The game is unplayable..

Can anyone help me with these issues or at least give me some kind of hope this stuff will be fixed so I can get back to playing this game. I've spent about 1k hours and i really love DBD, but after the recent patches, it's been impossible to play this game. I mainly play survivor solo and swf.

So the issues i've had lately:

  1. I can't get a swf game going. Literally spent 5 hours in this game today, managed to get to only 4 games during this time. Either one of us can't see the others at all in the lobby before we get connected to the killer lobby, or they can't see one guy ready up. Usually after waiting 30 minutes we finally get to a killer lobby just to see that one of us is not there. Waiting times are ridiculous and very frustrating. Sometimes I like to play with a friend from US (I am from EU) and the problem seems to be even worse when he is in the SWF lobby. Idk if this is due to him having higher ping or what. (We are all red ranks, if this matters for the matchmaking)
  2. Whenever I finally manage to get into a game, it just seems to be broken and unplayable. The bugs I have experienced in 8/10 games for the past days are:
  • Not being able to unhook or heal people
  • Not being able to interact with totems or seal Demogorgons portals
  • Not being able to interact with pallets
  • Being immortal (my body is just going through the killer, no matter what killer it is, i can't be injured)
  • Not being able to escape (running through the exit and eventually dying to EGC cause i just reach the edge of the map and run around there)
  • Haddonfield specific: falling through the ground near exit gate and ending up being able to escape even when 0 gens have been done

I have been reported by countless killers for "hacking" with the immortality bug and just ending up behind the shut exit gate. I honestly feel sorry for the killers who have faced survivors with these bugs. The game is far from enjoyable at its current state and atm i just don't really see it worth it to wait 30-45 minutes to get into a game, just to face all these bugs. Is there anything i can do to fix any of these issues? Me and all of my friends have tried all the common fixes (validating game files, updating drivers etc) but nothing seems to work.

Thanks for your help!


  • Xcheesemongrolx
    Xcheesemongrolx Member Posts: 115

    What platform do you play on I've seen the invisible survivor bug the way to fix that is the survivor who is invisible needs to reset his game but I've never heard or seen the god mode bug you should probably submit a ticket and if you have proof that would be really helpful on getting that fixed

  • baemm
    baemm Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2019

    I play on PC. It has happened countless times to me. Usually it's some kind of combination of all of these bugs. Not being able to escape usually happens when i get the immortality bug too. I have restarted my game every time these bugs happen but it seems to have no effect. Thanks for your reply :)

  • Xcheesemongrolx
    Xcheesemongrolx Member Posts: 115

    The glitch where you can't escape can be bypassed if you find hatch and if you get the glitch often you can just bring a key with you i know its dumb that you'd have to bring an item just so you can escape but the only other way to fix them is submit a ticket on the support page and hope they fix it in the next patch