Dedicated Servers

Is there an estimate on when they'll be up?
They just said Fall 2019. So probably Dec 20 at 11:59:59
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@Jakojo Please no. Every killer game I play survivors have like 150-200 ping and I have no idea why. I've just been waiting for the servers so I can go back to killer...
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Do you want those bugs?
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@Milo I'm not really sure what bugs and issues it has besides the projectile stuff. I was just saying I hope it isn't delayed till Winter.
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I can't stop laughing help
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So people playing on Switch have to suffer from these bugs?
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No we don't have an exact time because they're calibrating and perfecting it before the final product.
It's mainly to have it out the doors in a perfect condition, rather than a broken mess. So we don't exactly have a time frame when it'll be out... But it should be in a few months or so.
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No platform is playing on dedicated servers, their not suffering from these bugs.
Just the regular killer host Internet
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oh, I thought switch had servers up already.
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They are in fact using dedicated (confrimed)