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should i report DCers in this case or not?

Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

before you all start typing:

i know that DCs in general should not be reportet, as that is tracked automatically and players will get banned for it by an algorythm, if they do it too frequently. i am aware of that, so please dont spam the comments with "no the algorythm will ban them" before reading the actual question, thanks.

now, to get to my main question:

should i report players who DCed during the game and then later on stated in the end chat, they only did it so i would not get any points / emblems / to annoy me? thats just plain out abuse of badly designed mechanics and followed the one and only intention to ruin my game and fun, which is just unsportsmanlike behavior - and imo should be reportable as such.

would this be considered to be a special case or is it still "just a DC" (and therefore not reportable)?

i'd love to have some official feedback on this one, so i know weather to report such cases additionally in the future (as i did now) or not to.

thank you in advance!

Best Answers

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    Answer ✓


    Like you said yourself, the algorithm eventually will catch up to them and give them what they deserve. But when it comes to people who're aware of the mechanics, and actively abuse them and state that in end game... is it OK then?

    Regardless of how the system works, if you feel they're abusing the mechanics of the game and that they're actively telling you that they're being sore losers about it... Than you can easily deduce if its OK to report them.

    To be honest, even if you report them off of the DCing the alone, its still OK. They'll just be aware of the player, and tell you what you stated above. If you want to report them off of the grounds of "unsportsmanlike conduct" since they actively are telling you why they DC'ed and that they think you "don't deserve the win" or something, than by all means go ahead.

    Its all personal opinion, but personally I think you're fine to do it man. You just need to have a open mind about how the system works, which you seem to already have. So you're fine.

  • ColoursBleed
    ColoursBleed Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2019 Answer ✓

    I'll always downvote/report someone in the post game if they DC.

    9/10 it will be because they're having a bad game throwing a tantrum or just want to ruin the game for everyone else.

    There may be an algorithm in place, but the reporting system is there to speed up the process in finding these players.

    Certainly in the example you have given, you should 100% report them. Toxic behavior like that should be penalised.

  • Commander_Fluffles
    Commander_Fluffles Member Posts: 37
    Answer ✓

    **This is not an official Response this is my personal opinion**

    I would say you should report them for being unsportsmanlike/abusive chat.

    My main thing with this is peopple who stay specifically to annoy you in post game are just being jerks, I often flag people in endgame who are specifically trying to insult others.

    Toxic Behaviour should not be encouraged and it does not have a place in this or any game.

    In my opinion, Of course.


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I only report if they have disconnected whilst downed or hooked, I see most of these as rage quitting. If they are running away, or moving at all, or are nowhere near me I treat it as a non voluntary disconnection and don't report them.

    I have been thrown out of the game on occasions whilst running or hiding from the killer so I understand these things happen.