survivors let him. But ghostface also has a one shot down, which you get much faster than myers. Yes myers can vault faster in tier 3 and has a bigger lunge, but ghostface can hide his red stain which myers cant. Without addons he is just a worse ghostface. Now with addons, its another story. Even running something as simple as memorial addons, can make him stronger. And then he has addons like tombstone piece and combos like tuft of hair + tombstone, which if you run with a ruin, corrupt, brutal, pwyf build you can do really good most of the times... even tho you probably wont pip.

Trapper - With bloody coil and iri stone, he can completely shut down things like infinites, shack, tree, etc. That can be really strong. If the survivors disarm one of the traps you will just get a free injure, and then the trap will be back up again in 30 seconds. So with these 2 addons he can be really good. But without these specific addons... well you know.

Wraith - With windstorm and shadow dance, he can be really strong. He gets a free hit most of the times, after which windstorm allows him to catch up to survivors really fast, and shadow dance lets him mindgame and get rid of pallets extremely fast. With windstorm he also has fairly good map pressure. The fact his first hit is free most of the times means you can run things like noed or haunted grounds for free downs. Without these addons and perks he is trash.

Clown - If he brings his favorite pinky finger with him hes really strong. If he forgets it, he's pretty bad. Seriously tho, pinky finger paired with something like bleach or ether 15%... its really good. Pinky finger will give him a free down from time to time, and bleach makes the slow effect much stronger making you get hits more often at certain loops. Without these addons, he wont get hits most of the times against good survivors. They will just drop down pallets early or run to the next loop. Whereas if you had pinky on, they would think twice before running to the next loop since they might get one shot.

Legion - Iri button, cold dirt, ruin, thano, bamboozle, nurses... and hes good enough I'd say. Iri button lets you find survivors to hit in frenzy and break pallets on loops. Cold dirt lets you be in frenzy more often. Ruin paired with thano on him, gives you a TON of time to work with. Bamboozle works with his frenzy so might as well. Nurses lets you relocate survivors after a frenzy run. If you don't have these things to help you hes one of the worst killers in the game. He can get a free first hit on a few survs and then what? Without iri button you wont be able to find survivors to hit in frenzy, plus every loop will have a pallet on it which survivors can loop you on. Without cold dirt you'll spend most of the game walking. He really needs a buff imo.

Doc - If you run iri king, he can be really strong. No dead hard/lithe for an entire chase, constant red stain, fake pallets etc. If you get good with the shock timings as well, you can deny some loops. Plus you can find survivors very easily. But without that addon and without good shocks, hes the worst killer in the game. Im pretty sure he is getting a buff/rework soon tho, so its fine.

Bubba - If I'm honest, I put him in D tier for the memes. He can be higher on the list with beast marks and tuning guide. If you learn to not hit objects while using your saw you can even get some one shots on loops since beast marks makes him go so fast. If you really want to make him strong tho just slap agi and iron grasp and get people into the basement.


This is my personal opinion, feel free to disagree and let me know why so we can have a discussion.


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  • Member Posts: 777

    Nah, Bubba sucks. If it's @GrootDude , he's absolutely the best and will always be at LeatherFace. Other than that though, even at green ranks... you will be having a difficult time with him. Love the design, love the franchise, but he doesn't work right now in the majority of players mind. Of course, any killer can become really good if enough time and input is injected into them, but...

    I just don't see why Bubba is even considered as "stronger". Other than that, I agree with the tier list. Why has Amanda been shooting up in the rankings over Myers though? Did she get a buff I'm unaware about?

  • Member Posts: 14,110
  • Member Posts: 2,047

    I would put Hag 4th and Clown, Legion and Trapper lower.

  • Member Posts: 21

    The looking up strat with stridor and timer+crate addons, is really strong. Its scummy... but its strong. Thats the only reason I placed her higher than myers.

  • Member Posts: 777

    Yeah, that's with a perk and add-on to make him stronger. Why can't his power carry some weight? It makes him seem dull and counter-productive to play to win at high ranks. Plus, using a perk like Stridor (which is a good perk) ,but there are many better options.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Freddy has the map pressure hag doesn't, and huntress has insta hatchets and machine gun hatchets. Those are the reasons she isn't 4th imo. And for clown legion and trapper. They can be really strong with certain addons.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Yeah her power alone without addons isnt that good, which is why she is in B tier instead of A. And stridor isnt a good perk usually, but if you're using this looking up strat you need it. It makes it easier to track survivors while looking up.

  • Member Posts: 204

    I think against very competent survs only nurse, spirit, Billy and Huntress are really viable. Hag could work too but has bigger downsides.

    The rest of the killers are m1 so they are susceptible to lose too much time against 4 high end survivors, even with addons.

    Those killers can still work on normal matchmaking though, including rank 1.

    By the way, spirit is too easy to play considering she is one of the strongest.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Haha thank you ♥️ but judging by the fact you know everything I know in terms of his builds, addon combinations and overall chainsaw usage it's save to say there's not much of a difference between us. We're both capable of using Bubba to his full potential which in most cases results in rather quick games and "4k-safetypip" for using his ability.

  • Member Posts: 695

    4th really lol, Hag carries me to red rank every time.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Don't forget to mention Make Your Choice & the Hatch Camp technique on Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 2,047
    edited September 2019

    Hag has more map pressure than Freddy if you know how to play her. Also, nothing will save Huntress from bad map design, even Iridescent Heads. You can still mess with her on 80% of the maps.

    Post edited by Marcus on
  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited September 2019

    Hag is about tied with billy, she does not need a certain map to do good like huntress and even if you get a good huntress map she can still do better. with hag your movement speed is no issue since your using your traps and small TR to get hits and downs, if your chasing a survivor for more than 40 seconds your playing her wrong. As for Freddy hes good but cant apply the same map pressure as hag and cant get multiple consecutive hits to put major pressure on survivors. Freddy can also easily be looped even if hes using his default power, all you have to do is play the memory game with pallets which is at least for me pretty easy.

    edit: Also survivors who run around wasting your traps are just wasting their time, they often mess up and let you get right into chasing a new target. In all my time plating as hag a team like this is also rare and has never won against me.

  • Member Posts: 204

    Look, I once played against Michi, I'm trust you know him. He dced after seeing we had one obj of obs.

    If you're very good with huntress, there's no way a hag is more efficient

  • Member Posts: 21

    Explain how you're going to patrol gens with hag? You can kinda do it with mint rag, but even then good survivors won't let you. She does have probably the best area control out of all killers but when it comes to getting around big maps she lacks there.

    About huntress I agree she is very mad dependant which I forgot to mention. Well said.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Yeah you have good points there. I wouldn't say she's tied with billy but I can see the argument for it. On huge maps tho she cant have that good map pressure unless you're running mint rag. I would probably be okay with placing her above freddy maybe even above huntess.

  • Member Posts: 21

    I know michi. If huntress gets the right map she can be better yes but on some maps I'd say a good hag can be better. I dont know tbh I can see both sides.

  • Member Posts: 296

    People should never underestimate a Leatherface if it is a good one. You're either gonna get three types:

    - The face camper

    - below average in chases

    - one that can end a chase fast with high rank killer strategies.

  • Member Posts: 21

    For everyone going at it about huntress vs hag... the reason I put huntress higher is because of iri heads. But I can see both sides.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Thats why on huge maps you only protect half the gens even if they get the ones your not protecting and you still haven't hooked anyone as long as your trap set up is ready you get downs. if the survivors are just running back to the other side of the map let them and trap the route they take off a gen to get a hit. If we are talking about builds than nurses with M&A have given me tons of downs just after i let someone go or switched to a different target. Lastly unlike huntress if a survivor triggers your trap its a free hit every time assuming you use the correct trap placement at pallets and such unless they have dead hard of course and thats something huntress's hachets dont give you.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Michi is a good hag player and he was the one that got me into playing hag before she was even buffed but imo i think im better than him. When he plays he does put traps down correctly but he's decision making during matches is questionable, he's also kinda slow sometimes when it comes to placing traps. I've played hag for i think over a year and i play her pretty often still to the point were i ran out of all green addons but the arua reading ones even after i P3'ed her so i think i have the same experience him or a little less but at least based of gameplay i can tell that im a faster player than he is when it comes to what i listed.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i'd move Trapper to B tier, honestly.

    its not that he's a very strong killer, but he can be devestating in the right situations.

    also, i disagree when you said that he needs the iridescent stone and bloody coil to be considered good.

    imo those are not his strongest add ons - they are if you combine both of them, though each on their own isnt really that great.

    i'd say the add ons you should be using with him consistently would be 3 sets:

    1. the trap setting speed set
    2. the bag set
    3. the darkening set

    those are the add ons you wanna run on him, if you dont want to run the double red combo (i personally prefer all of these over the double reds btw).

    i honestly think that there is a huge difference between bad and good trappers. while i agree that bad trappers will end up getting stomped pretty much all the time, a good trapper can also stomp the survivors in very short time, so he has the potential to rise up in the ranking, though i agree you see very few Trappers out there that are actually very good with the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Hag is definitely better than Huntress and Freddy. Id also put Myers in front of Ghostface or at the bottom of A - Tier

  • Member Posts: 300

    I feel like people consistently overestimate hag. I would put her at solid b tier. The best hag can’t even compete with the best billy, huntress, or Freddy. She’s so slow already and still requires setup time.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Every time i see a post like this all i can say is that you sir have never played against a good hag player. I get to red rank after about a week every rank reset and in a months time i only lose 1 to 2 matches with her if im playing her more so than usual.

  • Member Posts: 1,172

    The Hag is S tier.

    Even if ppl crouch to not trigger traps around hooks and gens(don't put traps near gens it's useless) you can then change tactic and use your traps to break loops.

    Even more toxic is if like me, you got tons of add-on to turn your teleport traps into literally invisible walls with collision.

  • Member Posts: 21

    At the end of the day no matter how good you are with him without these addons good survivors will disarm all your traps. But yeah there is a difference between good trap placements and bad ones.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Btw, remember the Doctor release?

    I saw enough complaints on the forums about how he counters so much of the Survivors.

    And other people, including the devs, were like: "Yeah, that's the point."

    So people started learning and adapting.

    And now he truly is pretty godamn weak.

  • Member Posts: 300

    I didn’t say she was bad. She’s above average, but she’s isnt s tier and I do not believe she’s A. You have to set up traps or she’s useless. If your traps are broken or tripped at inopportune moments, you h ae to set up again. People have made it to red ranks with clown and legion. People made it there with old Freddy. That doesn’t mean anything. I stand by my former statement: the best hag cannot compete with the best huntress, billy, or Freddy

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Clown and Wraith (without good add-ons) are worse than Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 204

    You should see my Huntress and then make your conclusions. You all forget she has the highest skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited September 2019

    yet i rarely loss games with hag, can huntress get 4 people injured as easily as hag no, can she apply pressure across the map just by being a huntress no, can she sneak up on someone healing no, can she stop a loop with her power no, can they both get people down instantly yes. hag can get a hit than tp and down a survivor while huntress gets a hit and than another hit with a hachet but she also needs to hit that survivor by predicting movement and being accurate which means if they are not close to you you can miss them. all hag needs is someone to activate a trap and as long as you placed the trap correctly and react quickly its always a free hit. also as i previously said if survivors are triggering your traps as you are carrying a survivor it often leads to a chase right away. theres also the fact that survivors waste more time looking for your traps then you do placing them and replacing traps is not a real issue. lastly of course you need to set up traps or shes useless same thing goes for huntress with no hachets except she worse due to her 40m lullaby radius.

    I think nurse requires more skill but i understand why huntress also needs a lot of skill but she can still be looped like other killers and her map pressure is pretty weak due to her lullaby radius. she needs to apply pressure by downing and injuring survivors but hag also does that just fine and she also applies map pressure with her traps and small TR.

  • Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2019

    I imagine you’re a hag main. You might be good with her but hag herself isn’t in the same league as huntress. Huntress can injure 4 people SIGNIFICANTLY more easily than hag, and from a distance. Huntress can down people across the map. Huntress has an instadown, hag does NOT. Huntress laughs at window and pallet loops with her power. To ‘set up’ huntress goes to a locker for 2 seconds and every one of those hatchets is a potential hit, hag spends forever placing traps that may or may not pay off. Essentially everything you said is wrong. And huntress also requires more skill than nurse to be as good as you can be with her. Nurse is difficult for sure but with huntress you’re playing distance, arc, movements of survivors, and speed of throw. Nurse is really just blink distance and prediction.

    edit- as far as pressure across the map, you have clearly never played against a huntress sniping people off of gens, gates, chests, heals, and hooks

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    well, if you place them in easy to spot and obvious areas, yeah they will be disarmed...

    thats why you want to constantly move them around / use them during chases instead of replacing the same trap over and over again - unless ofc its something you want to keep under lock down.

    ive trapped a lot of "good" survivors, because they didnt expect my trap placement.

  • Member Posts: 21

    I can see that. That's why placements can vary depending on addons etc

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    first off she cant injure people people as easily as hag because all you need to injure someone is for a trap to go off and if your good at predicting routes survivors take or areas they go to you can get traps to trigger and get hits which often happens many times in a match and consecutively . Hell the survivors dont even have to be together to do this as hag but with huntress or literally any other killer they got to be. also you act like you always land hachets which in reality against good survivors you dont. they will be using line of sight blockers and dodging your hachets if your not throwing them from 6 meters away. Hag does not suffer from this and gets hits because as soon as a trap is triggered she tp's and the survivor has barley moved. Also huntress does do good at vaults but pallet loops? NO she does not, she still gets looped unlike hag who only needs to set up a trap before or during the chase. Also if a survivor is playing safe they wont get hit at loops that favor huntress and will throw down pallets early which wither you break it or not wastes your time.

    lastly as far as map pressure with huntress your clearly delusional if you think that she gets those hits often enough to be viable for an argument and good survivors will probably notice the hachet heading to them and move. Hell this happens more with hag when you just have a survivor randomly go into a trap.

  • Member Posts: 300

    I respectfully disagree. In my opinion hag compared to huntress is like comparing a sword to a shotgun. Hag is strictly worse but sometimes better.

  • Member Posts: 157
    edited September 2019

    If you think Hag is worse than Huntress then you're smoking something pretty good. The best Huntress player, Umbra said Hag is better than Huntress. This is general knowledge.

    Huntress is hurt by maps. Umbra which is like the best Huntress, D/C'd on Haddonfield. Hag is good on any map.

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