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Survivors Blowing Up Generators On Purpose?


I was playing as The Shape the other day on Xbox One and since I haven’t mastered being a killer, I ended up only being able to kill one person because whenever I hooked him, his teammates kept helping him. Anyway, I noticed throughout the match, the survivors were constantly blowing up generators to the point where it seemed as if it were on purpose. Since I'm new to this community, is this some way of mocking/taunting the killer?


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    A usual taunt in this community is keep fast vaulting a window or a pallet. There's no such thing with generators, to mock the killer. Unless it was specifically done to hinder the team. But is something really rare.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    If they were farming you for bloodpoints, they may have intentionally been trying to regress the gens a bit, or trying to distract you during a chase like some of my idiot friends have recently decided is a good idea.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    No, sometimes Survivors fail skill checks because they're either trying to brute force a Ruin hex, or because they're trying to hit the great skill check normally.

    Its common to see Survivors fail skill checks, even at lower ranks like Green, Yellow, and especially Grey. This wasn't a form of mockery, Survivors mock the Killer in other ways like T-bagging, flashlight clicking, etc. This isn't one of them, as failing skill checks on generators actually regresses them a bit.

    So even if it was to mock you, they wouldn't benefit from it. So this for sure wasnt intentional on their part...

  • ColoursBleed
    ColoursBleed Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2019

    Sometimes they will blow up a gen to distract you from something else. Or, if they're confident at looping and chasing, then they may just be trying to lure you out to distract you and run you around.

    Its pretty toxic and can be infuriating when they're clearly more skilled than you. (Has happened to me a lot 😂)

    You just have to learn when they're baiting you and when its genuine. Comes with time and practice.